No joke

Here's a fact that might surprise you: 70% of free-to-play MMORPG DC Universe Online's players are on PlayStation 3.

Sony Online Entertainment president John Smedley revealed the statistic while talking to GamesIndustry International, boasting that PlayStation 3 was proving a viable platform for free-to-play games.

It's 70 per cent of the audience. Free-to-play on PlayStation 3 is huge. In fact, right now, it's us with DCUO and Free Realms and our friends at CCP with Dust 514 that are going to prove that this market really works.

Smedley admitted that there was trouble convincing Sony about the market, but given the opportunity the figures ultimately spoke for themselves.

I admit there was a mindset where when you use the word 'free' people pause. 'Wait a minute, what do you mean by free?' But even then people want to see the results. With DC Universe Online the split that we're seeing ended the debate right there.

With free-to-play the current 'big thing', it wouldn't be a huge surprise to see more titles of the sort arrive on PlayStation 3 in the future. What do you think of the model?
