Okami HD

Sony’s clearly not ready to put the brakes on its epic PlayStation Plus offerings just yet. While last month saw the introduction of Mass Effect 3, Dead or Alive 5 and more in Europe, the platform holder has followed up with an equally outrageous offering including Okami HD in April.

You’ll be able to download the entire PlayStation 2 remake – which scored an impressive 8/10 in our review – without needing to spend a penny, alongside critically acclaimed fantasy title Lord of the Rings: War in the North, and likeable adventure game The Cave. Each of the games will be available to download from 3rd April.

Over on the PlayStation Vita, you’ll be able to grab the well-received visual novel Zero Escape: Virtue’s Last Reward from 10th April, as well as cross-buy indie platformer Thomas Was Alone from 24th April. Again, all of the content will be available for free as long as you have an active PlayStation Plus subscription.

It’s probably worth pointing out that Mass Effect 3, Mortal Kombat, Guardians of Middle-earth, Metal Gear Solid HD Collection, and Puddle are all set to leave the Instant Game Collection next month, so if you haven’t downloaded them yet, make sure that you rectify that as soon as possible. Meanwhile, let us know which of the latest additions has caught your attention in the comments section and poll below.

Which PS Plus title are you most looking forward to in April? (10 votes)

  1. Okami HD%
  2. Lord of the Rings: War in the North%
  3. The Cave  0%
  4. Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward%
  5. Thomas Was Alone  0%

Please login to vote in this poll.

[source blog.eu.playstation.com]