News - 2013, Week 08

Sunday24th Feb 2013

  • News Point Your Peepers at Watch_Dogs' Predictable Packshot

    Sin city

    For all of Watch_Dogs’ promise of innovation, we’d have thought that the designers at Ubisoft would have managed to come up with a more interesting cover for the release. Alas, here’s a picture of protagonist Aiden Pearce pointing his gun at the title’s ESRB rating. Perhaps the character’s not happy with the enormous logo covering...

  • News inFamous: Second Son Trailer Featured Gameplay Footage

    Puff of magic

    Following this week’s surprise reveal, Sucker Punch has coughed up some more information about its smoky superhero spin-off, inFamous: Second Son. Reacting to a discussion on Twitter, the Bellevue-based developer explained that the title’s debut trailer was constructed primarily from gameplay footage. “What did you think most of

Saturday23rd Feb 2013

Sunday24th Feb 2013

  • Rumour Sony Suggests Gran Turismo 6 Is Coming to PS3

    Er, what?

    You know that feeling that you get when you accidentally let a secret slip? Yeah, we reckon that SCEE Worldwide Studios gaffer Michael Denny might be suffering from the sting of that right now. In an interview with Silicon Republic, the executive appears to have inadvertently revealed that Gran Turismo 6 is coming to the PlayStation 3...

  • News PlayStation 4 Games Will Cost Between $0.99 and $60

    Next generation's not going to break the bank

    Sony Computer Entertainment America president Jack Tretton doesn’t believe that next generation games will cost more than $60. Speaking as part of an interview with CNBC, the likeable executive explained that software for the impending PlayStation 4 will cover a wide range of price-points, including...

Saturday23rd Feb 2013

  • News You Gotta Believe in This Replica PaRappa the Rapper Hat

    Step on the gas

    We always thought that our authentic Journey scarf was the ultimate piece of PlayStation clothing, but this PaRappa the Rapper beanie hat takes the figurative biscuit. The tangerine orange head-warmer is marked with the familiar frog logo on the front, while it wears the PlayStation 2 branding on the back. We’re guessing that this...

  • News Sony's Bundling Games with PlayStation Vita Memory Cards

    Added value

    The price of PlayStation Vita memory cards remains a sore point for some people. While the system itself is not particularly expensive for what you get, the storage options – which range anywhere from £15/$20 to £60/$100 – are prohibitively costly. However, it seems that Sony’s hoping to mitigate that issue by bundling digital...

Friday22nd Feb 2013

Saturday23rd Feb 2013

  • News Ubisoft: Watch_Dogs Will Be More Immersive on PlayStation 4

    DualShock 4's touchpad will be used to operate protagonist's smartphone

    While experts are still examining whether Watch_Dogs’ awkwardly stylised name is a violation of the international peace treaty, the game itself looks rather rad. Announced for PlayStation 4 during Sony’s press conference earlier this week, the game’s senior producer...

Friday22nd Feb 2013

Saturday23rd Feb 2013

  • News BioWare Blasts Final Mass Effect 3 DLC Details into Orbit

    The final frontier

    Believe it or not, we’re close to the one year anniversary of Mass Effect 3. It’s been a long rollercoaster ride, but all things must come to pass – and with that, BioWare has revealed the final DLC packs for the space shooter's single player and multiplayer offerings. The multiplayer DLC, named Reckoning, hits next week...

  • News Now Europe's Getting Two Free Games with Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault

    Er, thanks

    Sony is really, really sorry about Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault’s delay on PlayStation Vita. So much so, the platform holder’s decided to give European gamers another free game to make up for the wait. Originally, those of you that purchased the cross-buy title would be awarded a complimentary copy of MotorStorm RC to...

  • News This Is How Soul Sacrifice Is Being Advertised in Japan

    Is that dude on fire?

    Soul Sacrifice is easily the PlayStation Vita’s biggest piece of software since the system's launch in Japan, so it’s little surprise that Sony’s making a big song and dance about the release. This hyperactive fifteen second commercial uses actors to demonstrate the title’s magic-based action and co-operative gameplay...

