Sony’s smashed several records with the PlayStation 4 to date, but now it’s starting to look to the future. With the next generation console’s first-party release schedule appearing a little thin, the firm has revealed on the PlayStation Blog that it has some “epic” announcements in the pipeline. Time to turn that frown upside down.
Appearing in the comments section of a post about the next generation system's sales, brand marketing executive Guy Longworth shared the exciting tidbit when asked about the console's upcoming lineup. “We’re working on [some great PS4 titles] and have some epic stuff still under wraps,” he teased. “Can’t wait for E3 now.”
Earlier in the week, Naughty Dog suggested that 2014 will mark a “special period” in the developer’s history. We know that Sony Santa Monica, Media Molecule, and Sony Bend are all working on new titles for the manufacturer’s latest machine, so we expect a sizeable number of announcements over the coming months. What would you most like to see revealed? Share your wishlist in the comments section below.
[source blog.us.playstation.com, via uk.ign.com]
Comments 30
I'll believe when i see it. They keep saying they have epic stuff to show, but it never really happens!
@SuperSilverback Ye of little faith.
it always happends i cant wait for sony to show us what they got for us in stores
Give me Borderlands 2 and that will hold me over til the other good games come out! I need my Borderlands!!
@get2sammyb ive been burned so many times Sammy =P
Well.. Please give some awesome vita news. Still no reason to buy @ ps4 as long no jrpg is announced
In my opinion, they should announce santa monicas game and sony bend at E3. Destroy the competition. Then media molecule at gamescom when they're on their own turf.
@BarrettJChris if you are a PS Plus Member it is free on PSN. I bought 2 years of PS Plus on black friday on Amazon and it cost me 60 dollars so far it has already paid for it self.
@uchinakagema yeah but I have a PS4
Uncharted 4 and The Last Guardian. Showcase these two bad boys and the competition will be silenced.
Nothing more needs to be said.
@BarrettJChris: That would be so awesome I would definitely get Borderlands 2 for the PS4.
I am guessing that a new God of War will be announced, but what I really want is news on Diablo III on the PS4.
@Tasuki tell me about it I traded in my xbox 360 and like 10 games to help me pay for my ps4. I haven't played borderlands since August and I freakin miss it!
E3 is gonna be epic Sony is gonna kick MS's ass once again
Indeed. Hence, why all the Xbots are jumping shipping to PS4.
You know... to dig the hottest thing next gen. Lol.
I'd love to see a new God of War game for PS4 or Vita.
Ah the possibilities can't wait for God of war and uncharted
I actually don't think we're going to see God of War for a while. I suspect that Sony re-hired Cory Barlog to reboot that franchise - and he's only just rejoined. Sony Santa Monica's next game is going to be something new.
@get2sammyb. Do you think they are working on a god of war for ps vita?
@goonow There's the God of War Collection coming to Vita. With Ready at Dawn working on The Order, though, I think a native entry is unlikely.
Damn we haven't even gotten into the New Year yet and I can't wait until E3 2014! I hope Sony really pulls through for us with some amazing games. I am definitely crossing my fingers for a reveal for Sly Cooper PS4, Ratchet & Clank PS4, or a LittleBigPlanet PS4!
So this is like an announcement that there will be something to announce in 6 months. hmm.
I really hope it's not another God of War. Please move on to a new franchise and put that talent toward something new, instead of milking the same series until it's no longer interesting. It's got a few great games, let's just leave it at that. It doesn't need to have a few great games and a couple bad ones.
what they are going to resupply all the uk stores?
@Sanquine I believe there are a couple being lined up according to this link ni no kuni 2 and a tales game http://www.psu.com/a021767/
We got to wait that long until E3? I would rather SONY give us info on a New PS4 game each month than wait for that pro-Xbox yearly show that is E3 in the U.S.of.A
Of the games already known, I'm looking forward to Drive Club, Watch Dogs, Destiny, Metal gear Solid, Final Fantasy 14, Tomb Raider 2, Infamous, Uncharted, and Far Cry 4.
As far as the reveals still under wraps, I'm hoping for something new and fresh. Whenever Sony comes out with a new IP it's always an instant classic. Oh yeah and I hope their working on Journey 2, and Last Guardian would be nice also.
Need a Next Gen Ratchet & Clank
Unlikely but I wouldn't mind seeing Sony and Insomniac team up for one more game in the Resistance series.
Silent Hill Silent Hill Silent Hill Silent Hill Silent Hill Silent Hill Silent Hill Silent Hill
I'd like a LittleBigPlanet ps4 as it would allow a really advanced physics engine and many more possibilities in terms of what is achievable. Links to the vita (or the little touchpad) could aid design also on the touchscreens.
The qualification of course is that there are always some losers between generations (crash, spyro, pro Evo, tomb raider etc all lost out between ps1 and ps2) so one or two ps3 stalwarts might struggle without adequate evolution and support. Some new IPs would be positive!
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