News - 2013, Week 48

Sunday1st Dec 2013

Saturday30th Nov 2013

Friday29th Nov 2013

  • News Sony Will Be Shipping More PS4s Down Under Before Christmas

    'Tis the season

    With all of this talk of the European PlayStation 4 launch, it's easy to forget that the shiny new console debuted in Australia overnight as well. And it seems that, as has been the trend worldwide, Sony underestimated the huge demand for the machine. SCE Australia managing director Michael Ephraim was shocked at the numbers that he...

  • News European PS4 Launch Prompts PSN Connectivity Problems

    Sony's investigating the issue

    In an age where almost every major hardware and software release reduces unprepared servers to rubble, we reckon that Sony’s done a decent job with the PlayStation 4 thus far. Some connectivity issues surfaced during the system’s record breaking North

  • News Sony: PS Vita's Not Our Biggest Seller, But It's a Loved Machine

    Organisation optimistic about portable's prospects

    Nearly two years since its original launch, the PlayStation Vita finds itself in a bit of a strange spot. The console has amassed a reasonable selection of must-play games, with Soul Sacrifice, Killzone: Mercenary, and the absolutely exceptional Tearaway among the highlights – but it’s still...

  • News Wow, These PS4 Queues in Berlin Are Absolutely Insane

    Lining up for the launch lineup

    You may have heard people refer to Europe as ‘Sony Land’ in the past, but what does that actually mean? Well, this video of a PlayStation 4 midnight launch event in Berlin should give you a good idea, as it takes one amateur cameraman almost four minutes to sprint from the back of the line to the front. It’s the...

  • Weirdness The Sun's Page 3 Swapped Out for a Sexier Image

    Real hardware

    Looks like British glamour model Rosie Jones has been given the day off, as Sony has taken charge of The Sun’s famous Page 3 column. For those out of the tabloid loop, the UK rag ordinarily publishes pictures of scantily clad ladies on the inside page, but it’s swapped out the images for something a little sexier today – a shot...

  • Out Today PS4 Provides the Best Place to Play in Europe

    The console cometh

    We’re not sure we can come up with any different ways to say that the PlayStation 4 has launched. Regular readers will know that we’ve already typed a dozen articles pertaining to the release of Sony’s next generation console in November alone, so hopefully you’ll forgive us a basic block of text as we’re creatively...

  • News Sony Shines a Bright Light on Siren PS4 Speculation

    A macabre mistake

    As is so often the case with rumours relating to Japan Studio’s terrifying Siren series, Sony has shut the speculation down. Earlier in the week, the Romanian arm of Sony Computer Entertainment hinted that the frightening franchise could be making a comeback on the PlayStation 4, but this was merely a mix-up according to the...

  • Poll How Would You Rate the PS4’s Present and Future Prospects?

    Worth the wait

    It’s a relief to be able to write about the PlayStation 4 from a global perspective at last. While the unfortunate folks in Japan and some smaller territories around the world are still waiting for greatness to arrive, there’s a sizeable chance that the system is now available in the region that you’re reading this from. That...

  • News Italy's PS4 Launch Event Was Way Better Than Yours

    Lights and sounds

    Hardware launch events are always enjoyable because the sense of energy among consumers is infectious – but Sony’s Italian branch opted to elevate the experience to an entirely different level in Rome overnight. As opposed to handing out t-shirts and pizza to celebrate the PlayStation 4’s release, the platform holder instead...

Thursday28th Nov 2013

  • Live Watch the European PS4 Launch Livestream Right Here

    Live from London

    Time zones mean that the PlayStation 4 has already launched in parts of Europe, but there’s still a little while to go before the console officially deploys in the UK. In order to keep abreast of the action, PlayStation Access is running a stream live from Covent Garden in London, where frozen fans are being polled about their...

  • News Not Got a Pre-Order? Here's Where You Can Buy a PS4 in the UK

    Cutting it fine

    You really should have pre-ordered a PlayStation 4 a long time ago if you wanted to get one in time for launch, but there is still hope at some stores around the UK. To be in with a chance of nabbing a wild console, you’re probably going to need to consider queuing up soon as we’re expecting the system to sell out quick. Still,

  • News Killzone: Shadow Fall PS4 Patch Shoots Down Single Player Difficulty Problems

    DualShock 4s breathe a sigh of relief

    An uneven campaign that features too many scenarios where you're not simply gunning down Helghast has been a popular criticism of PlayStation 4 launch title Killzone: Shadow Fall. Thankfully, Guerrilla Games has its sights set firmly on your concerns, and has released a patch that puts an end to some of the...

  • Hardware Review PlayStation 4 - For the Players

    Greatness arrives

    How do you review a games console in this day and age? Our expectations for new systems have changed, and while Sony's messaging with the PlayStation 4 may have centred on the hearts of the players with iron sight precision, it's impossible to escape the idea that beneath the expensive marketing campaigns and Antonio Banderas...

