The PlayStation brand has been around for over 15 years, and during that time Sony has cemented itself as a powerhouse in the world of video games. From its humble 32-bit beginnings to 1080p HD and stereoscopic 3D graphics, PlayStation is synonymous with progress.
In the spirit of new beginnings here at Push Square, join us for a look back at several notable firsts from PlayStation's first 15 years.
First PlayStation Concept: SNES-CD

It’s common knowledge that the genesis of the PlayStation hardware lies in a CD attachment for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, making for a fairly robust opportunity for “what might have been.”
Nintendo had always been interested in disc technology for its consoles, but the frailty and ease of piracy of magnetic discs kept that curiosity at bay. When CD-ROM XA technology was on the rise, Sony’s Ken Kutaragi contacted Nintendo about a partnership; Nintendo agreed, and Sony began work on the SNES-CD, which was set to be announced at the 1991 Consumer Electronics Show.
Hiroshi Yamauchi, Nintendo's president at the time, found the contract unacceptable as it gave Sony complete control over any and all titles that were to be published on the SNES-CD format. He cancelled all plans for the SNES-CD and instead announced a partnership between Nintendo and Philips, allowing Nintendo to create Philips CD-i games featuring its famous characters.
After briefly considering abandoning all its research, Sony instead went ahead with its plans for a standalone console. After a court battle with Nintendo over the name “Play Station,” Sony would eventually release the PlayStation, which would go on to radically alter the video game industry.
First Mascot: Polygon Man

If you don’t remember Polygon Man, you’re not alone. His reign as the mascot for the PlayStation was astonishingly short-lived: in fact, he was dropped before the PlayStation even launched, replaced by Sofia from Battle Arena Toshinden. He only appeared in a few print ads and one t-shirt before being abandoned.
According to Phil Harrison, head of Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios at the time, Ken Kutaragi, global head of the entire PlayStation brand and legendary "father of the PlayStation", was appalled when he first saw Polygon Man. In a 2009 interview with Edge Magazine, Harrison recalled:
"I remember walking onto the E3 booth in 1995 with Ken and seeing the Polygon Man design on the side of the booth. Ken just went absolutely insane, but the thing that really upset Ken was that the Polygon Man design wasn’t Gouraud shaded, it was flat shaded! So Polygon Man was taken out into the car park and quietly shot."
First PlayStation Million-Seller: Tekken

Erupting into arcades in 1994, Tekken took the fighting game world by storm. It was one of the first fighting games to use 3D models for its characters rather than 2D sprites, building off the success of SEGA’s Virtua Fighter. Further separating itself from traditional fighters, Tekken eschewed the standard “light, medium, hard” button set up, instead making each of the four attack buttons correspond to a fighter’s individual arms and legs.
Of course Tekken was a natural fit to make the jump to PlayStation, which was still wowing gamers with cutting-edge graphics at home. Tekken sold countless consoles, and as such it holds the Guinness World Record for the first game to sell one million copies on PlayStation.
First Dual Analogue Controller

While pretty much everyone with a remote interest in video games is familar with the DualShock controller, the history of the dual analogue controller is a bit less straightforward than most assume.
Sony was indeed the first to introduce a controller with two analogue sticks, first revealing the Dual Analogue Controller in November 1996 and launching it in Japan in April 1997. In Japan, the controller featured rumble capabilities, although this feature was removed for the European and American releases later in 1997. The controller featured longer handgrips than the PlayStation’s first controller, citing Japanese gamers to consider it uncomfortable.
American and European customers felt slighted that the Japanese version had rumble while theirs did not, so Sony quietly tweaked the design, rebranding it as the DualShock for a Japanese release in late November 1997 and in 1998 for North American and Europe.
Aside from the longer grips, the Dual Analogue differed in several ways from the now iconic DualShock, featuring plastic analogue sticks rather than the rubberised textured sticks featured later, different shoulder buttons and a raised “Analogue” button.
First Remodel: PSone
Every console and handheld produced by Sony has had at least one major hardware revision over its lifespan, a tradition that dates right back to the original PlayStation. Dubbed the “PSone” to differentiate it from the newly released PlayStation 2 (which was often shortened to just “PS2”), the dinky machine was drastically smaller than its predecessor. It also featured a brand-new system menu when no game disc was inserted.
To go with the new system design, a 5” LCD screen was also released in a “combo pack” with the PSone, which plugged into the system and allowed gamers to play without being near a TV. The screen, however, did not draw power from the system itself nor from a battery pack; it needed to be plugged into an wall outlet or into a car, giving birth to the “portable PlayStation” concept a full four years before the release of the PSP.
Released in 2000, it went on to sell more units than any other console that year — including PlayStation 2.
First Online Game: SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs

