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You may remember a January rumour that we could see fan-made Move games come to PC. It's no longer just a rumour though, as Sony has announced Move.Me, a software suite coming to PS3 and PC later this year.

John McCutchan explains the system more meaningfully than we could try, so it's over to him to explain what Move.Me does:

In short, Move.Me is a server application that runs on the PS3 system. It allows anyone with a PS3 to experiment with motion controls and is officially sanctioned and supported by Sony Computer Entertainment. Move.Me sends the complete state of the PlayStation Move and navigation controllers to the PC, giving you the exact same data that licensed developers typically have access to.

The full GDC session is going on right now, so we expect to have more information about Move.Me in the near future.

A diagram in action

Will you be dabbling in Sony's hobbyist software?
