Has it been two weeks already? It certainly doesn’t feel like it, but the calendar never lies. As promised earlier in the month, we’re back to recap all of the games that are vying for our attention this weekend. But this isn’t all about us – we want to know what’s going to be flirting with your console’s disc drive (or cartridge slot) over the next couple of days. Feel free to share your gaming itinerary in the comments section below.
Sammy Barker, Associate Editor
I’m currently crawling up the walls in The Amazing Spider-Man. This one eluded me when it released last year, but I’m really having a blast swinging through the streets of Manhattan. I’m also messing around with Psych Yourself, though I’m a little concerned about the things it’s going to say about my mental health.
Mike Mason, Assistant Editor
I'm having a night in with the guys, so no doubt there'll be a FIFA tournament involved along the way. We might give Street Fighter X Tekken a bash too – bring on the epic Hugo vs. Kuro battles.
As for more solo pursuits, it's going to be a bit of a mish-mash: maybe some SimCity 4 (PC), Goony (DSiWare), or a continuation of my replay of the mighty Shadow of the Colossus HD. Whatever takes my fancy!
Greg Giddens, Reviews Editor
Last weekend I was able to complete Dead Space 3 on Classic mode, and although Hardcore mode beckons, it's Tomb Raider that’s winning my affections this weekend. There’s a bunch of collectibles to find, optional tombs to explore, and, of course, Trophies to earn. I'll be gleefully jumping, climbing, and shooting arrows all over the mysterious island, hunting for and discovering every secret on offer.
Katy Ellis, Events Correspondent
This weekend I will be focusing most of my attention on improving my stealthy assassin skills in Dishonored. I'm really enjoying it so far, and keep experimenting with different play styles. I also want to finally get around to downloading Tokyo Jungle. It's been on my 'to play' list for ages now, so I think it's about time I got in touch with my inner-Chihuahua.
Ben Potter, Staff Writer
As I lurch wildly from one controller-hurling game to another, this weekend I'll be trading Spec Ops: The Line's FUBAR difficulty for the casual title known as Dark Souls. Having marathoned Demon's Souls with a (veteran) friend earlier in the week, I thought it was about time that I beat the sequel. I've got one hell of a weekend in store.
Robert Ramsey, Staff Writer
Persona 4 Golden finally arrived and it’s assumed control of my life. It’s an absolute blast, and I’m finding it increasingly hard to put down the further I get into it. In between attending my virtual Japanese social life, I’m still busy playing Dynasty Warriors 7: Empires. I’m now playing as a self-made psychopath who enjoys swinging a huge, spiked club around.
Simon Thornton, Staff Writer
Having already poured more than a couple hundred hours into both Demon's Souls and Dark Souls, I’ve once again decided to throw myself into the breach. This time, though, it is not in order to wrestle the Platinum Trophies from the jaws of dragons and the undead (and undead dragons), but rather to engage in some jolly co-operation with two friends. If, in the process, they fall in love with the series as much as I have, then the victory will be all the more sweet.
Enough of our jibber-jabber, we want to know what’s on your gaming agenda this weekend. Share your schedule in the comments section below.
Comments 29
Dee dee na na na. (Sorry.)
Still Final Fantasy VI. I haven't had a lot of gaming time this week, combined with the fact that I take my time with games, haha.
What game is the picture in the article from? crosses fingers that it isn't tekken
As for games I will be playing... Dear god, this will sound redundant but... Mega Man III, Mega Man Zero (1-4), and Mega Man Star Force Pegasus. ^^;
I'm still working on Ni no Kuni myself. And finishing up the platinum for Zero Escape. And I may even start Corpse Party: Book of Shadows.
Replaying Dead Space 3 (Plus Awakening DLC). Trying to beat my time of 11 hours for doing both.
I can't put Persona 4 Golden down. I just can't do it. Must... see... what... happens next...
Currently switching between LittleBIGplanet Vita, Gravity Rush, and Ragnarok Odyssey.
@get2sammyb omg, I remember that song! I use to have the cd, kinda sad to admit to that though ¬¬
Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus (Vita)- this game is HARD! GRRRRR! ><
Tales of Graces f (PS3)- Getting started...
Mario Kart Wii- I never played this game til a couple weeks ago, how sad...
I'll be playing some Gears of War: Judgement and Tomb Raider. But next week.... BIOSHOCK INFINITE!!!
@get2sammyb I lol'd
God of War : Ascension
Just beat the Trial of Archemides on Hard. (Took three tries and fifteen minutes) =P
I'll be playing Sengoku Basara 3 Utage, Naruto Powerful Shippuden, and WWE 13! =]
Just platinumed Naruto Ninja Storm 3 and moved to Sports Champions 2. This game is all sorts of awesome (I've only played tennis and archery so far). Naruto was a 10/10 for me and SC2 a 8/10 so far.
playing peace walker on vita...farming left 6 AI boards for full zeke...its tedious man...maybe starting silent hill book of memories with friends next.
@hydeks There's no shame in owning some classic Whigfield CDs.
God of War: Ascension is all i'll be focusing on this weekend.
Anyone doing another playthrough of Klonoa 2?
MLB 13 The Show on both PS3 and Vita will be my main obsession this weekend and every upcoming one until the end of the baseball season.
mortal kombat for vita. btw anyone else notice how wild arms and patapon were free during vita sale?
borderlands 2 and resistance 2
I just beat Persona 4 golden, so I'm probably not going to be playing much for a while. It was one heck of an investment (both in terms of time and emotion).
I'm playing the "Wait for Monster Hunter to release on Tuesday" game. Also the MH3U demo
Waiting for my PS3 to get repaired by Sony...
Dead Space 3 second play through. Waiting to until pay day to get Tomb Raider, and Dragon's Dogma.
Ninja gaiden plus 2 and tales of hearts are the ones I played much
Tales of hearts is soooooo great
This weekend I played smackdown vs raw 2010 to finish collecting the trophies thus I got my 2nd platinum I also played a very small amount if assassins creed 3 and of course black ops 2
@get2sammyb For that sammy I might just never visit this site again!!
Besides that - Sleeping Dogs for me this weekend! Just 10 missions and I am done!
gottlieb pinball classics on ps2 , flippin' awesome !
@ShogunRok I personally liked person 5 but you do you
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