News - 2010, Week 45

Sunday14th Nov 2010

  • News Capcom: Expect an Evolved Move Controller for PlayStation 4

    Sony will learn from Move says Capcom boss

    David Reeves, current head of Capcom Europe and former boss of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe, has spoken to Eurogamer about the importance of supporting Move beyond PlayStation 3's life cycle. I think [motion control is] the preamble to what might come in the next static consoles. There's so much...

  • Review Get Fit with Mel B (PlayStation 3)

    Spice up your life

    When people think of gamers, they don't usually think “fitness.” Yet once motion gaming was introduced, a surge of exercise games began entering the market. Some, like Wii Fit, have been a huge success, causing companies like EA and Ubisoft to follow suit. Many of these titles are paired with a celebrity name to help set them...

  • News Get Fight Ready with UFC Personal Trainer in April 2011

    Get Brock solid

    Although we know plenty of men who'd like to get sweaty with Mel B, next year sees a far more masculine take on fitness enter the Move ring, with UFC Personal Trainer from THQ set to launch in April. An extension of THQ's successful collaboration with UFC, the game will give players a hard workout with a range of athletic disciplines...

Saturday13th Nov 2010

Friday12th Nov 2010

Thursday11th Nov 2010

Wednesday10th Nov 2010

Tuesday9th Nov 2010

Monday8th Nov 2010