99/29.99 now £11.99/14.99) [/div]</ul>
Playable Content
- Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team (£6.29/7.99)
- Galaga Legions DX (£7.99/9.99)
- Spelunker HD (£7.99/9.99)
- Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell HD (£7.99/9.99)
- Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow HD (£7.99/9.99)
- Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory HD (£7.99/9.99)
- Driver San Francisco Demo
- El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron Demo
- Madden NFL 12 Demo
- Hysteria Project 2 (£1.74/1.99)
Add-On Game Content
- MX vs. ATV Alive! - Agv Ax-8 (£.59/0.75)
- MX vs. ATV Alive! - Axo Explosion (£1.19/1.49)
- MX vs. ATV Alive! - Axo Sub Zero (£1.19/1.49)
- MX vs. ATV Alive! - Pack 4 (£.59/0.75)
- Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 3 Kshatriya Pack (£3.19/3.99)
- EyePet: Move Edition Lucky Dip Animals 4 (free)
- LittleBigPlanet 2 Perseids Costume (free)
- Magic: The Gathering: Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012 Full Deck "Apex Predators" (£0.79/0.99)
- Mortal Kombat 9 - Mortal Kombat DLC Warrior Bundle (£8.99/11.25)
- Mortal Kombat 9 - Freddy Krueger Playable Warrior (£3.19/3.99)
- Worms 2: Armageddon - Forts Pack (£2.99/3.59)
- Worms 2: Armageddon - Puzzle Pack (£2.99/3.59)
- Transformers: Dark of the Moon SIDESWIPE (£0.40/0.49)
- Red Faction: Armageddon - Commando Pack Pack (£1.59/1.99)
- Red Faction: Armageddon - Recon Pack Pack (£1.59/1.99)
- DanceDanceRevolution: New Moves DDR Supernova Greatest Hits 1 (£2.99/3.59)
Rock Band Network
- Crazy Nonpoint (£0.99/1.49)
- Miracle Nonpoint (£0.99/1.49)
- Positive Force Magnus 'SoulEye' Pålsson (£0.59/0.75)
- The Battle Of Lil' Slugger dB Soundworks (£0.59/0.75)
- What's Left Of Me Blessthefall (£0.99/1.49)
Rock Band 3
- Animal (Live) (£0.99/1.49)
- Bringin' On The Heartbreak (£0.99/1.49)
- Photograph (£0.99/1.49)
- Pour Some Sugar On Me (Live) (£0.99/1.49)
- Rock Of Ages (£0.99/1.49)
- Undefeated (£0.99/1.49)
- EyePet (£0.20/0.25 each)
Premium Themes
- Horrible Bosses Theme (free)
- Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Trilogy Theme 1 (free)
- Big Bang Part 1 Static Theme By Jago Vs Mcattee (£1.59/1.99)
- Beyond Reality Static Theme By Sicksystems (£1.59/1.99)
- Dazzle Eye Dynamic Theme By Mvm (£2.39/2.99)
- Mobile Dynamic Theme By Sonbr (£2.39/2.99)
- Gimp Galaxy Dynamic Theme By Bob London (£2.39/2.99)
- Eye See You Dynamic Theme By Mago (£2.39/2.99)
- Boats Theme (£1.59/1.99)
- Flaming Skull Theme (£1.59/1.99)
- Green Grass Theme (£1.59/1.99)
- Invaders Theme (£1.59/1.99)
- Oregon Coast Theme (£1.59/1.99)
- Abstract Laser Art Theme (£1.25/1.59)
- Destination: Seattle (£1.59/1.99)
- Orange Flares (£1.59/1.99)
- Backbreaker Vengeance Launch Trailer
- Captain America Launch Trailer
- Dead Block Debut Trailer
- Sonic the Hedgehog 20th Anniversary Trailer
- The Cursed Crusade Teaser Trailer
PlayStation Plus Bonuses
- Exclusive access to Resistance 3 Multiplayer Beta - Ends 4th September 2011, exclusive to Plus until 17th August
