The weekend has crept up on us like Sam Fisher in Splinter Cell: Blacklist. We’re mere weeks away from the onset of the autumn onslaught, which means that this is your last opportunity to clear up your backlog in preparation for titles such as Rayman Legends, Killzone: Mercenary, and a certain next generation system. But what’s keeping your current consoles busy over the next couple of days?
Sammy Barker, Associate Editor
I’m playing Killer Is Dead, but I can’t really talk about that. I will be filling my downtime with BreakQuest: Extra Evolution and Floating Cloud God Saves the Pilgrims in HD, though. I’m absolutely determined to 100 per cent finish the former.
Greg Giddens, Reviews Editor
Every so often I get these urges; they're completely natural urges, and everybody has them. I get the urge to race fast cars. Fortunately, PlayStation Plus has me sorted this month, with the wonderful Need for Speed: Most Wanted. That’ll be my weekend of gaming, then.
Katy Ellis, Events Correspondent
This weekend I will be firing up my brand spanking new copy of DmC: Devil May Cry – I’ve kept moody Dante waiting too long. I was planning on playing a bit more of the new Tomb Raider, but I just can't get into the gameplay. Sorry, Lara!
Ben Potter, Staff Writer
I'll finally be getting around to playing The Walking Dead: 400 Days this weekend. I, as with many others, adored Lee and Clem's journey through Zombieland, and so I can't wait for the second season later this year.
Jamie O’Neill, Staff Writer
If I get the chance, I'll return to two tough-cookie PlayStation Network games that I recently completed on the PlayStation 3. The first is WayForward's tip-top Castlevania-esque side-scrolling game BloodRayne: Betrayal, and the other is Killzone HD. Even though I Hel-gasped at the difficulty of both games, I had a lot of fun, and I’m eager to dive back in.
Robert Ramsey, Staff Writer
It's all about Zone of the Enders: HD Collection this weekend, as I try to finish off the original title. The only problem is that it really hasn't aged very well. The objectives are far too vague, the constant dialogue bogs everything down, and the gameplay is supremely repetitive. I can only hope that the second game scraps almost everything but the combat system – I seriously need my mech fix.
What games are you playing this weekend? You know the drill – share your schedule in the comments section below.
Comments 40
Far Cry 3 again ! on Hard mode Again cant wait until Splinter Cell Blacklist tho !
Otherwise BF1943 online, lol, there is no AI that humours me as much as Human Intelligence running around a Battlefield LOL.
Finally playing Borderlands. Mixed feelings so far, about 4 hours in. Lacks the impact of a true AAA game, but has that addictive thing that open world rpgs tend to have. Have a feeling a lot of the quality issues will be fixed in pt 2 (next in the backlog). Any thoughts on the Borderlands games?
A friend just lent me The Last Of Us so there goes my weekend and have Hitman Absolution on the line and ALSO just ordered Borderlands 2. This is going to be an awesome week.
@Visiblemode Play with a friend it will make everything better
I really loved the 1st one after playing it completly with a college classmate we even tried to beat it on Master Hunter Vault mode but the file went corrupted just with 1 map left to complete T_T
@Visiblemode There's practically no narrative in the first game, but the second improves in EVERY way
I'm 85% through The Last of Us. I'll finish it tonight or tomorrow. What an amazing story so far.
Zone of enders here, got so much backlog
Bit of Killzone Mercenary for me if I get time.
i finally got round to getting Zone of the Enders HD so i'll be playing that (classic games)
and maybe messing around on Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 too
i also have the inclining to play the Uncharted games again
Started Hitman Absolution and really like it.
@Epic Oh man...The Last of Us + your weekend = awesome in every way.
Takes about 16 hours though, so try to remember to eat.
As for Borderlands, I'm playing alone, but gonna hang in there. Is pretty fun.
@Confused_Dude Ok cool, good to hear. I like to play through series. So good to know I have a lot to look fwd to.
I'm going to risk wetting myself and play The Last of Us on Survivor+. After, I'll play Ascension and Uncharted 3 - sigh I really need more games to play.
