Somewhere around the world, someone is panicking over the fact that they can’t find a PlayStation 4 right now. Sony’s next generation system has been playing hide-and-seek with store shelves since its release on 15th November, with the platform holder’s global approach leaving scant supply for those that didn’t have the foresight to pre-order this Christmas’ hottest holiday gift in the hazier days of February. The firm has been shipping new stock to specialist retailers and supermarkets, but so sought-after is the super machine that they’re leaving the shops almost as fast as they arrive. With demand for the device sky-high, though, do you really need the console right now?
Before the angry online mobs start throwing petrol bombs at the comments section, I should clarify that I adore Mark Cerny’s surprisingly miniscule masterpiece. As I pointed out in Push Square’s hardware review, the console represents an enormous leap forward from the poor launch of the PlayStation 3, and there’s a really solid basis for the manufacturer to build from as a result. Granted, there are some system level oversights – such as the absence of MP3 support and the lack of organisational options – but the interface is fast, fluid, and functional. Despite offering an incredible environment from which to play, however, I can’t seem to settle in it for long.

The problem is not the platform or its supposedly lean launch lineup, but the fact that the Japanese giant’s existing system has really come into its own over the past three or four years. Venturing back into the static setting of the XMB can feel like spending a weekend in a hotel without an en-suite, but there’s just so much that I want to play on the PS3 that I’m finding it difficult to tear myself away. I was lured back by the brilliant Gran Turismo 6 earlier in the month, and aside from a few fleeting moments spent in the Pinball Arcade and Zen Pinball 2, I’m yet to really enjoy a prolonged session with my PS4 in over two weeks.
The next generation may have arrived, and it may be legitimately great – but that doesn’t mean that you’re required to embrace it right now
Now, I’m one of the few that subscribes to the idea that the next generation console’s launch lineup was rather good – but it can’t compete with the epic backlog that I have sitting to the side of my ageing black box of tricks. If it’s not Polyphony Digital’s abovementioned simulation racer augmenting oodles of addictive Seasonal Events, then it’s the faint cry of Deadly Premonition: Director’s Cut, Max Payne 3, and Bayonetta that are demanding that I dive back in and give them another try. And that’s without really mentioning the pile of shame that’s sitting on my system’s overstuffed hard-drive – a list that appears to get longer with every single PlayStation Plus update.
It’s anecdotal, but I’ve noticed a similar trend among my freshly fattened friends list. With the pretty set pieces of Killzone: Shadow Fall out of the way, many of my online associates are now taking refuge in Minecraft: PlayStation 3 Edition, skipping the scenery of Redview County for the complimentary GRID 2, and clubbing the underrated-but-still-not-exceptional Knack for something truly critically acclaimed. It’s not a mass exodus – there are still plenty that are eager to see their team lift the FA Cup in FIFA 14, and some that are even daring enough to bypass Battlefield 4’s bugs – but it’s clear that the PS3 still commands pride of place in many players’ entertainment centres.

As far as I’m concerned, this isn’t the end of the honeymoon period for Sony’s hottest new hardware, but more an indication of just how incredibly dense the PS3’s library has become. It’s hard to imagine that there was once a time when people pondered whether the manufacturer should axe the device such were the scale of its troubles, as it’s proving difficult to let go of the platform now that its successor has arrived. Of course, as publishers apply the brakes to their current generation output and my Blu-ray-based backlog finds itself being auctioned off on eBay, I’m sure that my attention will naturally gravitate back towards my underused futuristic format. But that time is not now.
And that’s why if you’re sobbing into a snowball over the fact that you haven’t got one of Sony’s new systems sitting under your over decorated indoor fir tree, then it’s really not the end of the world. Once you’ve got past the initial thrill of the visual leap, you’ll find your eye wandering back towards the dozens of current generation titles that you’re yet to complete. The next generation may have arrived, and it may be legitimately great – but that doesn’t mean that you’re required to embrace it right now. I dived in head first, but that’s not going to stop me from spending my festive break with Far Cry 3.
Have you found yourself gravitating back towards your PS3 over the past few weeks? Where do you intend to do the majority of your Christmas gaming? Did you decide to pass on the PS4 for the exact reasons outlined within this article? Handcuff your hardware in the comments section below.
Which PlayStation console will be occupying your attention this Christmas? (67 votes)
- I’ll be playing the PS4, as I’m still yet to beat all of the launch games
- Despite picking up Sony’s new machine, I can’t stop playing my PS3
- I don’t actually own a next-gen system, so it’ll be the PS3 by default
- I’ll probably give both the PS4 and PS3 fairly equal attention overall
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Comments 47
There's too many games I haven't played from the last gen and too much games on my backlog(blame PS+) I'm right now fine with everything my PS3 has to offer.
