Late for an important date

Media Molecule has screwed up Tearaway’s original 22nd October release date, and tossed it in the trash bin. As part of a candid post on the PlayStation Blog, creative lead Rex Crowle revealed that the developer’s keeping the game folded up for an extra month, while it pulls out the glitter pen and polishes the platformer to perfection.

“We have come to the realisation that we need a little more time than we anticipated to finish the game; to tie all of the mechanics, story, and amazing visuals together into the adventure that we want you to play,” the eccentric employee explained. “To give us that time, we’ve decided to move the release date by one month, from mid-October, to 22nd November.”

We can’t help but wonder if this has anything to do with the PlayStation 4. We’ve been speculating for weeks that the next generation system could arrive in late October, and Tearaway’s original release date may have got tangled up in that. Regardless, we guess that an extra month’s production will give the studio ample time to ensure that every crease in the code is effectively smoothed.

[source, via]