DRAGONS CROWN!!!!! The game is awesome! Also, a bit of the killzone mercenary beta
Still playing Tekken Revolution =(
Finally getting around to playing Okami HD... so charming!
Also playing persona 4, and disgaea 3 (trying to stop myself from starting it until i finish persona 4 though!) on Vita...
<-- skyrim on PC. It's fun to mod!
Hitman Absolution is new but I got sick of trying to get past the tennis courts heh heh... And there's still Munch's O after I figure out how to beat Abe's (so hard to win! My body is ready for that remake)
@Snorky yeah those two are crazy confusing to try to play together haha
I would have been playing Tales of Xilla, if Namco haven't been nice to cancel my order without informing me and my backup did first ship on Release date...
I finally got Guacamelee this week. I just beat Flameface and I'm gonna buy El Diablos DLC when I finish. This game has so many trophies. I earned like twenty in one day!
dragon crown and tales of xillia asian version,both great games
I'll be visiting Playstation weekend with Dragon's Crown on PS Vita and Bioshock Infinite on PS3.
I'm gonna work on my Last of Us on survivor mode.
Tales of Xillia when I get back home, but, ALAS, I am at work right now. I'll fill my time with RPG Maker VX Ace and youtube, getting on Xillia after I get some sleep, go to church, and catch up on Attack on Titan. In fact, those very well may be next week's plans too! Do I get paid to sit here, lurk on PushSquare, watch Youtube, play games, and sometimes pick up the phone twice during my whole shift to take 2 minutes to dispatch a taxi? Yes, yes I do.
Just finished The Last of Us. All I can say is Wow... Unbelievable story
Dragon's Crown and some Tekken Tag 2.
Bioshock DLC - Clash in the Clouds
Uncharted: Golden Abyss.
Brother is here for the weekend. We played some Chronicles of Mystara, that game is just fun!
Thinking about picking up Dragon's Crown, that game looks amazing.
Ok so yeah, on the Vita front I finally started Gravity Rush... Holy crap, now I get why some people have been calling for a PS4 sequel! I LOVE the Vita, but this world rendered with ps4 tech played with a dualshock 4? Unbelievable. For anyone who hasn't picked it up, or had it buried in the backlog, you gotta play this gem!
X-COM and some Super Stardust HD.
Soul Sacrifice, MGS HD Collection, When Vikings Attack and Killzone Liberation on PS Vita.
Just started sleeping dogs last night!
Rayman Origins & Borderlands 2 on PS3.
Metal Slug XX on PSP.
W101 demo. Broke down and bought a WiiU yesterday to play it. It's "When Vikings Attack" developed into a crazy full blown game. Bayonetta 2 is going to be nuts.
psst, nobody tell Saquine, he already thinks I'm a Nintendo fanboy.
ill be on dragons crown for a while
@ztpayne7 How is it? Had it in the backlog for a long time.
I also just got my WiiU and this weekend I got to play The Wonderful 101 demo and it was great! I also played New Super Mario Bros U and had a great time with it.
On the Playstation front, I only played a little of Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed on the Vita.
@JMC - Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed
I need to DL that oddly named demo this afternoon. It's difficult going from a 500GB HDD in my PS3 to the 32Gb in the WiiU.
Glad to know somebody else purchased a WiiU. Figures it was the owner of a Vita (I unplugged my Dreamcast to plug in my Wii U. It felt foreboding.)
For me it wasn't that hard because I still have my 80GB Playstation 3 so the reduced memory wasn't such a bad thing. I plan on gettin a big SD card for it though, but I can wait a little more.
I managed to finish New Super Mario Bros U and it was wonderful. I really enjoyed the Rayman Legends demo and I know I will get it for the Wii U. Other than that I started to play Nintendo Land, but it still didn't click with as much as I thought it would...
I'm addicted to Project X Zone on the 3DS and I'm almost finished with it, so I'll soon dedicate more time to my Wii U as I thought it was a great machine.
This week I will be playing Mass Effect 3 and hopefully finishing it and then a little bit of Ghost Recon: Future Soldier.
@ztpayne7 I loved Sleeping Dogs! Brilliant game, I'm sure you'll enjoy it
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