When the PlayStation 2 launched it featured no method of online play, standing as a stark contrast to the emphasis of Sega’s Dreamcast console, released in 1999. When Microsoft rolled out its Xbox console with the promise of its Xbox Live online service, Sony released the PlayStation 2 Network Adapter in 2001.
The first Sony-published game to take advantage of their new online capabilities was SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs, a tactical squad-based shooter.
While the single player game suffered from poor squad AI, online multiplayer allowed players to group together to tackle other devious human opponents, with a bundled USB headset allowing you to co-operate with — or curse at — your online squad mates.
First Giant Enemy Crab: E3 2006
When Sony finally demoed the PlayStation 3 at E3 in 2006 it was, in a word, sloppy. A high price point, underwhelming software and several on-stage bungles soured what should have been a monumental occasion.
The lowlight of the conference was when demoing the title Genji: Days of the Blade — then simply called Genji 2 — producer Bill Ritch explained how the game featured “famous battles that actually took place in ancient Japan,” and as soon as he finished his sentence the game moved into a boss battle against a “giant enemy crab,” which had to be defeated by “hitting its weak point for massive damage.”
Luckily Sony was able to right the ship, but the Giant Enemy Crab will be forever immortalised in meme status, with gamers and websites continuing to poke fun to this very day.
First 3D Game: Invincible Tiger: The Legend of Han Tao