Friday22nd Feb 2013

Thursday21st Feb 2013

Friday22nd Feb 2013

  • News Digital Sales on PlayStation Vita Eclipse PlayStation 3

    Business is booming

    For all of the doom and gloom surrounding the PlayStation Vita, Sony has revealed that more digital content is purchased for the handheld than the PlayStation 3. Chatting with Destructoid following this week’s PlayStation 4 unveiling, Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida explained that the difference is down to all of the...

  • News Watch Jimmy Fallon Scream at Killzone: Shadow Fall Live on TV

    Don't shoot at the air vent

    It’s really cool that Jimmy Fallon is not afraid to promote video games live on his NBC show, but do people actually watch it? We ask because this episode – which features the first live televised footage of Killzone: Shadow Fall for the recently announced PlayStation 4 – predominantly revolves around two grown men...

Thursday21st Feb 2013

  • News PlayStation 4 Specifications Harness Extraordinary Power

    Lots and lots of RAM

    After months of speculation, Sony has finally lifted the lid on the inner workings of the PS4, revealing in detail the hardware specifications for their new flagship console. While we could wax lyrical about the technology within, we'll leave it with the fine folks at Sony Computer Entertainment to get you up to speed. Here's...

  • News Take a Closer Look at the PlayStation 4's New Controller

    Packing more technology than a Swiss Army knife

    Sony didn’t just have a new console to showcase during this evening’s PlayStation Meeting – it also had a brand new controller. The imaginatively dubbed DualShock 4 features a similar shape to the PlayStation 3’s existing handset, but packs a wealth of functionality on top. These new features,...

  • News Microsoft Takes a Shot at Sony's PlayStation 4 Reveal

    Arrogant or nervous?

    Sony may cut a more humble figure following the catastrophic mistakes of the PlayStation 3, but it looks like Microsoft’s ready to step into the platform holder’s old shoes. Tweeting shortly after last night’s PlayStation Meeting press event, Xbox talking head Larry Hryb couldn’t resist chiming in on the announcements...

  • News PS4 Makes Communication a Breeze with Bundled Headset

    Talking tactics

    An official press release has revealed one of the PlayStation 4’s least glamorous secrets: it will ship with a mono headset out of the box. Much like the Xbox 360, the communication device will plug directly into the new DualShock 4 controller, allowing you to discuss strategies with friends or whine about the weather. It is...

  • Feature Here's Every PlayStation 4 Game We Know About

    PS4's complete catalogue jotted down and blown apart

    Sony’s late night PlayStation 4 bonanza may have been dominated by discussion about social interaction and cloud-based connectivity, but there were a handful of games on display during the two-hour press conference, too. While we got the distinct impression that the platform holder was keeping...

  • Reaction Practicality and Power Paves Positive Start for PS4

    The importance of being earnest

    Sony has changed. The ungainly arrogance of the Ken Kutaragi era was quashed within minutes of the humbled hardware manufacturer’s practical pageantry overnight, as recently appointed SCE president Andrew House and system architect Mark Cerny relayed the advantages of a developer-driven future. The irresponsible...

  • News Gaikai's Extensive PS4 Role Comes to Light

    Backward compatibility streaming, Vita to PS4 Remote Play

    After last year's acquisition of Gaikai, many have been wondering just how prominent the game streaming company and its technology would be for PlayStation 4. The answer was given during the console's big announcement event this evening, and it became clear that the company is delivering...

  • News PS4 Infrastructure Promises Much for Developers

    More RAM than you can shake a stick at

    Sony has hosted its PS4 announcement extravaganza, unveiling a number of games and exciting features. An early part of the presentation focused on the system hardware and infrastructure, however, which promises much for the capabilities of the system at launch and throughout its lifespan. Of course, leaked...

  • News Sony Officially Reveals the PS4, Launching Holiday 2013

    Who's buying one, then?

    Sony pulled no punches during its hotly anticipated PlayStation Meeting earlier this evening, sprinting out of the gate and announcing that the PlayStation 4 is coming this holiday. The system – which has been the source of much speculation for months now – has been in development for five years, and adopts a...