The amount of quality games I have on PS3 right now really makes it hard for me to splash the cash for it's younger brother rightnow, I think the right time will be when Watch Dogs and Infamous will launch, still have to get GoW Ascension, Bioshock Infinite and Beyond among other, also it's about time I got The Unfinished Swan and Rain, those are 2 games I can't wait to play...and not on PS4
My triade will be PS3/PS Vita/3DS so many games to play, so little time...
Sammy, but won't resogun cost money then?
I'll be switching between PS4 and PS3, and I dare say PS3 will be getting the most use.
The reason is simple really, and it's one that was brought up in the article - games. There's nothing on PS4 right now that keeps me coming back time and time again. There are no massive RPGs, for example. Sure. I love FIFA 14 - I've already put about 40 hours into it - and Assassin's Creed IV (Christmas present) is bound to keep my attention for a long time, but the sooner we get games like Destiny, the better.
That said, the Dynasty Warriors 8 Xtreme Legends Complete Edition announcement (phew) has bolstered my outlook for early 2014 - I'll play the hell out of that. But yeah, for me, PS3 has much more going for it still.
My PS4 time has started to taper off now that the novelty of a new console isn't quite as fresh, but I still love the system, and pop it on to give Resogun a go every now and again, but I have 2 giant stacks of PS3 games I'm behind on!
@ferrers405 Tell me about it. I have a list of games as long as my arm that I want to play, but I know that I'll never be able to play them all.
@ztpayne7 Possibly, but it'll be worth every penny. I believe it's sticking around in the Instant Game Collection for the forseeable future, though.
@ShogunRok Forty hours in FIFA already? That's impressive. I'm really excited for a lot the games coming out on PS4 in early 2014. I'll probably end up getting Tomb Raider (even though I'm going to play that on the PS3 over Christmas) and I'm open to the idea of Thief. Then there's also DriveClub and inFAMOUS, so plenty to look forward to. On the PS3 side, it's only really interested in Lightning Returns as Dark Souls does nothing for me.
When's The Witcher 3 due out? Isn't that an early 2014 title, too?
I managed to grab a mega bundle from game last week...which was a shock. I never intended to buy a PS4 near launch....out of a combination of few of the available games on the new console interesting me and having a huge back log of quality PS3 titles to get through....and a desire to be careful with my money. However when the magic 'in stock' appeared near the image of the PS4 on my phone screen, my gamer core overthrew my self control and I pounced on it. My sense of satisfaction was quashed however when I found out that my parents had spent the day hunting in local supermarkets and had managed to grab the last PS4 to be stocked at a local ASDA. So there you go, I scored two PS4s in one day and managed to ruin my parents surprise Xmas gift to me....like a complete tit. I do still believe the PS3 is strong enough to quell the need to upgrade to the PS4.
I got the Ratchet n Clank HD set for Christmas - $8.98 at Target so I couldnt just leave it sitting there - but SM3DW, Lego Marvel and Skylanders on the Wii U so I think my PS3 is taking a vacation for abit. Then Dragons Dogma Dark Arisen. And LBP Karting. You know with PS+ its kinda Christmas every month.
Hey Sammy nice job writing this piece. Damo wrote a similar piece (not here) a few weeks ago but he was all about the negativity, you do a really good job putting a positive spin on the situation.
PS3 has so many games I have yet to play, I won't be getting a PS4 for a long time, & am in no hurry to do so. It's always good to wait for a price drop, bigger hard drive, and for them to work out the kinks. It would help PS4 if they actually released games I want (besides Resogun & Killzone) on the console.
@ferrers405 yep just add PS4 and you described my quad-riad(?)
Sammy, I'm often in your corner, but am a huge believer in supporting and investing in next gen. While, I agree if you're forced to wait, that's not the end of the world, yet when people can buy one, I think they should.
If everyone waits, next gen will suck content-wise. The more rabid the adoption, the more games getting green-lit.
Ps3 is still amazing though, no question there.
@get2sammyb Witcher 3's release date always has been and still is pretty vague. You'd imagine that it'll launch at some point in 2014, but at this juncture I seriously doubt it'll be before summer.
I still haven't finished Arkham Origins, Tomb Raider, Puppeteer, Ni no Kuni, GTA V or the R&C collection, so even if I had a PS4, my PS3 would be getting used a whole lot more.
