How Could You Delay Such A Friendly Face?

They speculated that LittleBigPlanet 2 was about to be pushed out of its original November launch window and into 2011.

Sony's come out to quash the comments as "rumour and speculation," but we would have honestly preferred a statement along the lines of: "No, LittleBigPlanet 2 will still launch in November 2010."

We can't see a reasonable explanation for the game being delayed. Moving into 2011 wouldn't exactly give LittleBigPlanet more breathing space, as Sony's first quarter looks stacked purely from a first-party perspective. As such, we can only assume the delay would be down to a serious bug; but we doubt that.

Hopefully this is all just wild speculation. If we're not playing LittleBigPlanet 2 this Christmas, we're going to be very upset.