- 20% off Spelunker HD - Ends 24th August 2011
- 20% off Splinter Cell HD
- 10% off Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow HD
- Free theme with purchase of Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory - Ends 7th September 2011
- 15% off Worms 2: Armageddon Forts pack
- 15% off Worms 2: Armageddon Puzzle pack - Ends 7th September 2011
- 20% off Street Fighter III: Third Strike Online Edition pre-order
- 20% off The Baconing pre-order
- 20% off Bloodrayne: Betrayal pre-order
- 20% off Renegade Ops pre-order - Ends 20th September 2011
- 20% off each The Studio Theme
THQ Discounts (Available until August 17)
- Mx Vs Atv Reflex Track Pack 1 Dlc (was £3.19/3.99 now £1.59/1.99)
- Mx Vs Atv Reflex Track Pack 2 Dlc (was £3.19/3.99 now £1.59/1.99)
- WWE Smackdown Vs Raw 2011 Fan Axxess (was £6.29/7.99 now £3.19/3.99)
- WWE Smackdown Vs Raw 2011 WWE Discount Pack 1 (was £4.39/5.49 now £2.39/2.99)
- WWE Smackdown Vs Raw 2011 WWE Discount Pack 2 (was £1.99/2.49 now £0.95/1.19)
- WWE Smackdown Vs Raw 2011 Digital Download (was £23.99/29.99 now £11.99/14.99)
- WWE Smackdown Vs Raw 2010 Stone Cold Steve Austin Dlc (was £0.79/0.99 now £0.40/0.49)
- WWE Smackdown Vs Raw 2009 Roster Update (was £1.59/1.99 now £0.79/0.99)
- WWE Smackdown Vs Raw 2009 Roster Update 2 (was £1.59/1.99 now £0.79/0.99)
- Costume Quest (Trial & Unlock Digital Download) (was £8.99/11.25 now £4.39/5.49)
- Costume Quest Grubbins On Ice (was £3.19/3.99 now £1.59/1.99)
- Red Faction: Battlegrounds Origins Pack (was £1.99/2.49 now £0.95/1.19)
- Red Faction: Battlegrounds Armageddon Pack (was £1.99/2.49 now £0.95/1.19)
- Red Faction: Guerrilla (Full Game Digital Download) (was £15.99/19.99 now £7.99/9.99)
- Red Faction: Guerrilla Demons Of The Badlands Pack 1 Dlc (was £6.29/7.99 now £3.19/3.99)
- Red Faction: Guerrilla Smasher Pack 3 Dlc (was £2.39/2.99 now £1.19/1.49)
- Red Faction: Guerrilla Multiplayer Pack 2 Dlc (was £4.79/5.99 now £2.39/2.99)
- Stacking (Full Game Digital Download) (was £8.99/11.25 now £4.39/5.49)
- Stacking The Lost Hobo King (was £3.19/3.99 now £1.59/1.99)
- Saints Row 2: Ultor Exposed Dlc (was £3.19/3.99 now £1.59/1.99)
- Saints Row 2: Corporate Warfare Dlc (was £1.99/2.49 now £1.19/1.49)
- Ufc Undisputed 2010 (Full Game Digital Download) (was £31.99/39.99 now £15.99/19.99)
- Ufc 2009: Undisputed Additional Fighters Dlc (was £3.19/3.99 now £1.59/1.99)
- Mx Vs Atv Alive 180 Decals Galaxy (was £1.19/1.49 now £0.59/0.75)
- Mx Vs Atv Alive Answer Skullcandy (was £1.19/1.49 now £0.59/0.75)
- Mx Vs Atv Alive Bikegraphix Fmx (was £1.19/1.49 now £0.59/0.75)
- Mx Vs Atv Alive Fox Racing 360 Se (was £1.19/1.49 now £0.59/0.75)
- Mx Vs Atv Alive Limited Decal Standard (was £1.19/1.49 now £0.59/0.75)
- Mx Vs Atv Alive Thor Core (was £1.19/1.49 now £0.59/0.75)
- Mx Vs Atv Alive Msr Axxis (was £1.19/1.49 now £0.59/0.75)
- Mx Vs Atv Alive O'Neal Element (was £1.19/1.49 now £0.59/0.75)
- Mx Vs Atv Alive O'Neal Hardwear (was £1.19/1.49 now £0.59/0.75)
- Mx Vs Atv Alive Quarry Nationals Events Pack (was £3.19/3.99 now £1.59/1.99)
