You can already pick up a PlayStation 4 bundle if you look hard enough. Most retailers are creating custom packages in order to entice consumers, but nothing official has been announced. That hasn’t stopped Amazon France from leaking what appears to be the first Sony composed hardware bundle, though, which collates the system with Killzone: Shadow Fall, two DualShock 4 controllers, and a PlayStation Eye.
Impressively, the retailer is only asking €499.99 (£427/$662) for the collection, which looks like a bargain from where we’re sitting. Considering that the camera sells for €49.99, the game costs around €69.90, and an extra DualShock 4 retails for about €59.99, the package represents a saving of almost €80 (£68/$105). It also matches the base price of the Xbox One, which we’re sure is just an added bonus.
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Comments 39
Please bring to US for $500.
That is one heck of a deal, I'd be all over it if I had the money and it was available in the US. Also, how sexy is that box?
Yeah, it's a very impressive bundle. I'd upgrade to this if it came to UK.
@Lelouch For the base price of the XB1 you get a game, camera and an extra controller? Now thats a good bundle deal as you say. Agree on the boxart point too
@ScreamAimFire99 NO doubt they will with it pretty much matching the XB1 base price over here
@ScreamAimFire99 I think he did a proper conversion of 500 euros to dollars. In the playstation world 500 euros = $500. We are totally ripped off in europe thanks to the euro
@Lelouch It is very sexy I have to admit almost as sexy as C.C.
@MadchesterManc With all of the positive buzz surrounding Shadow Fall, I have no doubt that this bundle will do well. Especially here in the US where shooters are the dominant genre.
@meldarion It might be as sexy as Milly or Shirley, but it can't touch Rakshata, C.C. or Kallen.
@meldarion @Lelouch I have no idea what you two are talking about!
@get2sammyb Code Geass, it's the anime where my name and the character in my profile pic are from.
Fun fact: Troy Baker provides the voice for Lelouch's brother, Schneizel el Brittania.
I already have all of those things desperately preorders, so that would be awesome if this showed up stateside.
Wow, that is a smoking hot deal. Lets hope for me bundles similar to this one
Awesome deal and sexy box!
MS is gonna have a hard time topping that. I hope they have the same great deal for other regions.
Awesome deal, indeed. If this came to Germany and I'd be able to upgrade without losing my launch day delivery, I'd do it in a heartbeat. I have Killzone on preorder and was planing to get a 2nd contoller eventually, so I'd get the eye and about 20 bucks for free. Wasn't planing to get the cam anytime soon, but in this case...hey!
@meldarion: We're not getting ripped of that Europe, the 500,- € include taxes. In America, the taxes are added to the 500,- $ at purchase, afaik. Any of our American fellow pushsquarers maybe care to confirm this? Thanks, guys!
Make this £430 and my money is yours Sony.
@Reverend_Skeeve Don't know about taxes. But I bought playstation stuff from the US over the internet and it is quite cheaper from there. The only reason why I still buy from european/Uk stores are cause it is quicker and do to warranty.
Another good example it the PS store. If you have a US account you would get games much cheaper from there then on the European store.... although I have to admit that European/UK PS+ deals tend to be better than the US ones
@Reverend_Skeeve and to clarify I am not saying that Sony is ripping us off the prices have to be higher here in Europe due to economic reasons
@medarion Agreed, we are still paying more due to unfavorable exchange rates and such. Bought a lot of stuff from the US or even Amazon UK because often it's a lot cheaper. Same with the PS store...mostly, the Dollar/Euro exchange rate is 1:1. But I guess that's just how it is. Nonetheless, I think we agree that the PS4 is still great value for money, even here.
They should also do a bundle for Knack.
@get2sammyb me too i hope the UK get's this or at least a similar one
@MrSRArter I agree!
They should make a bundle just like these one but with Infamous Second Son or Destiny.
I would prefer The Division bundle but Microsoft will get some extra content for that game so I don't think it might happen. T_T
@ScreamAimFire99 yep. If they do this in NA for $499 I'd definitely upgrade my long as it's guaranteed at launch of course.
@Reverend_Skeeve Just to answer your question, yup those of us stateside add in taxes at purchase. Luckily, I live in Florida, which has no State Tax, though my county tax is 6.5% so this PS4 bundle would specifically be $532.50 in Orlando, FL.
I already got a pretty sweet bundle deal at Game. PS4, special edition copies of Killzone and Driveclub, 30 days PS+ and £20 credit off any other PS4 purchase.
Want to preorder this NOW. Damnit, bring it up on or uk!
I hope we get this in America. I would honestly forego one of the controllers for PS+.
I hope we get this in America. I would honestly forego one of the controllers for PS+.
@Cloud7794 Thank you, sir! 6.5% ain't too included in the 500,- Euro here in Germany is 19%...
That's a bada$$ bundle and I'm glad Sony isn't shying away from doing this so early on in the PS4 era, I miss the days when consoles were bundled with high quality games and accessories right from the start of a new gen.
Well for UK preorder folk, spoke to a guy I know who works for Game, where I have my preorder. He said that as new hardware bundles are announced, you will always have the option to change up to a different bundle as long as it wasn't available at the time you placed your preorder.
@Reverend_Skeeve Ouch, that's pretty harsh o.o. Living in such a tourist trap, I already feel I'm overpaying for basic amenities, hate to imagine having to pay a 19% tax on top :/ Florida is one of the better states for that though, as most have a State tax + County Tax and sometimes City tax too. Here we only have county tax and maybe a few cities implement a separate tax.
Wow dude everything in this bundle ive already bought!!!=,( Bunt that box art is SOOOOOO SWEEEEEET, I WOULD PUT THAT ON MY WAAALLL!!!!! if it came staeside i wounder if i could switch up!?
@Cloud7794 wholy crap your like 3 hours away from me dude, im in st.pete lol XD
@DoublezZ01 XP Glad I'm not the only 'murican on the site (I knew I'm not but wow someone even in the same state o.o). Add me on PSN if you feel like playing multiplayer, we should have a largely lag-free time
Good timingv with the reply lol I just bought s yesr subscription to PS Store + lol... add me im Heero727
@Cloud7794 I'm in Tallahassee.
@Cloud7794 Indeed it is...but at least the tax is already included in the price and doesn't come on top of the purchase...
That is one sweet looking bundle. I've only recently gotten into the Killzone series, I picked up the HD collection.
I wonder if they will have any other bundles here in the US, maybe Final Fantasy or something.
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