  • News Your PlayStation Network Games Won't Work on PlayStation 4

    In fact, none of your current PlayStation 3 content will carry across

    We warned you not to expect backward compatibility on the PlayStation 4. If you followed our advice then hopefully you’re not too disappointed, because Sony Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida has revealed that your existing PlayStation 3 content will not work on the next...

  • News PlayStation 4 Will Support 4K Resolution, Just Not for Games

    PlayStation 4K

    Living up to its namesake, Sony’s next generation platform will be capable of outputting video in 4K resolution – however that functionality won’t extend to games. Chatting with Joystiq earlier today (or last night, our days are blurring together right now), Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida explained that no titles...

  • News So, There Are a Bunch of Studios Working on PS4 Games

    Surprise, surprise

    It turns out that Sony didn’t have a screen big enough to list all of the developers working on PlayStation 4 games during its press conference last night. While it flashed up the logos of some recognisable third-party studios, it’s since followed up with a gigantic list outlining all of the teams currently signed up to...

  • News Don't Worry, PlayStation 4 Won't Block Used Games

    Well, of course not

    We told you so. Despite strong speculation prior to the platform’s announcement, Sony has revealed that the PlayStation 4 will not block used games. Chatting with our allies over at, Sony’s likeable executive Shuhei Yoshida confirmed the tidbit, explaining that consumers expect to be able to resell content that...

  • News Sucker Punch's inFamous: Second Son Electrifies PS4

    Brave new world

    Now we know why Sly Cooper developer Sucker Punch has been so quiet since releasing inFamous: Festival of Blood in late 2011. Game director Nate Fox took to the stage during Sony’s PlayStation Meeting earlier this evening to announce inFamous: Second Son, a brand new spin-off in the developer’s superhero series that's firing onto...

  • News Killzone: Shadow Fall Shoots PlayStation 4 to Pieces

    Guerrilla Games flexes technical muscle with stunning real-time demo

    Sony wasted no time bringing out the big guns during its PlayStation Meeting press conference earlier this evening. Guerrilla Games was one of the first studios ushered onto the stage, revealing Killzone: Shadow Fall for the PlayStation 4. The stunning gameplay demo started with a...

  • News Watch_Dogs Announced as a PS4 Launch Title

    PS4 version to "push the boundaries of what was previously thought possible"

    One of the major publishers to appear in support of PlayStation 4 for the console's big arrival was Ubisoft, a company that's been an ever-present on PS3. The announcement wasn't necessarily a surprise, with E3 2012 showstopper Watch_Dogs being revealed as a launch title...

  • News Capcom Announces Panta Rhei Engine and New Deep Down IP

    Looks suspiciously like Dragon's Dogma

    Yoshinori Ono, videogame producer at Capcom and main producer of the Street Fighter IV series, announced Capcom's new next generation engine named Panta Rhei earlier today, showing off its stunning power with a new fantasy IP under the working title of Deep Down. The video footage of the aforementioned title...

  • News Bungie Confirms That Destiny Will Be Fulfilled on PlayStation 4

    Developer is excited about working on Sony's new system

    Already confirmed for PlayStation 3, Activision and former Halo series developer Bungie appeared at the PlayStation 4 announcement event to confirm that Destiny is on the way to Sony's new console; both versions will be available together at the game's launch. After the extensive details a few...

  • News DriveClub Puts the Pedal to the Metal on PlayStation 4

    First-person team racing with insane attention to detail

    As rumoured, Evolution Studios is working on a street racing game for PlayStation 4. The tantalising DriveClub was announced during Sony’s press conference earlier this evening, and focuses on team action. The game has a deep social underpinning similar to Autolog, allowing you to compete in...

  • News Yes, Killzone: Shadow Fall Is a PlayStation 4 Launch Title

    Helghan sent

    Killzone: Shadow Fall, one of the highlights during Sony’s bombastic PlayStation 4 coming out party, will be a launch title for the next generation machine this holiday. Guerrilla Games confirmed the news in a

  • News PlayStation 4 Has Got the Knack for Charming Trailers

    Growing pains

    Mark Cerny is a busy man. When he’s not being inducted into the AIAS Hall of Fame, he’s busy architecting hardware and creating new games. Knack was the first PlayStation 4 title announced during Sony’s next generation bonanza last night, and centres on a pint-sized protagonist who possesses the ability to transform into a...

