You should see what Sackboy's wearing downstairs

We already know that LittleBigPlanet Vita will support Sackboy’s extensive backlog of outfits and accessories – but upcoming kart racer LittleBigPlanet Karting has remained an overlooked exception. Well, until now that is. Sony has officially confirmed that the majority of LittleBigPlanet and LittleBigPlanet 2 costumes will be compatible with the United Front Games developed spin-off.

There is one caveat: not everything will be available at launch. But the platform holder promises that most costumes will be “tailored, pressed and repackaged” eventually. If you’ve already purchased a particular outfit, then you’ll be able to sport it at no extra cost.

There’s more information available on the PlayStation Blog. If you’ve yet to pick a personal favourite costume, feel free to peruse the full roster through here.
