Despite lagging behind the Xbox One at some UK retailers prior to E3 2013, pre-orders for the PlayStation 4 have practically exploded following the platform’s impressive showing in Los Angeles. Blockbuster – who were recently singing the praises of Microsoft’s machine – has seen a huge spike in interest over the past few days, a feat that it believes proves that the “industry is booming”.
Meanwhile, pre-orders for Sony’s next generation system have actually surpassed the Xbox One at Amazon UK – despite the latter commanding a slender lead mere moments before Tuesday’s big press conferences. The Japanese giant’s latest console is currently top of the retailer’s sales charts, with Microsoft’s rig lagging in third behind The Last of Us. It’s a similar story in North America, too.
Have you pre-ordered your PS4 yet? What games are you planning to get with your console? Let us know in the comments section below.
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Comments 32
They should add the tutorial video of how to share games on Amazon's page.
We must keep salting the wounds.
That looks like it's going to be the retail packaging, by the way. I like it. Classy.
I haven't pre-ordered mine yet but I plan on getting Shadow Fall, Drive Club, Knack, Second Son, The Order: 1888 and The Dark Sorcerer as soon as they become available.
@TheRealBatman Probably worth noting that sadly The Dark Sorcerer is just a tech demo. Quantic Dream is working on a new PS4 game, though. Unfortunately that's not it.
I'll be getting Killzone: Shadow Fall, DriveClub, Watch Dogs, Assassin's Creed, and probably Battlefield 4 on launch day. FIFA and Need For Speed will also probably twist my arm later. And I've not included it, but I know I'll get Knack, too.
I looked at gamestop.com and there all of the console pre-orders are bundles, you can't just get the console alone right now. The bundles don't save you any money either, they're just the cost of all the products combined. I;m not plannign to get PS4 at launch, but if I did pre-ordering would be a problem at gamestop seeing as I'm not planning to get any the games bundled with the system.
killzone,knack,watch dogs,ac and fifa for me
I'll buy PS4 with Infamous:SS, i think.I always buy new consoles in spring =)
I wonder if i'm the only one who thought that The Crew actually looked much more fun than DriveClub.
@Snorky Nop I thought the same I think thats why they are going F2P.
Well right now I don't have my list complete with the 7 must wanted games for me:
1. Infamous Second Son
2. The Division
3. Metal Gear Solid V
In a small tier now is only Knack.
If the games come up I'll be getting one next year hope we can make by then a small clan between users .
But for now I'll be getting a Wii U next year unless they hype kill me with 4 more games.
I'll wait and see what deals retailers put together. I will be grabbing it at launch, though.
@Snorky its not a launch title AFAIK....therefor I am not to worried about it.....but don't worry me, my buddy and my 2 cousins are eagerly waiting to drive around being a badass crew.
@ShogunRok GAME's just announced that it's doing an "exclusive" bundle in the UK with Killzone: Shadow Fall and DriveClub. No details on price, though.
I will wait until Metal Gear Solid V and Final Fantasy XV launch...
@get2sammyb Thanks, will have to keep an eye on that one. At launch I think it's Killzone and Watch Dogs for me so far.
Killzone and Watch_Dogs, and if I can work it out possibly NBA 2K14 day one for me and then in February, inFamous: Second Son. Can't wait.
@get2sammyb Good news ! Microsoft simply handled the asian market to sony and Nintendo. If you cant go online you should buy a xbox 360 ( in other words if you dont have a 1 mb/ps connection you can go f*ck off) http://www.vg247.com/2013/06/12/no-internet-get-an-xbox-360-says-microsoft/
Source see link and also the twitter of Jim sterling:D
I preordered ps4 and killzone shadowfall, drive club and my favorite knack
I don't think Sony and Nintendo were ever in danger in Asia. The markets where it will tough are the UK and especially North America. At least here in NA I don't think Sony can 'win' but if it plays its cards right it could at least cut the gap quite a bit from what it was this gen. That would help big time in the world wide picture.
Good choices on the pre-ordered games by the way. Knack looks awesome but I can't skip Watch_Dogs.
I'm going to get Drive Club, Battlefield 4 or Call of Duty, and definitely the one I'm looking forward to most (which no one hasmentioned yet) Madden 25.. I can't wait to see what game modes they have for that...
I did preorder a PS4 and was going to preorder Drive Club. But not sure if I should now as there will be a free to play version with Playstation Plus. I guess I'll wait for more clarity.
@Gamer83 Thanks:D
@get2sammyb Yeah, they're turning that Kara tech demo into a game. That's great, because I was really hyped for it.
I wanted to see some more about Primal Carnage Genesis.. Did they even mention that game?
It's certainly understandable, that hardware at that price.
Not sure if I can properly put this into words but I think Nintendo helped a lot. A lot of gamers have been wanting to buy a new console - it's been many years since last gen - and got all excited when Nintendo s WiiU came out ready to buy, only it was overpriced and had no games they wanted. So here they are, money in hand, ready to buy. $399 and no DRM says SOLD!
Edit - really like the photo w/ the big PS4, 500GB and no Eye.
I wish I could fast forward time to November. After The Last of Us the wait will be excruciating.
Aahw Dam* , my girlfriend pre ordered it for my birthday:D I have to cancel my own pre order... or just buy two?
Could always just put the money from your PS4 pre-order towards more games.
for me it's killzone and bf4 ... I'm a MP sucker and thx to plus every game that comes to plus will be nvr played before and from there my collection starts, ps4 is a must get at lunch
I'll be getting the PS4 on January 2014, hopefully with Knack (if it comes with a bundle I'd be even happier). Those Pixar quality animations really sold the game for me.
Going to pre-order the PS4 tomorrow while getting my limited edition pre-oredered The Last of US !
I jumped on the PS4 as soon as I could. I've heard there are going to be multiple models so I might have to cancel and re-order, but there's no penalty for canceling a preorder on Amazon so I'm set either way so excited!
I pre order my PS4 the day after the Sony event in February and my friends PS4 in March.
Hope there will be a bundle with a PS4EYE and 2 Controllers.
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