3D is all the rage these days, with Sony in particular pushing it as a big part of the PlayStation 3’s arsenal. While many first- and second-party titles for the PS3 feature stereoscopic 3D, the first eye-popping title to hit the platform wasn’t from Sony itself, but rather from Namco Bandai.
Invincible Tiger: The Legend of Han Tao was a pretty straightforward beat ‘em up which took many cues from the arcade and NES classic Kung-Fu. What put the game on the map was that it was the first console game to feature 3D capabilities. It featured an anaglyph mode (which required the use of red and blue glasses) as well as stereoscopic 3D, the now “standard” version of 3D featured in theatres and televisions.
While Invincible Tiger: The Legend of Han Tao received rather mediocre reviews, it will remain notable for being the first game to take advantage of a new way to experience interactive entertainment.
PlayStation has been around a long time and will undoubtedly continue to innovate in the future. Whatever Sony's next big firsts are, you can be sure we'll be there every step of the way.
Comments 23
I've been there since day one! I remember PlayStation without analogue sticks and then the shoddy dual analogue FPS games that were found on the PSone. But I'll never forget the first time I played Metal Gear Solid with a DualShock in-hand and felt the DARPA Chief die of a hear attack - I thought I was going to have one myself!
PSone had some really solid titles and I've got the lot of them stashed away.
The PSone was the first console I ever got. I remember playing Spyro and Rayman on it. Good times.
I remember when the PS1 came out... me and my bro went halfsies on one of 'em and he took it while I got his old original PSX (that monstrosity had the parallel port on the back of it and the top didn't close half the time, you had to put a book on it to use it, lol). That was back when we both had our first jobs, and I scrimped and saved to buy games for it... to be honest, at that point i didn't really look back to my N64 at all, and having that Playstation around was a big reason why I skipped the GBA/GC Nintendo generation. So many good times~
Really fun read, Joe. Could it be said that PaRappa was the first anthropomorphic rap game?
That was a good read, I still remember my PlayStation first... Crash Bandicoot. Brilliant times.
Outstanding read Joe!
I kept a notebook of magazine and newspaper clippings of every piece of PlayStation news in the two years leading up to its release. I even remember walking into Montgomery Wards on the morning of the system's release and asking for it when not one clerk in the store had any idea what I was talking about. Then going home and playing Battle Arena Toshinden for the next week like a mad man. LOL
Another significant moment was the night I walked into the Electronic's Boutique store in the mall to buy Tekken 2 and saw one of the most amazing games I'd ever seen playing on the demo screen in the store window. It was Crash Bandicoot and I bought it instead. Man I loved that game. Played it into the damn dirt.
PS2 was my first Sony console. Got it for Christmas instead of the Gamecube I wanted. But it eventually overruled that decision because of the tons of great 3rd party titles that came out for it
First sony system for me: PS2 (First game: FFX)
I fondly remember the old Spyro and Crash games. Oh and Rayman M for the PS2
I remember renting the first Resident Evil having no idea what it was. I came away amazed.
First Giant Enemy Crab was the best thing ever!
Really great article Joe. I remember first getting my Playstation, sitting in our back room, demo disc in hand(only game i had for about a month), convinced i was holding the future and overwhelmed by the idea that i was getting ready to experience it.... Such a cool moment in my life... Being an only child, i really owe so much to that little system. Spending countless hours playing and replaying these 'games' that would in reality become the basis to so many memories, and good memories at that. So important now as the dark reality of adulthood attempts to squash me entirely... haha. Man i loved that damn thing.....
I will argue to the death with anyone who says that the PS1 wasn't one of the greatest systems ever made. I have very fond memories of the console, playing Hot Wheels: Turbo Racing with my bro (good times), and then getting Crash Bandicoot: Crash Team Racing and being addicted to that. I strangely remember when me and my brother got off the bus for school, we would both race to the house to get to the PlayStation so we could play Crash Bandicoot. It was a great console that pulled me into my interest of gaming as a youngin'. It's one of the reasons I respect Sony so much now-a-days, even though they have had some pretty big downfalls lately.
This has been a very long comment. Gratz if you read the entire thing.
PS one was one of my first consoles. I sold my N64 and got Sony's console.
Some of my favorite games include the first 2 RE games, Brave Fencer Musashi, Tekken 3, Gran Turismo, Soul Edge, Crash 2 and 3 and Spyro 2.
Curiously, I never bought a PS2 and only got a PS3 in 2009. I am more of a Nintendo guy but Playstation comes second to me.
All of you these comment are bringing back so many fond memories of my early PSone experiences. I could probably write a full length novel of all of them.
PlayStation Magazine and PlayStation Underground subscriptions were two of the largest things that sealed my fate as a PlayStation gamer. Why? Because of the demo disc and game trailers. In those glorious years, I was the only person to ever check the mail in my home, because finding those little slivers of heaven in the mailbox once a month was the highlight of my life during those years.
... and then there's Tomb Raider! I was absolutely blown away by the first two games. Tomb Raider II is one of my all-time favorite games and one that I'd love to find remastered someday. I adore the series - tank controls and all.
her name was amy. wait, no... suzy. crap, i can't remember.
seriously though, i remember buying the PS1 and it dropped in price by a hundred bucks 9 days after so i had to go back to Best Buy and they refunded the difference. they had a 30 day grace period. i'm not sure if they still do that.
that system had a lady named Lara that made me love that system.
i still have my original Atari, Commodore 64, SMS, Genesis, etc... i know some of you are thinking, "etc...?" — yeah, that system rocked too!
Who can forget the first hiccup at e3: 599 USD?
The first time I saw a Playstation was when I went over my sister's house and her boyfriend at the time had it and was playing FFVII. My brother wanted it and got one weeks later (he got all the "expensive" and "new" stuff), so he had an N64 and a Playstation.. All I had was a SNES and my Gameboy Pocket. Till 1999 came and I got my Sega Dreamcast
The only time I even sat down and played a Playstation was at my sister's house, with Crash Bandicoot 2 and some weird yet fun game that involved some Jester and a girl.. Oh, and a Bottle Cap that goes through movies.
Other favorites are Gex, Croc, Spyro, Megaman 8... That's about it.
But my most favorite game of all time on PS1 was Lego Islands 2. Sooo many hours put into that amazing game. Least, I loved it.
I remember I bought the Playstation just for Final Fantasy VII, in fact I bought the game about a week before I owned the system. Being such a huge fan of the Final Fantasy series on the NES and SNES I just had to have a PS to play the latest install. Sadly thats when the Final Fantasy franchise went down hill.
As for the PS with all the great RPGS like Legend of Dragoon and Suikoden and great platfomers like Spryo and other great games like Twisted Metal and Tekken I was so glad I picked PS instead of the N64. Dont get me wrong the N64 had some great games but not as many as the PS. I loved my PS so much that as soon as the PS2 came out I had to get that one over the Game Cube. In fact it wasnt till this generation that I came back to Nintendo.
With the exception of "Invincible Tiger: The Legend of Han Tao", I was there in all of them. I feel old...
@ryanthehedgehog I agree. I think CTR is the game i have spend most time on. played the multiplayer so much. I've even played it a few days ago on ps3!(pson classic)
strong memories of ps1... ps2 and ps3 have done well keeping that up
unforgettable playStation firsts ? those early black discs - ( to me ) they still have a sacred and mystical aura about them.
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