We're just days away from SOCOM: Special Forces (known as SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs in North America) so it's just as well that corporate VP of everything Kevin Butler has sprung up to show us how to kick backside in Zipper Interactive's third-person strategic shooter.
Apparently teamwork is the key to success, but the extra accuracy afforded by PlayStation Move, the impressive Sharp Shooter and the presence of some real Navy SEALs probably doesn't hurt either.
SOCOM: Special Forces lands next week. Hoo-ah!
[source blog.us.playstation.com]
Comments 4
I love the Donut!!! lol Is that Move-Compatible too? lol
Good old Kev, always worth a chuckle!
Best Commercial so far lol
Nice commercial but I would preferred that it had contained more gameplay footage.
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