
Lumines: Electronic Symphony is one of the strongest titles in the PlayStation Vita’s launch offering – our own Nathan Michalik awarded it an 8/10 in our Lumines Electronic Symphony review – but it was almost so much cooler.

According to producer James Mielke, the title was originally pitched as Daft Punk: Lumines – and it almost happened too.

Mielke told the 8-4 Play podcast:

When I first thought about rebooting Lumines I was like, well maybe it would be interesting to attach it to a big license in particular.

Because then it would seem very different and at the same time, depending on the license, it would seem very much like Lumines. So, I originally pitched this game as Daft Punk: Lumines.

Both Ubisoft and Daft Punk were actually keen on the idea, but the band was too busy working on the Tron: Legacy soundtrack to make it work.

Still, it’s a concept we’d love to see revisited in the future. Maybe Q Entertainment should consider approaching Daft Punk’s management one more time.
