High in the sky

We’ve already established that Killzone: Shadow Fall is a fantastic looking game, but one area that remains open for debate is its narrative. Despite boasting an impressively dense fiction, Guerrilla Games has struggled to take advantage of it in previous entries, delivering great shooters with very shallow stories. With its impending PlayStation 4 launch title, though, the studio aims to “positively surprise” its fans.

“Our story is more based on a tense conflict that can spiral out of control,” explained Steven ter Heide on the PlayStation Blog, referring to the anxious divide between the ISA and the Helghast on the planet Vekta. “It's about figuring out who you can trust, and how to best prevent the destruction of your home.”

Speaking of the inspirations behind the plot, ter Heide added: “In Holland we have the air raid sirens that are tested every first of the month, which in the days of the cold war made a big impression on me. It created a real tension that would be great to get into a game.”

In the launch title, you’ll play as a Shadow Marshal aiming to keep the peace between the warring factions. It certainly sounds like an interesting premise, but we just hope that Guerrilla Games can deliver on a compelling script. Still, we suppose it speaks to the quality of the underlying fiction that we’re so eager for the Dutch developer to come good on the property’s promise. Are you similarly hopeful for a strong story? Let us know in the comments section below.

[source blog.us.playstation.com]