Will they, won't they? The ongoing saga of whether DualShock 3 and Move users will be able to pit their skills against each other on the battlefields of Killzone 3 has taken many a twist and turn, but now the word has come from the official US PlayStation blog that yes, the two controllers will go head-to-head online in February.
Sid Shuman, Sony's senior social media specialist, gave the word in the comments section of the latest post:
Checked into this (thanks for the patience) and there are no segregated servers — everyone plays together. The Killzone team is confident that the playing field is level between the controller types, however.
If you're wanting to head into battle against the Helghast you may have your eye on the PlayStation Move Sharp Shooter, the new rifle-style accessory from Sony that aims to make your first-person shooters a little more involving. The blog goes into more detail about how the gun fits together, as well as its customisable button layouts that will prove a godsend for left-handed gamers.
Be sure to check out the new pictures and videos over at the official US PlayStation blog and stay tuned for more Killzone 3 information before February rolls around.
[source blog.us.playstation.com]
Comments 11
MAG doesn't have separate servers, and frankly, the PC gaming world allows a myriad of controllers with perhaps some imbalance, but nothing deal breaking. So, I'd be more concerned if they decided they had to go with separate servers.
Great, maybe this will finally convince Wii owners their controller isn't 500 times faster/more accurate/better than a standard controller.
I don't see what this has to do with Wii owners.
I've put many hours into the Beta and I can honestly say that the game is phenomenal. I'm not a fan of the previous Killzone titles but Killzone 3 has completely changed my opinion, and I can't wait to finally get the full release of the game!
Besides people with a Wii like controller and others with a standard controller playing together? That would be the most obvious connection to me.
I don't envision DS3 owners cowering in fear because they have to play against a supposedly superior control scheme, unless people have given that up now that it's not exclusive.
@Alex.... The standard Move/Navi set-up has a steep learning curve and initially users will find that they can't compete with the Dualshock users. After a few days of getting used to them, Move users will find they can have an advantage over the Dualshock users with more speed and precision.
The Sharp Shooter brings in some concern for me. It has a sort of auto-aim lock that can create a huge advantage over the Dualshock/Move set-up. The video in the Blog link above will give you a better understanding of what exactly I'm talking about.
@Slappy The auto-aim is a software feature for Move and DS3 players alike, and can be enabled/disabled as you prefer.
@James... it's the same way with Goldeneye Wii, and even with the Pro Controller you literally have to have it on to have a fighting chance. This feature wasn't available in the Beta to my knowledge, so I'm really curious to see how it all turns out. I will be using the Sharp Shooter and enjoying it anyways!
I'll be playing with the DS3, so look forward to a whoopin' when I see you playin' Killzone 3 with your pointer thingy on my friends list.
You know, maybe it could have been better to make 3 different servers. One for Move, one for DS3, and one for both. I assume that would take too much monitoring though.
@Turtle... I don't think so. I think they will have it all balanced up, as even in Goldeneye Wii, it all works really well as long as the lock-on is kept on, as the lock-on isn't a guaranteed kill it just stops the screen from moving around so much.
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