The long awaited arrival of Deadly Premonition: The Director’s Cut may not be all that you have to look forward to in 2013. The mastermind behind the polarising project Hidetaka “SWERY” Suehiro has teased that there are good times ahead.
“To all my fans, who keep giving me their never-ending support,” he wrote in a New Year's message on his blog. “I think I’ll have some surprising and amazing news for you next year.” Could a Deadly Premonition sequel be on the cards?
The updated version of the original title is due out in March on the PlayStation 3, and will boast HD visuals, extended narrative, improved controls, and post-game DLC. That sounds like the perfect opportunity for the developer to sow the seeds for a follow-up if you ask us.
[source accessgames-blog.com, via siliconera.com]
Comments 3
I would give my left arm for a Deadly Prem sequel. Really.
@Superconsole Pass it over, then!
@get2sammyb & Superconsole: "Zack! Could you hand me your left arm please? It seems someone in here could use it!"
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