I still get a bitter taste when I think about the fact that I will need to pay to use PlayStation network when I move to PS4. I have not as of yet and don't want to pay more just to play any given game to it fullest with the use of an network subscription when it was not something I needed to factor in on the PS3. I am not concerned about free games if I know about a good game and want it I look into purchasing it.

Battlefield 4 is the only game out now on the PS4 that I would want to play but it is broken so till it gets patched to where it's fixed for good or anther game I want to play on the PS4 i.e. say Watchdogs (maybe) is released I will be happy with the 80 or so PS3 games I have now. I also have hopes of platinuming some more games and time to do so.
Even my technologically challenged mom asked how I was able to get a PS4 after some girl at her work couldn't find one. The demand is there for a reason, but PS3 doesn't automatically suck just because there's PS4 now. I'm still excited over my TLOU season pass and GT6 rules. I'm a happy camper balancing my PS3/4/Vita, 3DS and PC backlog, which is enormous when combined together!
I'm still more than happy with my PS3. Pretty much not a day goes by that I don't play something on it. That said I have only had my PS3 for about two years so, I still feel like I'm playing catch up.
There is no doubt in my mind that my next console will be a PS4, it just won't be anytime soon.
If I play a shiny new PlayStation console this Christmas, it's probably going to be a PS Vita. Home console wise, I'm still on the fence about getting a PlayStation 4 due to the lack of backwards-compatibility, so I may just replace my old PS3 instead at some point.
How bout the choice of I will be playing a PS4 since I dont own a PS3. Yeah that's my pick there.
I agree that there is no need to pick up a PS4 yet for all of the reasons stated above. However, after umming an ahhing about whether or not to keep my pre-order I ended up picking up the PS4 at launch.
While most of the games I really want to play start coming out in about March 2014 (and several also exist on the PS3), I knew I would to get a PS4 eventually anyway, so it was just question of now or wait. Wanting to play the "best version" of games was a factor, but what tipped me over the edge into getting one at launch was wanting to be part of the Next Gen conversation.
Honestly if I had waited 3-6 months, what would I gain? I haven't run out of PS4 games yet and I'm not sorry about my decision.
I think having to pay for mutiplayer was fine. The funny thing is I actually forgot the PS4 needs a plus sub to play online multiplayer and barely remembered when I got my ps4 yesterday, luckily I bought a year of plus this month.
That said I agree completely, unless you're into RPG's, MMO's and Action Adventure (which is mostly what's on the PS4), you're better off waiting till next year.
I picked, "Despite picking up Sony’s new machine, I can’t stop playing my PS3" only replace PS3 with Vita. So many games so little time. I work a long, boring, mostly empty overnight shift, so it's very nice to be able to fill that time with gaming on my Vita and I can't play PS4 at work. Well, I suppose technically I could with remote play, if the WiFi at work didn't suck.
None of the answers really applies to me, because I've been spending a lot of my time on games on non-Sony platforms lately. I do have a PS4, and I like it...but it hasn't gotten much attention over the past couple of weeks...but my PS3 hasn't fared much better save for watching movies.
There's no doubt about it, the PS3 is as big a threat to the PS4 as Wii U and Xbox One. Much like PS2 was to PS3 for a while. The unfortunate part is that, unlike PS3, which was a complete laughing stock from 2006-2008 and deserved to sell like sh*t so Sony would wake up and make changes, the PS4 is actually well designed system, with a pretty good launch lineup and good stuff set for its first year, but it won't get the sales it deserves because the company that created it is giving 90% of its attention to the last gen machine. Nintendo and MS generally kill off their last console as soon as the next one is set to release. You'll see that pay dividends over the course of the next year or two I believe. As much as I like the PS4's 2014 lineup, I won't kid myself, I bought the PS4 because I like to have the latest tech and I really want to play inFamous: Second Son as soon as possible, but who besides the biggest fans of that series will actually pay $400 for a new console when they could just stick with their PS3 which is getting tons of JRPGs as well as the biggest multiplats like Thief, Destiny, Watch_Dogs and MGS 5? Even Sony itself is doing the cross-gen thing with MLB 14 The Show. It's just not good business when trying to compete in the current gen with Wii U and X1 though. You don't see Nintendo doing cross-gen Mario or MS do cross-gen Forza, because both companies want to actually move consoles off the shelves. PS4 is a big seller now, to us impatient people, those numbers will drop in the coming months and they could hit PS3 lows if Sony isn't careful. Meanwhile Xbox One will not be seen in stores once Titanfall comes out. Same for Wii U courtesy of Mario Kart 8.
