Rayman Legends 2

August was a busy month for the team here at Push Square, in which we reviewed 21 new releases in total. Of course, only one game can be awarded the prestigious Game of the Month accolade, and so we looked to the highest rated titles, which included wildly anticipated adventures such as the ridiculous Saints Row IV and the magical Tales of Xillia.

After furious debate and several brawls, we eventually managed to pick out a winner: Rayman Legends. Ubisoft's latest picturesque platformer flows like a water colour painting on the PlayStation 3, prompting a fantastic score of 9/10 from our very own Greg Giddens. "The release takes Rayman Origins' fundamentals and polishes them to within an inch of their life" he wrote, adding that "this is a game that masterfully links each individual part of its makeup into an exquisite whole, culminating in a true sensory treat". Platforming praise doesn't come much higher than that.

Elsewhere, scores of 8/10 permeated throughout the site, with the aforementioned Saints Row IV and Tales of Xillia both highly praised, albeit for vastly different reasons. Summing up the president's virtual adventure, this particular author stated that "there’s still nothing in gaming quite like mowing down alien scum in a nitrous-charged golf cart, all while blasting Haddaway’s What Is Love from the radio", while JRPG enthusiast Katy Ellis fell in love with Xillia's colourful aesthetics, stating that "the title consistently wows with one beautiful setting after another".

Smaller releases such as Do Not Fall and Open Me also garnered similar attention, while Omega Force's delightful adaptation of Eiichiro Oda's One Piece manga had us collectively singing sea shanties in One Piece: Pirate Warriors 2. Unfortunately, you have to take the good with the bad – or in Killer Is Dead's case, the disappointing. The title's "relentless idiocy doesn’t make up for its offensively average gameplay", noted a disgruntled Sammy Barker, giving the game a mediocre score of 5/10.

Don't agree with our choice of Rayman Legends? Remember to vote for your favourite in our poll, and plead your case in the comments section below. And if you missed any of our August reviews, we've compiled a handy list of links for you below:

Narco Terror (4/10)
Hot Shots Gold: World Invitational (8/10)
Tekken Revolution (7/10)
Tales of Xillia (8/10)
BreakQuest: Extra Evolution (7/10)
Spartacus Legends (6/10)
Die! Die! Die! (6/10)
The Smurfs 2: The Video Game (3/10)
Time and Eternity (3/10)
Saints Row IV (8/10)
Do Not Fall (8/10)
Open Me (8/10)
Lost Planet 3 (7/10)
One Piece: Pirate Warriors 2 (8/10)
Killer Is Dead (5/10)
The Bureau: XCOM Declassified (5/10)
Dragon's Crown (8/10)
Snowy: Treasure Hunter (4/10)
DuckTales: Remastered (6/10)
Spelunky (8/10)
Rayman Legends (9/10)

What was your favourite game in August? (22 votes)

  1. One Piece: Pirate Warriors 2%
  2. Rayman Legends%
  3. Saints Row IV%
  4. Spelunky%
  5. Tales of Xillia%

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