Nice tattoo

We’ll forgive you for missing out on Studio Cambridge’s PS2 classic, Primal. It launched relatively early in the system’s life, and took a while to drum the enthusiasm it holds today. Fortunately you’ll get another chance to test out the cult favourite today, as the title drops onto the US PlayStation Store as a PS2 Classic.

But rather than explain the game ourselves, let’s turn over to creative director Chris Sorrell, who wrote a short post on the PlayStation Blog detailing the game’s development and some of its inspirations:

Primal grew from a warm, happy, and long-lost place where we were insanely fortunate enough to have an amazing team, an exciting new platform to build for (PlayStation 2!), and the freedom to make the game we wanted to make. Core influences were some of the awesome TV shows of the day: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel and Dark Angel to name the foremost. We wanted to build a game that captured the vibe of these shows while also showing off some of the cool technical and artistic things we thought we could achieve with the (then) new PS2.

It’s a good game this, and definitely worth checking out if you missed it first time around. It’s just a shame Studio Cambridge hasn’t been given the freedom to create more of its whacky PS2-era titles for PS3. We’re still itching for a new Medievil game.
