With the PlayStation 4’s launch window already proving a critical and commercial success, Sony is now turning its attention to the battle that is set to occur in 2014. While we already know about a handful of first-party and third-party releases that are set to deploy in the New Year, SCEUK managing director Fergal Gara has hinted that a number of “great surprises” will help it to maintain its position at the front of the console race.
"All of our major studios are working on PS4 content,” he stated in an exclusive interview with British newspaper the Daily Express. “They may not have announced games specifically, but our big studio network is focused primarily on the PS4. Their heritage is fantastic and it is a great platform to develop for. So I am looking forward to some great surprises and amazing experiences. There are going to be some real gems.”
This follows similar comments made by Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida, who hinted earlier in the year that even teams such as former handheld specialist Sony Bend are working on the new machine. Meanwhile, Gara continued that games like Destiny and Watch Dogs – both of which will have exclusive content on the PS4 – will help to “define what next-gen gaming will look [like] in its mature phase”.
In fact, the executive has a lot of faith in external studios. “Gamers can look forward to seeing publishers really push the boundaries of what this great machine can do,” he said when asked what the coming year will hold for Sony’s new super system. “[These titles will] really stretch the technology a lot more than we have already seen." We happen to think that Killzone: Shadow Fall looks bonkers as it is, so it’s going to be an exciting twelve months.
[source express.co.uk]
Comments 22
I wonder if Sony is going to start doing pre-e3 events like they did back in feb or something like Nintendo direct also Sony is going to be Kicking ass all 2014 long go Sony!
Great news. I can't wait for Tomb Raider at this point, so it's nice to be assured that lots of next-gen-only games are on the way
I can't for more next-gen announces
Hopefully we'll start seeing more and more true next-gen reveals over the coming months and far less of this cross-gen nonsense.
@Gamer83 I also hope the same. It's the main reason I don't look forward to Titanfall and Watch Dogs as much as I did. Both will be brought down a bit by cross-gening. I still look forward to Destiny though, but more because it reminds me of Diablo + Guild Wars but with guns.
No doubt cross-gen ends next-year though. I imagine it's a way to grab those who don't quite want to transition. Think about it: what if you really enjoyed Watch Dogs and found out the sequel would be a PS4/Xbox One exclusive? Just another reason to make the jump to the new gen, then devs can really make their games shine.
Yeah, I'm a huge Metal Gear Solid fan and I'm not nearly as excited for V as I would normally be because it will be significantly held back by current-gen. There's no doubt from a business perspective it makes more sense to cross-gen your games and it actually happens during every transition, though I think with this one it's slightly more pronounced than in the past, which I guess makes sense given the rising cost of game development each gen. Somebody will have to be the first though and that's why I'm really looking forward to The Witcher 3, a high profile third party game designed strictly for the PS4, X1 and PC.
I wouldn't let the fact it's cross-gen damper your spirits or lessen your excitement. PS4 is obviously stronger and faster than PS3, so sure, there might be a few limitations due to the PS3 version coinciding, but I seriously doubt it's going to be anything substantial enough to noticeably lessen the fun. Graphics might be a smidgen less wonderful, probably not even enough for you to notice, and the other limitations are all little tiny things you'll probably never even have paid attention to. Truth be told, for all intents and purposes the game will be just as much fun. Of that I am confident.
"All of our major studios are working on PS4 content,”
Eh, in other words, Sony isn't focused on Vita content whatsoever now that they have a shiny new home console that's selling well. Bummer.
I know some studios can handle more than one project, but most can't, and even if they can, it could just as easily be another PS4 game. This is actually quite disappointing to hear, but it is what it is. Final Fantasy X/X-2, Ratchet & Clank Into the Nexus and Borderlands 2 are all excellent choices to port, so I guess as long as they can keep some decent ports like those coming I'll be happy.
We'll see. One thing I always liked about Metal Gear was it pushed the hardware of new consoles and was one of those 'showcase' kind of games. It lost a little bit of that when it was announced it'd be going multiplat because now there's more than one console to focus on, however, X1 is strong enough that a multiplat release isn't too concerning to me. But cross-gen? Really only so much you can do. The graphics could be noticeably better if it were a full next-gen game, instead you'll get something like AC IV or NBA 2K14 where they're a step up but nothing too great. There's also other little things like the size of the open world it's going to be set in, a.i., enemies on the screen, all those will have to take a bump. I understand the decision on Konami's part but I'd be lying if I said I'm not disappointed about stuff like this. I think Watch_Dogs being cross-gen is absolutely part of the reason it looks so sh*t. The focus is on too many consoles with old hardware. Both games can still be good, great even, but I just can't shake the feeling they could be better if the two new consoles and PC were the focus and if they absolutely have to make other versions have a second studio do them later on down the line.
