inFamous Is Back Folks. And This Time It's Gonna Give You A "Heart-Attack".

Rad announcement for Sony. Rad announcement for Sucker Punch. Rad announcement for us. Heck, how great was the original inFamous? Very great is the correct answer.

But you ain't seen nothing yet. Sucker Punch has teased in US magazine GameInformer that inFamous 2 is so great it'll "give you a heart-attack". Or something.

"[inFamous 1] was a superhero game that you could get into and have a good time," Sucker Punch told the mag. "The second game, if we do our jobs right, will hopefully give you a heart attack."

<span>They added: "We're able to have a much more empathetic narrative this time. There are bigger consequences to your choices, and it's not really obvious what's good and bad.

<!--[bigpic]--> "Morality is certainly a big part of the product. And we are committed to making it impactful and meaningful, and have it be something you feel is responsive to how you're playing the game."</span>

That sounds cool. The game will be set in New Orleans this time, and Sucker Punch claim that makes for an "incredible jungle gym of mobility", which arguably was the original games strength.

"It becomes this landscape of opportunities when you can zip up a building, then find a wire that goes across empty space. You're making it up as you go, and you're stringing together these cool moves that allow you to dominate the space in a way that only Cole can do."

<span>Sounds totally awesome. We couldn't really be more excited for this game, the original was an absolute blast and is still one of the best Playstation 3 games to date.