  • News New Final Fantasy Title to Be Revealed at E3 2013

    Oh Square Enix, you tease

    During all the excitement of new game announcements at today's PlayStation press conference, Final Fantasy brand director, Shinji Hashimoto, took to the stage to sneak in a couple of words about a new Final Fantasy game which will be unveiled at E3 this year. With not even a glimpse of gameplay footage, or even a...

  • News Blizzard Teams Up With Sony to Announce Diablo III for PS4

    And the PS3

    During Sony's PlayStation Meeting, Blizzard Entertainment's Chris Metzen announced that the company has entered into a "strategic partnership" with Sony to bring Diablo III to the PS3 and its successor system, the PS4. The game will be a port of the PC version which was released last May, and, as stated in the press release, will include...

  • News The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Stalks PlayStation 4 in 2014

    Out of the woodwork

    The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is saddling up and trotting onto PlayStation 4 in 2014. Following the confirmation of Sony’s next generation console overnight, Polish developer CD Projekt Red has since revealed that its upcoming open world role-playing game is in production for the monstrous machine, marking the franchise’s first...

  • News Braid Developer Confirms The Witness for PS4

    Not so exclusive

    During the PlayStation 2013 presentation, Jonathan Blow, the developer of the indie sensation Braid, confirmed his new project would be heading to the PlayStation 4. The Witness is an open-world puzzle game, set on a series of dreamily colourful islands. Blow was keen to highlight the importance of the idea behind each individual...

Wednesday20th Feb 2013

Tuesday19th Feb 2013

  • Rumour PlayStation 4 Will Launch in November for $429

    You'll be able to control it with your phone, apparently

    We’re less than 24 hours away from officially learning about Sony’s next generation console – but a report on Kotaku appears to have jumped the gun. The popular North American blog is reporting that the PlayStation 4 will launch this November in North America, and will ship in two...

Wednesday20th Feb 2013

  • Store Update 19th February 2013 (North America)

    Tourist trophy

    Turn your attention away from the PlayStation 4 for a moment – there are still games coming out for the PS3 and Vita, some of which you may just be interested in. This week’s North American PlayStation Store update actually features quite an eclectic selection, including Crysis 3, Urban Trial Freestyle, and Capcom Arcade Cabinet...

  • News Could Battlefield 4 Blast Its Way into Sony's PlayStation Meeting?

    Makes sense

    Battlefield 4 could have Sony’s hotly anticipated PlayStation Meeting in its sights, if a series of teasing Tweets are to be believed. GameStop gaffer Paul Raines started the speculation overnight, announcing that he’d been privy to a behind-the-scenes demo of the upcoming first-person shooter. “Got to see Battlefield 4 today and...

  • Store Update 20th February 2013 (Europe)

    Easy to overlook

    Believe it or not, normal life does go on. While all eyes are undoubtedly on tonight’s PlayStation Meeting press conference, Sony has found time to update the European PlayStation Store. New arrivals include Capcom Arcade Cabinet, Persona 4 Golden, and Urban Trial Freestyle. Let’s get down to business, shall

  • Rumour Sony Santa Monica Teasing God of War Reveal

    There will only be chaos

    God of War developer Sony Santa Monica has hopped aboard the PlayStation Meeting hype train. In a sly Twitter message posted overnight, the developer teased: “What does our future hold for tomorrow? We heard they may open Pandora’s Box live on stage, that would be awesome.” The message concluded with the...

Tuesday19th Feb 2013

  • News PlayStation Domains Point to Cloudy Forecast

    The future's overcast

    Sony’s recently acquired Gaikai service is expected to factor heavily into tomorrow’s PlayStation Meeting, and it looks like the firm has been busy ahead of the event. Legendary online sleuth Superannuation has dug up a collection of domain names, all pointing to a product called 'PlayStation Cloud'

Monday18th Feb 2013

Tuesday19th Feb 2013

Monday18th Feb 2013

  • News PlayStation Vita Bonus Pack Bundles 32GB Memory Card

    Solving problems

    While the PlayStation Vita is about to get significantly cheaper in its native Japan, the cost of memory cards still remains a problem. However, Sony hopes to rectify that issue by introducing a new ‘Bonus Bundle’ in the region, which includes a 3G console and a 32GB memory card for just ¥24,980 ($269). That’s the same price...

