Capcom’s not done re-releasing Street Fighter IV just yet. During a panel at the EVO Championships this weekend, the publisher announced Ultra Street Fighter IV, a brand new expansion pack featuring five new characters, six stages, and rebalanced gameplay based entirely on fan feedback. The add-on’s due out early next year as an £11.99 download for Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition, or as a £19.99 standalone release.
The new characters announced for the game include: Hugo, Poison, Elena, and Rolento. There’s a fifth fighter still to be revealed, but Capcom’s keeping that a mystery for now. The new arenas span Pitstop 109, Mad Gear Hideout, Cosmic Elevator, Blast Furnace, Half Pipe, and Jurassic Era Research Facility. A lot of this content will be familiar to fans of Street Fighter X Tekken. For those of you that didn’t play the series mash-up, though, check out the trailer embedded below.
[source eurogamer.net]
Comments 17
Another version of SF4... Oh well at less this time, you can upgrade via DLC instead of needing to buy it as retail.
Guess SF5 shall be avoid
Ultra Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition Megamix Extreme soon after that
I want the SF IV on the Vita goddammit!
@JGMR More chance of the next Pope being a gay, black Jew. They're releasing this primarily so Street Fighter tournament players all have the definitive version of the game available on the two main systems they use (PS3 and 360). Wouldn't expect it to be released on anything - even next gen machines - other than those two.
Why can't the Vita have a good Street Fighter? Just port the 3DS version. I really want a good fighter on my Vita. I know Mortal Kombat is a great game, but it's not arcade-y enough for me.
The greatest fighting game of all time! At least they're humble.
Hugo looks like Andre the Giant. Not sure if on purpose or a complete accident. He was a wrestler.
Im sure I played SFIV about 3 years ago...maybe 4. Has it really been that long since the original release?
Another one? Geez!
And I don't think Hugo's character model is big enough. Like seriously, he takes up half the screen.
@ObviouslyAdachi BlazBlue?
@get2sammyb I had that game, it just wasn't for me. I got a 3DS on launch day with SSFIV and it was actually my first fighting game. I just love street fighter.
I love fighting games and have 7 one my PS3, 3 on my 3DS and 3 on my Vita. I'll certainly download the updtae when it is avaliable.
Have you tried Street Fighter X Tekken on the Vita? It plays very similarly to SFIV and have a lot of character.
Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3 is also great to play on Vita.
@JMC I heard that game wasn't very good.
I was going to get Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition off PS+ awhile back in-till I saw it took 18 GB's of HDD space. I like fighting games but not enough for it to be taking up that kinda room.
Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3 is great!
As for Street Fighter X Tekken, it does play a lot like SFIV and I really enjoyed it. The biggest problem with the PS3 version (on-disc DLC) is a non issue on Vita if you buy the game new. It is true that the gems doesn't add that much to the gameplay, though. I also didn't play the game online a lot, so I can't say if that portion it is any good.
It was only a matter of time...
But I'll get it. I've been wanting Poison and Elena back in Street Fighter for ages now. Definitely can't pass that up!
@JMC ok thanks maybe I'll get it. It doesn't need to be revolutionary. The old game formula is fine by me.
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