During its GamesCom 2012 press conference this evening, Sony announced a new Cross Buy initiative for PlayStation 3 and Vita. The scheme works similarly to PSN titles like MotorStorm RC, allowing you to grab a selection of cross-platform titles for a single fee.
The first games set to take advantage of the offer include PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time and Ratchet & Clank: Q-Force. Fantastic news.
Comments 15
This is superb, and a great move. Although it does mean I'll have to buy a bigger memory card so... free isn't exactly correct in my case
I wonder if this only applies to strictly digital copies of the game? what if I buy the physical copy for my Vita can i download the digital one on my ps3 and vice versa?
Is there a digital code just like how Blu-ray are now bundle with a digital copy of the movie?
They say it will be for retail as well as download. This seems like it could be a bad idea unless they find a way to stop people from buying the disk,downloading the vita version and then selling the disk.
Great idea, im SUPER happy about this. More Trophies!!!
So is the Vita title going to be $60.00 or are they both $40.00, please reply
wow, and I want all three of those games too, cool! It would be also a great way to get free Vita games. Great deal from Sony!!!
Can it work by buying the Vita version and getting the PS3 version for free? Or do you have to buy the PS3 version to get the Vita version?
<3 Oh god Sony, you DO love us!
@Firejonie It doesn't really matter, does it?
@get2sammyb: it does if it only works the one way around; if i were a PS3 and Vita owner i'd hate to only find out after-the-fact that I had to purchase a given game via my PS3 instead of the Vita for whatever reason. the article doesn't really spell out if it works both ways.
I'm guessing Firejonie was referring to buying A Vita game at retail and getting a digital copy for PS3 which would make a difference. I would guess that buying digitally will end up working both ways but the PS All-Stars blog specifically only mentions buying the PS3 version
" For all of you that purchase the PlayStation 3 version of PlayStation All-Stars – at retail or digitally through the PlayStation Network – you will be able to download the PS Vita version of PlayStation All-Stars from the PS Network at no additional cost."
Very good move Sony!
This is plenty incentive for me to buy those games... I'm curious how it will work and it's odd because this will probably make me spend more money (buy ALL the games!)
if more games is available like this...the vita will be on the hands of many more gamers
@get2sammyb: What does it matter? PS3 games are $60. The most expensive Vita game to date is $50. Which one you pay for and which one you get free clearly matters quite a bit with pricing disparities like that. So I'm sure it'll only work if you buy PS3.
Yeah, because cramming a bunch of full retail games onto a Vita memory card is a good idea now. I'd be happy about this ONLY if they'd work out a way to give BOTH games in physical format...they ran that launch deal for MLB 12 The Show, so it's not like it can't be done. Lame, Sony.
On a side-note...Q-Force? You guys got the raw deal on that title.
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