Eco warriors

It looks like Sony’s second best double act – the first being Ratchet & Clank, obviously – are hopping onto the PlayStation Vita, as the North American ratings board the ESRB has filed a registration for the Jak & Daxter Collection on the handheld. The compilation – which launched on the PlayStation 3 last year – includes Jak & Daxter: The Precursor Legacy, Jak II: Renegade, and Jak III.

The platform holder has yet to officially confirm the collection, but once a title hits the ESRB’s website, it’s rare that it gets debunked. As such, you can pretty much guarantee that you’ll be hunting for Power Cells on your portable before the end of the year. It’ll be interesting to see whether this paves the way for other PS2 ports on the Vita, such as the Sly Cooper Collection and the Ratchet & Clank Collection.

We awarded the Jak & Daxter Collection a 7/10 in our review, pointing out that while the first title is still extremely enjoyable, its sequel is virtually impenetrable by modern standards.
