We fully expected inFAMOUS: Second Son to feature during Sony's E3 2013 presser as a live demonstration, but instead we were treated to this brilliantly paced, action-packed trailer. Protagonist Delsin Rowe – played by the ever brilliant Troy Baker – is shown skipping between cracking combat and brotherly narrative. It's certainly looking to be a more cinematic entry in the franchise, displaying some detailed character and facial animations. The superhero adventure was also confirmed not to be a PlayStation 4 launch title, but is instead expected in early 2014. Are you excited? Let us know in the comments section below.
Comments 8
My personal highlight. That was one helluva trailer.
The best thing Sony showed from their first party line up.
I was mightily impressed. I enjoyed Infamous 1&2 sure, but they weren't like system sellers for me. This Second Son on the other hand blew me away with this trailer. It looks incredible and could rival Shadow Fall
My most wanted next-gen game at the moment. I'm a huge fan of the inFamous series.
I have the platinums on infamous 1 and 2, cant wait to play second son! Having a Nirvana song sure doesn't hurt.
The blast of Nirvana at the end really makes the trailer, I think. Fits perfectly with Delsin's image and really made the whole thing hit home.
I'm most excited for this and Shadow Fall. Delsin seems like someone who I would have a lot of fun hanging out with and it doesn't hurt that I loved inFAMOUS 1 & 2.
yup great trailer but i need it sooner
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