- Mx Vs Atv Alive Yamaha Yfz450 Atv (was £1.99/2.49 now £0.95/1.19)
- Mx Vs Atv Alive Ktm 350Sxf Mx (was £1.99/2.49 now £0.95/1.19)
- Mx Vs Atv Alive Ktm 450Sx Atv (was £1.99/2.49 now £0.95/1.19)
- Mx Vs Atv Alive Yamaha Yz450F Mx (was £1.99/2.49 now £0.95/1.19)
- Mx Vs Atv Alive Yamaha Yz125 Mx (was £1.99/2.49 now £0.95/1.19)
- Mx Vs Atv Alive Ktm 250Sxf Mx (was £1.99/2.49 now £0.95/1.19)
- Mx Vs Atv Alive Ktm Sx150 Mx (was £1.99/2.49 now £0.95/1.19)
- Mx Vs Atv Alive Yamaha Yz250F Mx (was £1.99/2.49 now £0.95/1.19)
- Mx Vs Atv Alive Answer Rockstar (was £0.59/0.75 now £0.24/0.29)
- Mx Vs Atv Alive Fox Racing V3 Se (was £0.59/0.75 now £0.24/0.29)
- Mx Vs Atv Alive One Industries Kombat (was £0.59/0.75 now £0.24/0.29)
- Mx Vs Atv Alive One Industries Rockstar (was £0.59/0.75 now £0.24/0.29)
- Mx Vs Atv Alive Pack 1 (was £0.59/0.75 now £0.24/0.29)
- Mx Vs Atv Alive Pack 2 (was £0.59/0.75 now £0.24/0.29)
- Mx Vs Atv Alive Troy Lee Designs Ditd (was £0.59/0.75 now £0.24/0.29)
- Mx Vs Atv Alive Fox 360 (was £1.19/1.49 now £0.59/0.75)
- WWE Smackdown Vs Raw 2011 All Unlockables (was £0.59/0.79 now £0.24/0.29)
- WWE Smackdown Vs Raw 2011 Bret Hart Public Release (was £0.59/0.79 now £0.24/0.29)
- WWE Smackdown Vs Raw 2011 Superstar Attribute Customizer (was £0.59/0.79 now £0.24/0.29)
- WWE Smackdown Vs Raw 2011 Undertaker Ministry Of Darkness Public Release (was £0.59/0.79 now £0.24/0.29)
- WWE Smackdown Vs Raw 2011 British Bulldog (was £1.19/1.49 now £0.59/0.75)
- WWE Smackdown Vs Raw 2011 Lex Luger (was £1.19/1.49 now £0.59/0.75)
- WWE Smackdown Vs Raw 2011 Nxt Arena + Theme Songs (was £0.59/0.75 now £0.24/0.29)
- WWE Smackdown Vs Raw 2011 Cm Punk, With Mask (was £0.59/0.75 now £0.24/0.29)
- WWE Smackdown Vs Raw 2011 David Otunga (was £0.59/0.75 now £0.24/0.29)
- WWE Smackdown Vs Raw 2011 Hbk: Wrestlemania Viii Attire (was £0.59/0.75 now £0.24/0.29)
- WWE Smackdown Vs Raw 2011 John Cena, New Attire (was £0.59/0.75 now £0.24/0.29)
- WWE Smackdown Vs Raw 2011 Justin Gabriel (was £0.59/0.75 now £0.24/0.29)
- WWE Smackdown Vs Raw 2011 Layla (was £0.59/0.75 now £0.24/0.29)
- WWE Smackdown Vs Raw 2011 Undertaker, American Badass (was £0.59/0.75 now £0.24/0.29)
- WWE Smackdown Vs Raw 2011 Wade Barrett (was £0.59/0.75 now £0.24/0.29)
- WWE Smackdown Vs Raw 2011 WCW Nitro Arena (was £0.59/0.75 now £0.24/0.29)
- Marvel Super Hero Squad (Full Game Digital Download) (was £7.99/9.99 now £3.99/4.99)
- Marvel Super Hero Squad: The Infinity Gauntlet Captain America Collection (was £1.99/2.49 now £0.95/1.19)
- Marvel Super Hero Squad: The Infinity Gauntlet The Thanos Throwdown (was £1.99/2.49 now £0.95/1.19)
- Spongebob Squarepants: Yellow Avenger (Full Game Digital Download) (was £7.99/9.99 now £3.99/4.99)
- WWE Smackdown Vs Raw 2009 (Full Game Digital Download) (was £27.99/34.99 now £13.99/17.99)
PSP Content!!
- Hysteria Project 2 (£1.74/1.99)
Add-On Game Content
- [div]Buzz!: The Ultimate Music Quiz - National Geographic Undersea Quiz (£3.19/3.99) [/div]
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