There are always shortages when new hardware is released, but if the words of SCEA president Jack Tretton are anything to go by, the launch of the PS4 should see more happy customers than ever before.
Speaking to Fox, Tretton revealed that production yields for the new console have been "phenomenal":
We want to make sure that consumers have an opportunity to buy one on November 15th and through the holidays. We're holding back some inventory to make sure that people have an opportunity to buy one that come in on launch day.
But we can pre-sell every unit we can manufacture and the good news, production yields have been phenomenal, so this will be by a magnitude of a lot the biggest launch we've ever had.
It's going to be the biggest launch in history.
According to reports, Microsoft isn't having quite as much luck with the production of its Xbox One console, although the platform holder has since gone on the record to say that the manufacturing process is going better than expected.
[source mcvuk.com, via videogamer.com]
Comments 14
Glad I have mine preordered and paid off.
@Tasuki Nice, I should have mine paid off by the end of the month.
Nice! I'll have mine paid off by the end of October XD
Mine is also paid in full.. Thank god for gta 5 otherwise the wait would have been unbareable.
Here is a link to the actual video.. http://video.foxbusiness.com/v/2665555912001/video-gamers-await-launch-of-playstation-4/
They talked about the declining games sales figures over the last few years in the interview. Glad Jack was able to set it straight that this console cycle was damned long. Sales figures always decline towards the end of a console generation. This hype for this new gen is very high and I expect this and next holiday season will definitely be huge or as Mr. Tretton says it, 'y-uge.'
@Madd_Hatter401 @ivanmata @PMasterTy9 @Tasuki Me too! Yay for the cool kids like us. Anyone who wants to add me and play at 12:30am on the 15th may do so. I'll be DriveClubbing, I think.
I hope lots of folks pick one up w/in the first couple days. I also wonder what the most popular way to troll on ps4 will be, lol.
@charlesnarles Yeah anyone any can add me too. I'm not sure what my schedule will be like so I might only have time to set it up and hopefully remote download from work but I will be gaming all weekend!
I'll be picking mine up at launch too. Feel free to add me. I'll likely be doing DriveClub too on that first weekend.
I will probably be switching between Killzone, Driveclub, and Warframe but we will see..lol
Add me at shellybird27 everybody, i will also be getting PS4 day one !!
I'm so ready for this
Hi all, my gamertag is DirectAim on both xbox and psn.
See you on the 29th!
@Lopezdm LOL, yeah you are right. Well I guess their logic is that video games are OK since it's coming from Fox Business and it will bring in money for certain businesses and companies. Give it time and Fox News will be bashing video games again...lol
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