I guess what I was trying to say is that even though there are limitations like less characters on the screen, I doubt the game even has a scenario that needs a crowd of people so big the 7th gen hardware can't handle it. Most games never encounter such a need, seeing as even 7th gen hardware can handle quite a few on screen characters. Enough that you wouldn't even notice an extra 20 if they were added. Same goes for all the other little stuff- while everything you say is true, it's probably not even noticeable.
But I get what you're saying. It's a new console, and you wanna see what it can do- push it to the max, no limitations... I understand. I'm thinking Final Fantasy 15 and Witcher 3, like you said, will be the games to do that.
I was actually looking to buy the Metal Gear HD Collection on Vita today, only to find that it's not available at most retailers, and the game is now being price gouged to inflated prices. Sucks...
Its not that I am not excited. I am, but I am bored of vaporware discussions. Wake me when there is game-play of something to show.
@Ginkgo I think that's why Sony's been so quiet.
I know it's marketing vitriol, but it's not a good thing for the PS4 to be maxed out so early in the system's life. For example, the PS3 arguably just was maxed this year with The Last of Us, 8 years into it's life. Not to mention the easy to program x86-64 architecture and, dare I say it, mid-range specs that are already under stress (1600x900 Battlefield 4). Devs can't have the excuse that it's hard to program for like they did with the Cell. I understand RAM and Engine optimisations can help, but it really can only take so far. It's looking even worse for the Xbox One.
I don't understand why people take the multiplat thing so personally, its really not a big deal, and has little to no effect on the performance of the game on its best platform. All they do is scale things down to work on the inferior hardware. How did we all get by all these years? I mean look at all the PC games that were ported to console that were still phenomenal games and didn't suffer from being "multiplat"!
@Fenriswolf- hey Fenriswolf. You like Darkthrone? your name suggests it but it could just be coincidence. Anyway, Im not too sure where i sit with this whole cross gen contamination thing. On one BIG hand i want developers to focus on ps4. On the other i wonder how big a differance it makes creating it for th last gen.
Cross-gen bothers me more than multiplat. How much games like Thief, Destiny, Watch_Dogs or Metal Gear Solid V will be held back by the ancient hardware of PS3 and Xbox 360 is up for debate but they will be held back. I'm still looking forward to those games, the first two especially but no matter how those games turn out there's no doubt in my mind they would be better if designed around PS4, X1 and PC.
@Gmork___ haha funny you ask, I do like Darkthrone, quintessence is one of my favorite songs, but the name was inspired separately.. As for the nextgen thing, like I said, all they do is scale it down so the old gen hardware can handle it. Battlefield and skyrim are 2 good examples that come to mind. PC users didn't suffer any degradation as a result of them porting to console, the console versions suffered. See what I'm sayin?
@Gmork___ Haha, it's funny you ask that!...yes I do like some of Darkthrones stuff, Quintessence has been one of my favorite songs since I was a kid actually, but I'm not a huge fan of most their stuff. As for the name, it is from Norse Mythology, and I know he uses the stage-name "Fenrir", but my use was inspired independently from the band.
@Gmork___ Sorry for the double, I didnt realize the earlier one actually posted 'cause I was sending from my phone and my browser locked up!
@Gamer83 Sorry, I actually meant cross-gen as well. But that's what I'm saying, this is a non-issue, the game(s) will be(are) made for PC and next-gen, then they just downgrade the game to run on the old hardware. Look at BF4 on PC vs PS4 vs PS3, pretty big jump between them graphically, but its one of the best games(graphically)on PC and next gen. Point being, the game itself and the players of PC/next-gen versions didnt suffer any from the fact that it was cross-gen or multiplatform. Skyrim on PC is another good example of how games are ported from superior hardware to inferior hardware, they just "dumbed-down" the game to run on the lesser hardware. Countless games have been through this process from PC to console over the years.The fact that games are available on old platforms does not mean that the next gen versions are limited so as to compensate or allow for the old gen versions.
Maybe in the case of Destiny or Titanfall the cross-gen won't be so bad. But for Thief, MGS V, even the examples you gave, the games are held back. Basically what they are is upscaled PS3/360 games. That's not going to cut it. I've got no problem with a company down porting later on but when a game is seeing release across both gens at the same time, you know they're being designed with the dinosaur technology in mind. As good as the games could be they would be even better if the new tech was the primary focus. Again, going back to Watch_Dogs, part of the reason that game looks like complete trash is because the development team is focusing on old tech and too many different consoles at one time.
@Gamer83 I think you need to do a little more research on how games are developed. The only time a game would be "held back" was If it was developed specifically for a certain platform, and then ported to a superior platform. Most games are actually made on a PC, MG5(huge MG fan too)is being developed on PC. Battlefield is a PC game tht was ported, as was Skyrim and all other oblivion games, im not sure where you are getting your information from but how do you figure they were held back?
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