Sleeping off the disappointment

The Last Guardian, The Last Guardian, wherefore art thou, The Last Guardian? We fully expected Team ICO’s hotly anticipated – but oft delayed – adventure to re-emerge during Sony’s big PlayStation 4 blowout this week, but once again, Fumito Ueda’s giant catbird was nowhere to be seen. We didn’t even get a consolation feather – oh, the despair.

Chatting with Venturebeat, Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida did touch upon the title – but, unfortunately, he had nothing new to share. “I’m not ready to talk about that,” he noted. “Sorry. We’ve broken promises, we are waiting for the right to time reintroduce The Last Guardian. I’m not going to say anything beyond what Ueda-san said.”

There’s been plenty of speculation that The Last Guardian has switched production from PlayStation 3 to Sony’s new system, but, again, Yoshida wouldn’t be drawn on specifics. There’s a good chance that the platform holder could be saving the title’s big re-reveal until E3, though. In which case, the wait goes on.
