If you were anywhere but the United States last night, you’d have either had a hard time staying awake – or just given up altogether and slept right through Sony’s most important press conference in years. And what a show you missed. For those of you who were sleeping – and even those who managed to brave the night – point your peepers at our montage of PlayStation’s E3 2013 keynote highlights. Everyone loves a good montage, right?
The Highlights
- What Do You Think of the PS4's Hardware Design?
- PlayStation 4 Will Cost You Just $399 When It Launches
- PS4 Will Let You Play Used Games, Will Not Require an Internet Connection
- The Order 1886 Announced as an Exclusive for PS4
- Final Fantasy Versus XIII Becomes Final Fantasy XV
- Square Enix Announces Kingdom Hearts III Is Heading to PS4
- inFAMOUS: Second Son's Trailer Fumes on PS4
- Killzone: Shadow Fall on PS4 Looks Lovely
- This Is How PS4's Social Features Will Work
Comments 4
Awesome job, Ben. That video got my tired eyes totally hyped again. It's been a great day!
Ah so it's Ben making the videos - I only just subscribed to Push Square's channel earlier. Really well done, Ben!
@get2sammyb @ShogunRok Cheers, guys
Awesome stuff. You guys have done a fantastic job with the E3 coverage.
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