Put those grand career plans on hold, because your life as a Trophy addict could be about to get a whole lot more complicated. NeoGAF has uncovered an intriguing patent which appears to hint at the possibility of adding Trophies to older games. The technology works by creating potential Trophy triggers based on disc access, meaning that the original source code would not need to be modified.
For example, if you were to reach a particular cut-scene in a game, the system would recognise that and award you a Trophy based on your progress. Furthermore, considering the simplicity of the solution, it would allow Sony to essentially add trinkets to every game in its catalogue – including PSone, PS2, and PSP titles.
However, as we’ve learned over the years, patents are rarely indicative of actual products. This sounds like a rather idealistic solution, and while it seems plausible, we can’t imagine the headaches that would be involved in creating a balanced and consistent algorithm that works across potentially thousands of games. Still, if it ever does get implemented, you can kiss goodbye to your spare time.
[source freepatentsonline.com, via neogaf.com]
Comments 16
I'm not going to lie if a game doesn't have trophies I lean towards not getting that game. I won't flat out not get a game if it doesn't have them but it does come in to the decision when picking out a game.
If I all ready have or had an older gamer I need a incentive like trophies,HD or both to get it again.
Put "Gun" with trophies on PSN and it will be mine.
@Splat Another Gun fan? I thought I was the only one...
The first game I downloaded and played for the PS3 was Super Street Fighter II HD Turbo Remix......which has zero trophies. Thus I would love to to see an implementation of trophies in older games.
oh boy oh boy oh boy. I'd be happy to play some ps1 games with trophy support. Very happy indeed.
This would suck as I'm using a different PSN account for my Vita than I am for my PS3 (same account also has ALL my PSP games). I'd be stuck between a rock and hard place. My fault, yeah, but still D:
@get2sammyb - It was actually the last PS2 game I bought before I traded off my PS2 for PS3. It ended up being one of my favorite PS2 games.
My wildest dream come true. Nostalgia + trophies = love
honestly i really don't care about trophies but that fact of the matter is they do allow you to keep track of what you have done in a game and i do know people who are obsessed with them
anyway i guess that adding trophies to old PS1 and PS2 games could give people an incentive to play them again, not that i need one i play a game because i enjoy it whatever console it's on and if it has trophies or not
Gun was a nice game. But having trophies for the ps1 crash bandicoot saga would be totally awesome for me
I'm not crazy about trophies myself but they make for a nice way to keep track of and share what you've done in a game, which is what I like about them.
The proof is in the pudding as they say and you can't deny that it feels good to have definitive proof of your accomplishments, no matter how seemingly small they are.
I like this, but I think it's a shame Nintendo didn't come up with this first.
I used to care a lot about trophies, but lately I hardly care much at all. This is still a good idea for those trophy enthusiasts and gives incentive to visit older games. Trophies are also a great way to give replay value to games.
Trophies/achivements are really overrated. But I guess it could be a nice way to put something new into the older games.
I hope this means saints row 2 gets trophies
I hope this means saints row 2 gets trophies
Dark Chronicle and Ar Tonelico 1 and 2 with Trophies
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