Sony seems to have learned its lesson about insane price points. According to GamesIndustry.biz, the manufacturer is planning to sell its next console for around $399.99. The figure comes courtesy of Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun, which understands that the console will cost ¥40,000 in its home region. That translates to about $427 at the current exchange rate, but it’s likely that that number will get rounded down for North America.
Of course, it’s possible that the platform holder may release multiple configurations of its next console. A machine priced at $399.99 would probably be the cheapest option, especially considering that the Wii U currently sells for $349.99. We suspect that a premium model would include a bigger hard-drive and perhaps a subscription to PlayStation Plus.
Fellow newspaper Nikkei is also reporting today that the PS4 will include Gaikai technology, but it’s still not entirely clear what that actually means. The idea of being able to stream full games seems a bit farfetched at this time, but we could imagine demos being available instantaneously via the PlayStation Store. The publication added that the console will be “fully networked” and will “be furnished with the ability to exchange opinions amongst one's friends while playing games”. That sounds a lot like the ‘Share’ functionality that was detailed recently, doesn’t it?
We’ll find out more for sure on 20th February. In the meantime, try to contain your excitement.
[source gamesindustry.biz]
Comments 20
I think that's spot on, to be honest.
If 399$=399 euros like what happened with Vita (299$=299 euros for the 3G model that I bought) I may consider buying it when I have the money. However in the case of Wii U 299$=319 euros for the basic model and 349$=379 euros for the DX pack. To be honest, excluding taxes (23%! on Greece) 299$~229euros.
If they go again with the easily upgradable hard disk I will get one with small HDD and put in one other of the other disks sitting in my house.
Hopefully they put in a hard drive controller that isn't as useless as the PS3's. I'd love to throw in a 500gb SSD now that prices have dropped to reasonable figures.
Personally, I'm not banking on easily upgradeable hard drives this time.
“be furnished with the ability to exchange opinions amongst one's friends while playing games”.
Sounds like Miiverse.
$399 is the right price. Does anybody think the next gen games will go up to $70 though? The retail disc games, not the $15 PSN ones.
As for the "Xbox won't play used games and will be required to be online at all times" rumours, I'm not buying it. The US is still too lackluster when it comes to broadband for everyone to always be always on. BUT - see the all caps for but - MS has that whole Gold and Free online thing going so they know how many Xbox360 they've sold in the US and how many ARE online. Probably a lot. So, I think they could establish the 1 console per game DRM for those that are connected. i.e. if you have either a Gold or Free account then your system has been online and therefore you need to activate your game. This is MS after all, they're used to working with DRM on the PC, but I don't think they'll want to alienate that very small set of users who buy Kinect games for their kids but never set up an online account. OTOH - maybe I'm wrong and MS is selling this as a media hub for Netflix, HBO Go and Skype so they'll tell people up front - DONT' BUY THIS IF YOU DON'T HAVE ALWAYS ON BROADBAND. Guess we'll find out in March.
We're living in a time when people don't bat an eye at a $399 price tag? What is this, 1994, and everyone's buying NEO Geo's?
@Sammy Oh, I think they will make it easy to upgrade the HDD. It's another way that they can use to keep the price down, because this go around - Sony has to get this thing as cheap as they possibly can.
I also think there will be a "cheaper" model too - one that will offer a discounted entry price, with a mandatory subscription plan that includes (but not limited to) PS+. First, and most importantly, they gain the impulse buyers instantly. Those who see the (est.) $200 price tag up front and just go for it. But, this also brings in a new form of revenue for Sony: late fees + interest. Not only that, but this pricing model would most likely actually cost more than buying flat out too. Sony tested this model with the Vita in Australia and I'm betting on us seeing is used globally with the PS4. It's a win/win for Sony if they do it.
Gaikai is what will make the PS4 backwards compatible (yes, it will probably cost extra to use the service); I'm calling it right here and right now.
$400 sounds like a pretty good price to me. I think if this is their price point and if Microsoft bans used and makes you always be online than Sony will have fantastic success with the PS4.
@Slapshot Wouldn't proprietary hard-drives give them an extra revenue stream, though? I'm guessing after all the trouble they experienced with PS3 (Linux, etc), that the next console is going to be locked down pretty hard.
I hope you're right, though.
@get2sammyb I think the trouble they experienced with the PS3 (linux, etc.) doesn't compare one bit to the trouble they've experienced with the Vita (crazy memory card prices - much lower sales). People are now going to see even a 250 GB hard drive as underwhelming - I bought a 320 thinking I'd never fill it, and I really need a TB. If they want to push digital sales, I really don't see any other option than either having that massive of a hard drive (expensive) or letting users buy their own.
That said, I think $400 is a great starting price point. I'm not gonna be a day one buyer because I'm getting married and need to save money for elsewhere, but it'll definitely be on my radar.
@ztpayne7 Congrats on your marriage! I hope you have a "happy-ever-after" ending!
$400 would be a crazy deal. Can't imagine that happening and it being much of an upgrade. But we shall see. I'll keep expectations low and say $600, that way can't be disappointed.
I was already planning on buying one, now that it's only $400, I don't really have a choice. I just hop they don't block used games, because that could really hurt them.
$400 is the right price for a 'basic' pack provided it's not much worse than the 'premium' bundle that will likely exist as well.
I'ld buy a PS4 for $399.99, that's a fair price if they show me something good Feb. 20th.
Yes, my family Christmas present (assuming that Australia isn't messed-over by delays) is already picked out. I hope they keep the upgradable hard drives. It is a great solution that help future proof the system. That's is why I have a 1TB PS3 But they need a controller that can cope with an SSD.
If they can't do an SSD, I hope for at least a 7200 RPM HDD.
@craigun I would count on this regardless. 5400 drives are pretty much a thing of the past imo. Since even the PS3 supports 7200, unless they go with a weird proprietary drive and another crappy HDD controller, we should be safe
@Epic Amen! to that comment...
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