Sony’s not going to force you to splash out on an expensive new headset for the PlayStation 4. Chatting with Polygon at the San Diego Comic-Con, a company representative confirmed that PlayStation 3 wireless headsets will be compatible with the next generation console. That includes the platform holder’s own pricey – but awesome – Pulse range.
There’s no need to panic if you don’t already own a headset, though, as the console will ship with a stylish earbud device, allowing you to broadcast your rap music collection and irritating throat clearing habit to the globe. Personally, we’re looking forward to eavesdropping on some private conversations in the Team Deathmatch lobby for Call of Duty: Ghosts.
[source polygon.com]
Comments 20
I figured as much but great to have official confirmation. The Pulse headset is phenomenal!
So only the Pulse Headset will work with PS4 or also my old PS3 Bluetooth one?
@artemisthemp It sounds like your old bluetooth one will be fine, too.
I hope all USB ones still work I dont feel like buying Astro A40's again.....
Oh god, I'm so happy I'll be able to use my Pulse Elite with the PS4.
Awesome. Use the Pulse Elite with my Vita, glad to know I can get the most out of them down the line.
Has anyone considered that the bundled earpiece would somewhat ruin any traditional surround sound set ups? The official bluetooth headset doesn't sit in your ear like an earbud and never impacted my 5.1 set up. I can't imagine having the earbud in being any good, especially while voice traffic is going on.
@KALofKRYPTON I imagine it will be very basic, and you'll probably want to upgrade if you get a lot of mileage out of voice chat. I think it's just been included because it was perceived as a "weakness" on PS3. (Personally, I've always preferred the quieter atmosphere of PSN over Xbox Live.)
IGN confirmed this a few weeks ago. They also confirmed that the Xbone will force you to buy a new pair of headsets in the same article.
Also, at $150 the Pulse Elites are practically being given away. For $150 you're getting sound quality that is on par with - or maybe outmatches - the sound quality of the Dre Beats, which are about 2x as expensive.
@TheRealBatman Beats are the biggest fashion con in audio tech. They're ok sounding, but are built very shoddily.
A good mate had some, received as a gift, within 6 months they started shaking tiny screws out!
I would definitely say the Pulse set outperforms beats cans by quite some distance.
But saying that, a 50 quid set of Sony cans are as good as quite easily!
Sonys engineering department for sound is probably one of the best for sound with price point.....plus the pulse app is the coolest thing with profiles for games.
Thank you Sony! I have the Pulse Elite Edition Headset! They are amazing! I used it on my PS3, PS Vita, and my PC!! Soon, I'll be able to use it on my PS4!!
Hmm. I generally just run my ps3 through the 5.1 surround and make everyone else suffer.
@Ginkgo lol yeah forget headphones, man. My Sharp stereo from 1998 sounds better than new Bose around-ear headphones. And new Sony $20 headphones sound like the old Discman headphones also from '98... Only once I was able to find battery-bass-boosted Jenson headphones for like $20 which have lasted me since '05, but I wore the padding off heh. Are Pulse worth the money?
I have the original wireless headset, it's good to hear that they will be compatible with PS4.
edit: Though incompatibility with that specific headset would have been a great excuse to upgrade to the Pulse elites.
@charlesnarles Absolutely
and Sony one ups Microsoft again (MS have said that all the current 360 head sets wont work on XB1)
@FullbringIchigo but they are making an adapter to sell.
@KALofKRYPTON but it's just a way of fleecing extra money off people (well MS have been doing that since the original XBOX)
Yay, I get to keep my Turtlebeaches!
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