Everything above I said in my reasons why I wouldn't get a PS4 in the first year of its life - although I have, but only as it was part of a new phone contract and I was paying just £40 for it - yet I was told I was a "pathetic Nintendo fanboy" and "not a real gamer" for doing so. Now the machine is out people (as always) are realising their new shiny console don't do much until a year in when it starts to have a decent library. Mines still in its box! Not even opened it after a week.
Think I saw that article by Damo. That guy is a complete corporate slave for Nintendo though. It was pretty clear to me from reading that article and his GTA V-hate tirade earlier in the year that he wants anything and everything not Nintendo to fail and fail miserably.
GT6 and MASTERING it takes a while ! Still, I got my Ps4 yesterday and I occasionally play it when im done concentrating on ideal lines and feathering the gas pedal.. Love them all, PS3, PS4, PSVita
The Witcher 3 shows a release date of Sept 30th on one of the Amazons and Oct 14th on Newegg. Assuming no delays, we can expect it Fall 2014, or just under a year from now. That's the game I want too.
@Gamer83 That's enough of that. You may not like certain writers but let's keep it friendly.
Besides, Damien writes for Push Square when key staff are on holiday!
Not to get off topic or anything, but concerning Damo, I just don't see it. Yes he wrote an article stating his views on why he's not a fan of GTA5 (not everyone is, especially due to the gruesome, violent nature of the game), and yes he wrote an opinion piece stating that he prefers the Wii U over PS4. That's all his preference and opinion. I just don't see how that translates to "corporate slave" and "wants everyone to fail that's not Nintendo". I certainly don't think he would have bought a PS4 if that were the case.
I was going to hold off of getting a PS4 until well into next year as I still have plenty to play on my PS3 (& other system's) I still need to get round to playing "The Last of Us" just for starters, also "The Walking Dead" Season 2 is something else that will take up some of my time on PS3 as I really loved Season 1.
But, in the end I picked up a PS4 this week, I wanted a specific bundle and it come back in stock at Amazon, so I just thought I may as well pick the console up while I was lucky enough to be able to afford and find one.
I went for the Knack bundle, just my type of game platformer/action/adventure etc. and I have to say after a good long session playing Knack yesterday I truly don't understand all the negative reviews, I'm not saying it's the best game ever made, but IMO it's a really solid game in it's genre and is pleasant enough to look at for a launch title as well, in fact I think it looks pretty good in terms of graphics, and at the end of the day it's very easy to pick up & play, so ideal as far as I'm concerned.
The problem that I have with PS4 is the games. 409 euros may not be that much for the system but, since I don't play fps games and I don't play as much sports games as I used to the cost is not justified. If there were j-rpg games or if FF15 was somehow a launch tittle I may have preordered the console. I will stick with the PS3 for home gaming and play the next FF, Tales of, Atelier and Metal Gear games and may upgrade to PS4 towards the FF15 release date when it will surely have a more complete collection of games and by then I will have a PS4 backlog due to IGC.
Got my PS4 at launch, and love it. But at the moment, I'm still spending more time on PS3. I've been finishing the story on GTA V (and to be honest, now that's done, I may not go back to it), and now I've moved on to Beyond: Two Souls. I'm playing a bit of Resogun and Contrast in between, but haven't got far in Shadow Fall, and thanks to all the issues, haven't even bothered starting BF4 yet.
@ShogunRok @JaxonH @Gamer83 - Between the lines both pieces were the same which is why I complimented Sammy for his ability to say the same thing in such a postive manner.
I do think the GTAV piece made the PS4 piece look worse than it was as they were written close together and both so negative. He actually wrote the GTAV peice the week he was filling in for Sammy here, adn I though the should have written it here. Same for the 2nd peice.
Damo adn I butt heads occasionally but I certainly don't see him as a corpoarate shill, just somebody who likes to have fun fun, which is a good thing.
I won't lie I bought my PS4 ahead of time due to Order 1886, Rayman Legends, FFXIV, Second Son and KH3.
If I had waited I wouldn't have been able to get one or even want one. For once most of the games I want come out EARLY next year instead of in the middle.
Haven't touched my PS3 since 29th November, but I did start it up today to download Dragons Crown patch and man it's slow towards the PS4. The PS3 is excellent I will be coming back to it for the likes of Dark Souls 2 and to carry-on playing Dragons Crown.
I really wouldn't have much time for the PS4 even if I have the money for it right now. Getting a Xbox One as an early Christmas/birthday gift has kind of turned my attention away from the PS4 for now. Not to mention all of the games for my PS3, 3DS, Vita, Wii U, and many other gaming devices on my backlog that I need to actually play.
