Following a brief window of exclusivity with Game Informer magazine, Sony has officially released a fresh batch of inFAMOUS: Second Son screenshots. These show new protagonist Delsin Rowe pouting – and also letting rip on a number of DUP (Department of Unified Protection) operatives. If these are in-game, the title’s shaping up very nicely.
While the new hero will have access to a wealth of smoke-based powers, developer Sucker Punch recently revealed that the character’s real main skill is the ability to suck the unique properties from other conduits. As a result, the star could potentially have access to thousands of combat options. We’ll no doubt get to see more of the game at E3. Are you excited? Let us know in the comments section below.
Comments 13
I love the Sly Cooper pin badge.
You just got a trophy EAGLE EYE.
This looks good:D
These look amazing! Please let them be ingame!
@Reverend_Skeeve These are more than likely in-game shots.
Man that fire just looks so BAMF! and @get2sammyb I hope we get something of Delsin's if they have a special edition (like the Sly Pin or his vest)!
Loved the first two games, with the possibly exception of hunting down the Blast Shards.
This is one of four games I have pre-ordered with my PS4 from ShopTo.
I really hope to see more of Second Son at E3, it's the title I'm most excited for - followed closely by Shadow Fall.
Good lord... that detail. Look at the knitting on his cap, and all the particles and lighting effects. You can even see the slight imperfections on his face. Skin looks like skin, not plastic. Pretty cool.
@acdramon I dare hope so, yes.
The detail is amazing, not to speak of the ultra sharp textures. And this is the first game I see where eyes look actually alive, as if the protagonist is looking at something. Ususally, I find eyes in videogames up until now have a dull not-alive-look. Can't wait for more.
Can't wait for E3, hopefully we'll get some info on when they're planning to release this game. Looks phenomenal and given how great the other 3 games are I have no doubt about the gameplay.
I have the platinum in infamous 1 and 2, cant wait to play this one.
This, Killzone, Knack and AC4 is a reason for me to buy a PS4.
looks incredible!
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