If you need to rob a bus to roll with your inflated crew, then you may be over the moon to learn that Grand Theft Auto Online could support up to 32 players rather than the confirmed 16 players. Cinemablend reports – courtesy of leaked game code – that the title will allow you to posse up with more buddies than expected, though we recommend waiting on Rockstar Games’ official word before putting out a search for more gang members.
The publication also claims that there are references to ‘Orbis’ within the game code, which was the alias for the PlayStation 4 before it was officially announced. Is there a next generation version on the way? You can probably bet your BAWSAQ stocks that a prettier instalment will deploy in the future. Nevertheless, take all of this with a pinch of crushed paracetamol for the time being. In honesty, we have a hard time believing that the developer has doubled the game’s announced online player count, but you never know...
[source cinemablend.com, via vg247.com]
Comments 12
I doubt Rockstar would go for that count, would it even be possible if the Online uses the same world as the single player? Then again the Ps3 is home to MAG with its 256 player count so anything is possible
Still can't see the game coming out on next gen consoles. Rockstar don't seem to me to be that way and want their games on every machine possible. Is it worth spending millions porting it over and making it look a tiny, tiny bit better? I'm sure I'll get responses under mine saying "I'd buy it" but they're a tiny minority compared to the millions who already own the game. Just can't see it being on PS4 or Xbox One.
@rastamadeus Oh, I think they will. A lot of people will buy it again to play it on new machines. All they need to do is spruce it up a bit - I imagine it's a task they could farm off to one of their sub-teams (are Rockstar Leeds still around?). It will easily sell a few million copies on next-gen machines, and will end up giving the multiplayer even longer legs. (People still play GTA4 multiplayer, remember!)
For those like me to opt having no ps3 it's a great option if there is ps4 ver coming
After all the petitions for the pc version and all the people interested on a next fen version of this game. I think rockstar is just making so time to upgrade this game to run in pc and next gen consoles.
Is there a next generation version on the way?
I was reading a new article on the 21st about this and Dan Houser has all but dismissed a next gen version, but he didn't say GTAV, he said GTA so i don't know.
is it an update for GTA V? or a standalone release?
@Alpha its an update to GTA V but im unsure if it will also release as a stand alone product.
I think im with @rastamadeus on this one. Not necessarily because it wouldn't be financially viable but just for other reasons. Im not so sure its as clean cut as "it will definitely be on next gen".
I just want to see how badly multiplayer impacts overall performance. I can't wait for the online component, but I don't want a deserted state devoid of pedestrians or traffic.
@eLarkos Won't be standalone.
Y'all think they don't want you playing GTAV on your vita against 31 other people? Cause I do think they want that. : P
given how much time and effort rockstar has put into the game i can't imagine it won't be on next gen/pc.
The more consoles it can release, the more opportunity for sales.
Furthermore, this generation is coming to a close. Surely the 360/ps3 will be active for at least another year or two, and yes there are 10s of millions of systems owned for this gen so it was brilliant for rockstar to put it on current platforms.
But given the effort going into GTA online, with Rockstar's plan for this to be a long lasting and active part of the game, I can only imagine that putting it on next gen will extend it's life significantly.
I know i'm holding out on GTAV for a ps4 version, because i know once i get my ps4 my 360 will collect dust. and i'm done with XBL, i'm saving to get PSN+ for ps4, so i couldn't even play GTA online now if i got the game.
IF rockstar releases on next gen systems, the game could see life for another 5 or 6 years, not to mention DLC and GTA online keeping the game very active, giving Rockstar ample time to craft GTAVI.
If not, the game may die down significantly before Rockstar has time to get another one in the wild.
Oh, and if released on PS4/X1/PC, 32 players on GTA online will definitely happen.
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