Not pictured: phat beats

Even the harshest critics of the PlayStation Vita’s line-up would find it hard to complain over the past couple of weeks. Sony’s essentially been announcing a new game or application every day, and while there’s been nothing particularly breath-taking revealed, it all starts to add up.

Continuing tradition, Sony’s taken to the PlayStation Blog this afternoon to confirm a trio of interesting new applications for the device. Just like Paint Park and Wake-Up Club, the applications will be available for free “very soon”.

The first of the trio is Travel Bug, an “innovative application” that challenges you with travel-based missions. The bug can be personalised and tracked on an interactive map. If we’re honest, the description for this one is a bit vague, so we’re not entirely sure what it does. But hey, the bug looks cute.

Arguably more interesting is Ecolibrium, an “imaginative eco-system simulator where the aim is to maintain harmony within your own created environment”. You must balance your environment in order to attract new species, which can then be traded with friends via Near.

Finally, there’s the mouthy Imaginstruments. This is a basic digital audio workstation, which allows you to use the Vita’s various inputs to create sounds and record simple tracks. Any tunes you create can be shared with friends and other players.

Sony seems to be committed to releasing these free Vita apps at a fairly regular pace, and we think it’s an interesting strategy for the platform. We’re certainly looking forward to getting our fingertips on Imaginstruments, even if the name does make us want to cry every time we type it.

For more details, point your browser in the direction of the PlayStation Blog.
