Play as you go

Sony’s high-profile acquisition of Gaikai last year means that it’s only a matter of time before you’re playing PlayStation games on multiple devices. While the company intends to start streaming games to the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, and PlayStation Vita next year in North America, it also has plans to expand that functionality to non-gaming products, too.

Asked by Dutch network RTL News about its desire to explore outside of the traditional console space, SCEE president Jim Ryan emphatically iterated that it’s a “certainty” that the brand will arrive on a variety of different devices in the coming months.

“We acquired a company called Gaikai a couple of years ago, which provides a cloud streaming service,” he explained. “Starting next year in North America, and soon to follow in Europe, we will start streaming PlayStation gaming experiences to PlayStation devices, but also to non-PlayStation devices, like smartphones, tablets, laptop computers, televisions, and Blu-ray players.”

Quizzed whether the service would be limited to internally manufactured electronics, Ryan responded that it won’t. “No,” he said. “We will stream to, obviously Sony products, but also the possibility to stream to non-Sony products is definitely on the horizon.”

Are you still wrapping your head around the idea of playing PlayStation games on a smartphone or laptop computer? Do you think that this is a smart strategy for the platform holder moving forwards? Stream some feedback in the comments section below.

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