  • News Sony Announces Surprise PlayStation Vita Price-Cut in Japan

    Shows off God Eater 2, Soul Sacrifice, and Final Fantasy X HD

    In a surprise press conference overnight, Sony has announced that it is set to slash the price of the PlayStation Vita in Japan. The company confirmed that from 28th February, you’ll be able to pick up either a Wi-Fi or 3G console for around ¥19,980 ($215), down from ¥24,980 ($269)...

  • Reaction PlayStation Vita Is Moving in the Right Direction

    One step forward

    In a move that’s been on the cards for over a year now, Sony has announced that it will slash the price of the PlayStation Vita from 28th February in Japan. The unexpected revelation was made during a surprise press conference overnight, in which the platform holder also showcased a batch of upcoming software for the struggling...

  • News Final Fantasy X HD Sure Looks Snazzy on PlayStation Vita

    Tidus waves

    After a prolonged hiatus spanning almost a year, Square Enix has finally revealed the first footage of Final Fantasy X HD for PlayStation Vita. During a surprise press conference overnight, the publisher apologised for the game’s delay, and promised that a release date for the hotly anticipated PlayStation 2 remaster would be announced...

  • Talking Point How Will the PS3 and Vita Factor into This Week's PlayStation Meeting?

    Going concerns

    All eyes are on the PlayStation 4 this week. Sony’s widely publicised PlayStation Meeting is set to take place on 20th February, where we’ll almost certainly get our first glimpse at the platform holder’s next generation console. But while the emphasis has been very much on the future for the last couple of weeks, we can’t...

  • News Toukiden Demo Tempting PlayStation Vita Owners in April

    Monster mash

    A demo for Tecmo Koei’s historical demon slayer Toukiden will trample Japanese PlayStation Vitas in early April, platform holder Sony announced overnight. The game – which is also in production for the PlayStation Portable – is due out this summer, and is being developed by the team behind the Dynasty Warriors series, Omega Force...

  • News Dragon's Crown Continues to Look Stunning in New Trailer

    Add it to your wishlist

    It’s been a while since we last saw anything of Dragon’s Crown, the gorgeous side-scrolling beat ‘em up from Vanillaware. Thankfully, Sony rectified that overnight, with a brand new thirty-second trailer featuring a bevy of action form the upcoming brawler. The game’s still due out this year, where it will be...

  • News Vanquish Rocket Boosts onto North American PlayStation Plus

    Feeling all Gideon

    Shinji Mikami’s stylish PlayStation 3 shooter Vanquish will slide into the North American Instant Game Collection this week. PlayStation Plus subscribers will be able to download the exceptional action game for free when the PlayStation Store updates, along with popular PlayStation Portable remake Mega Man: Maverick Hunter X...

  • Rumour Sony Considering £300 Price Point for PlayStation 4

    Platform holder hoping to lure millions to its latest console

    It sounds like Sony has learned from the ‘$599 US dollar’ fiasco of old, and is aiming to price its upcoming next generation platform extremely competitively. UK newspaper The Times claims that the company is considering a £300 ($465) price point for its latest machine, a tag that...

  • News Soul Sacrifice Trailer Shows Scenic Vistas and Colossal Beasts

    One to watch

    Even if you’ve never been fond of Monster Hunter mechanics, Soul Sacrifice should absolutely be on your radar. The Keiji Inafune developed PlayStation Vita blockbuster sees you forgoing body parts in order to slay enormous monsters – some of which are made out of precious gems and gold. The game’s due out next month in Japan and...

  • Interview Chewing the Cud with Hungry Giraffe Developer Laughing Jackal

    Sahara dessert

    The news that Laughing Jackal’s excellent ungulate muncher Hungry Giraffe is stretching onto PlayStation Vita had our stomachs growling louder than a cake connoisseur in a posh coffee shop last week, so we just had to reach out to the Essex-based developer in order to grill them about the upcoming re-release. In between bites of...