Sony's Rob Dyer Has Shot Down Microsoft's Content Policy.

In an interview with IndustryGamers, Sony's VP of public relations, Rob Dyer, pointed a loaded gun at the policy, accusing Microsoft of "protecting inferior technology". Meow.

Dyer went as far as to say that Microsoft's policies stand in the way of innovation, by not allowing multiplatform developers to exploit the PlayStation 3's high-end features.

"I think what [XBOX Europe boss] Chris [Lewis] and the other representatives at Microsoft are doing is protecting an inferior technology," he explained.

"I think they want to dumb it down and keep it as pedestrian as possible so that if you want to do anything for Blu-ray, or you have extra content above 9GB, or you want to do anything of that nature, you'd better sure as heck remember that Microsoft can't handle that."

Microsoft's guidelines state that all games released on the XBOX 360 must launch "simultaneously" with other systems and must have "at least" the same features and content. Microsoft reserves the right to block content if those guidelines aren't met.

"That's a huge problem with them," continued Dyer.

"It first started on the smaller pubs, and we can talk about what's happened on XBL and the policy they have there that requires publishers to have a whole litany of things in order to get onto their network or they have to go through and be published by XBOX, by Microsoft, which essentially lets them dictate how long they'll be exclusive and whether or not they own the IP, etc, etc.

"We don't do that. We don't have any kind of policy like that.

"In fact, we've gone the other way to try and encourage publishers through our Pub Fund... We want to welcome the indies and we've seen that become a very big part of our business because indies are recognising that we aren't demanding a pound of flesh in order for them to get a game published on our network."

But the problem is not limited to indie developers, but also AAA studios according to Dyer.

"It's now progressed to not just be these smaller indie pubs that are obviously very easy to kick around. It's moved up the food chain. It's gone to B and A level publishers," he said.

"So potentially any time we've gone out and negotiated exclusive content of things that we've announced at things like DPS or E3, publishers are getting the living crap kicked out of them by Microsoft because they are doing something for the consumer that is better on our platform than it might be perceived on theirs.

"So from a creativity standpoint and what we are doing to try to make it better for the consumer, our view is Microsoft's doing everything they can to eliminate that because they have an inferior technology."

Dyer added that he understands why Microsoft has the policy in place, but feels that the consumer is losing out in the long-run.

"I just wanted to make it clear from Chris Lewis' comment last week and the fact that he's saying, 'Well, this is great for consumers,' and that they're going to protect their consumers. I think that that is an admirable stance to take.

"That being said, while they might be protecting their consumers, what are they protecting them from? And what it looks like they're protecting them from is the ability to see great content show up on a superior technology.

"The problem we're having right now is these threats and these serious issues that Microsoft is throwing at publishers - it's only going to dumb down what could potentially come out for a number of these games.

"And whether people are willing to stand up to Microsoft on this stuff or not is up to that publisher and they do it at their own risk."

Dyer cited Sony's relationship with Valve and CCP Games as an area where it is trying to open things up for developers.

"I can't wait to see what's happening on Counter-Strike. We're working with them on that. I think we're going to have some really cool things. We're pumped up. We're also very pumped up in working with guys like CCP as a matter of fact to try and be more inclusive rather than being very restrictive."

We don't think Dyer's off-base with any of his comments. We can't help but wonder if compressed cut-scenes on PS3 are a factor of Microsoft's intervention too. It's always struck us as bizarre that third-parties don't take full advantage of the PS3's Blu-ray disc.

With the lid off on Microsoft's cut-throat policies, it'll be interesting to see what else emerges from this story in the future. We very much doubt this is the last we'll be hearing about the subject.

[Thanks IndustryGamers]