Not everyone’s lucky enough to attend E3 in Los Angeles – but PlayStation Home annually offers the next best thing. Sure, the real convention may not be filled with shirtless avatars performing the running man in front of favourably proportioned polygonal ladies, but you’re going to want to visit this year’s virtual reimagining of Sony’s booth anyway.
Stepping foot into the digital arena prior to the 10th June will net you an exclusive Beyond: Two Souls dynamic theme – but the goodies get much better once E3 actually starts. Much like last year, the booth will include a series of quests. However, completing these will reward you with some cooler items than a Sly Cooper hat and a t-shirt for your avatar.
The highlight is easily early access to the Killzone: Mercenary beta, which we suspect will be officially detailed over the coming weeks. But that’s not all. You’ll also nab a 30-day trial to PlayStation Plus, a Music Unlimited hover board for your character, a couple of PlayStation Mobile games, and a few more dynamic themes.
Last year, the quests simply involved picking up tokens and watching trailers, which didn't take too long. Who knows, you may even decide to join in on the fun, and start pulling some shapes in front of footage of inFAMOUS: Second Son. We’re told that dance moves are always appropriate in Sony’s virtual world.
[source blog.us.playstation.com]
Comments 5
I still have my avatar using the sly cane But this sounds much better than last year. Bring on the quests!
I'll definitely be checking it out.
So I guess this means home for PS4.
@Sony_70 I'd be surprised if they dropped it - it's very profitable.
Is Home on the Vita yet/is this possible from it, anyone know?
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