But I'll likely buy a PS4 sometime next year when I have the money. I gotta catch them all!
It's a matter of interpretation I guess. To me the articles came off pretty bad. I certainly understand that GTA V is not for everybody. And I'm as aware as anybody how quickly console launches lose their excitement. The only two systems I've ever thought hit the ground running from day one and kept the momentum were GBA and Dreamcast (software-wise, obviously not sales in the case of DC). It's just, I don't think I've ever seen Damien question anything Nintendo does. It's like in his eyes, its the perfect company, that's fine, but I think I'd rather just see him leave it at then. You love Nintendo, you work at a Nintendo-specific site. Stick to that. I've had a similar dislike for some of the Xbox and Nintendo-bashing articles I've seen written on a North American based PlayStation forum I frequent. The guy clearly loves Sony and couldn't care less about the other two, that's fine, but if Sony is so perfect, you don't need to be writing trash about the competition to prove a point. That's why I generally like PushSquare and PureXbox better than all other websites. I feel like Sammy and Ken do a great job of balancing positive and negative while mostly avoiding talk about the competition unless it revolves around sales charts.
Also want to be clear, I don't dislike Damien. Quite the opposite actually. I think he writes some of the best Nintendo pieces. I especially enjoy the articles he writes about how Nintendo games have a way of connecting different generations of gamers.
Great post. No, I totally agree, I just didn't get that impression from him is all. But yeah, no one should act like one console is perfect and insult the others just for an ego boost. I mean, how ridiculous is that? It's like kids playing hopscotch throwing insults at the kids on the swings, who are throwing insults at the kids on the jungle gym. It's gotten way out of hand. People act like we're at war or something, I just don't get it.
Play what you like, don't ridicule others for playing something different. Simple moral code we should all live by. And that's why I love this site too. It's a safe haven for Sony fans (and others) to discuss the hobby for which we have a passion. Most members here are great, and don't judge others for gaming on a different console. Nintendolife also has great members who are pretty rational and understanding (there are always a few bad eggs of course).
But yeah I just don't get why people do that stuff. I'm not particularly a big Xbox fan. But if someone tells me they love gaming on Xbox 360 or One, I'm not going to judge them or ridicule them or condescend. I'd actually be intrigued as to why they prefer that console, and would probably pick their brain over some of the best games on offer, to see if it's something I might want to indulge in.
I commend you, oh great multi-console gamer. Buy em all! Miss nothing.
@Donald_M if You have a 4G LTE smartphone You Can use it as a WiFi Hotspot and share your phone's Internet connection with your Vita
@rastamadeus Personally I fully understand the rationale of not getting any new console in its first year and the PS4 is no exception. I very nearly waited.
There are many features from the PS3 that have not made it to the PS4 yet, especially in media playing and TV streaming Apps. There are also very few games for my kids yet on the PS4. I knew all this before I bought it, so it was no surprise,and also a key factor in my decision to keep the PS3.
I know that your gaming tastes are regularly different to mine, so maybe there is nothing that interests you yet, but what I will say is that I am very happy to play the PS4 version of games over the PS3 version, there is already plenty of games to play, not to mention I have about 8-9 free games including PS+ stuff, the share features and better friend interaction is fun and going back to the XMB on the PS3 now is painful beyond belief.
If you have one, it is worth getting it out of the box! Honest.
I have a serious backlog of games to play on PS3, Wii and Wii U. I'm really in no hurry to get a PS4, I don't mind waiting a couple of years.
I have decided to buy my PS4 in March when inFamous: Second Son is released. That is the only game so far that I feel like is should get a PS4 for. I'm hoping there's a PS4 bundle too. But in the meantime I haven't played Beyond & waiting on DBZ: Battle of Z.
@Gamer83 how long do you give the 360 to last before MS stops shipments of it? I give it 2 years & that's b/c I know Xbone will have a price drop in about 2 years
@Ginkgo It'll have to be out the box today so I don't miss the PS+ games, haha. I have no doubt once I actually get on the machine I'll be hooked but with brand new games/tech I always struggle to take the step of opening it the first time. No idea why, think it's a bit like worried the realism won't live up to the hype. Or I'm just crazy.
I'll get a PS4 before FIFA 15 drops.
I currently only have AC4 to play on PS4, but I lucky enough have FFXIV, HDN Victory, Atelier Ayesha, Wonderbook: Book of Potion, CSI, TWD Season 2 (Episode 1) to play on PS3.
Currently it looks like my PS3 is getting a lot more love until Infamous: Second Son comes out.
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