  • News Sony: We Are Expecting Record Sales for the PS4 in Europe

    Player power

    While those of you in North America merrily fill your faces with Thanksgiving turkey, the majority of Europe is eagerly awaiting the arrival of the PlayStation 4. The next generation console may be old news by now in the Land of the Free, but the platform is poised to deploy in the Old World imminently. And writing on the PlayStation...

Wednesday27th Nov 2013

  • Review SoulCalibur II HD Online (PlayStation 3)

    A tale of souls and swords, eternally re-bought

    When the original SoulCalibur II appeared on the PlayStation 2, it was universally praised for its fantastic 3D fighting engine, its diverse cast of characters, and its plethora of modes. Even today, Namco's brawler is remembered fondly by many as the series' greatest achievement. SoulCalibur II HD...

Thursday28th Nov 2013

  • Talking Point Share Your European PS4 Launch Stories Here

    Greatness comes to those that wait

    The wait for the PlayStation 4 has been especially difficult for Europe. Those of you living in North America were able to snatch the next generation system two weeks ago, meaning that folks in the UK, France, and Germany have been left twiddling their thumbs for almost 14 days. No more, though, as the console...

  • News Europeans Can Now Pick Up a PS4 and Vita Bundle for Under £500

    Who needs Black Friday?

    If you're heading out to wait for greatness in a PlayStation 4 midnight launch queue tonight, you may want to consider bringing a bit of extra cash. Well, if you don't already own a PlayStation Vita, that is. A recent report from has revealed that select retailers around the UK will be offering PS4 and Vita...

  • News What Does the PS4's European Launch Lineup Look Like?

    Well, it's quite big

    We’ve barely recovered from the PlayStation 4’s previous launch, but we’re grudgingly prepared to do it all over again. As the butterflies in your bellies will no doubt corroborate, Sony’s next generation console is due out in Europe this week – and the platform holder has deployed the device’s full list of launch...

  • News Sony Gives Thanks with Meaty North American PS Plus Update

    Borderlands 2, GRID 2, Dyad, and more

    Swallow that chunk of Thanksgiving turkey before you continue, North American readers – we don’t want you choking over next month’s PlayStation Plus update. Never ones to take a break, Sony has outlined December’s cracking Instant Game Collection offering, and there are a handful of humdingers in here...

  • News Plenty More on the Horizon for PS4, System to Avoid Drought

    The Devil makes work for idle thumbs

    Sony may have been criticised for the PlayStation 4’s light launch lineup, but Fergal Gara isn’t concerned about the future at all. The executive, who fronts the British arm of the Japanese giant’s gaming business, has been chatting ahead of tonight’s European release – and says that there are some...

  • News Score Free PlayStation Mobile Games This Winter

    Ten free games in total

    With all of the hype surrounding the release of the PlayStation 4 this year, you may have forgotten that Sony has other platforms on the market – including PlayStation Mobile. The micro-game service launched in October last year, but has fallen off the radar a little over the past twelve months. However, the Japanese...

  • News Blacklight: Retribution and flOw Delayed for European PS4 Launch

    There will be retribution, just not quite yet

    Yesterday we reported on the European launch lineup for the PlayStation 4, and we think that it's safe to say that the impressive list of games will be keeping you busy for quite a while. However, the observant among you may have noticed that two previously announced launch titles were curiously absent...

Wednesday27th Nov 2013

Tuesday26th Nov 2013

  • News Now You Can Attend Music Concerts Directly from Your PS3

    Never get caught in a mosh pit again

    Live music is fantastic, but it comes with a few major caveats. For starters, you’re often forced to rub shoulders with smelly scene kids who don’t know the meaning of the word ‘deodorant’. And then there’s the whole physical endurance aspect, which sees you standing around for hours on end while...

Wednesday27th Nov 2013

  • News Rayman Legends Lost Content Has Now Been Found for the PlayStation Vita

    Update finally available

    Ubisoft promised gamers that Rayman Legends for the PlayStation Vita would be identical to that of the console version, so it was confusing to say the least when those who purchased the title discovered that 28 levels were lost in translation - the 'Invasion' levels were nowhere to be found. It wasn't long after this...

  • Store Update 26th November 2013 (North America)

    Take it Ys-y

    While the majority of North America expands its stomach in preparation for copious portions of Thanksgiving turkey, the PlayStation Store is not taking a break. Granted, this week’s update is a little light on new material, but there’s still PlayStation Vita exclusive Ys Memories of Celceta to sink your teeth into. What are you...

Tuesday26th Nov 2013

  • Review flower (PlayStation 4)

    Instant grassification

    Originally swept onto the PlayStation 3 in 2009, flower soared away with a slew of critical acclaim that would set the benchmark for developer thatgamecompany’s successor Journey three years later. At its release, the floral indie favourite pushed boundaries by exploring the idea of what interactive entertainment can be, and...

  • Hardware Review DualShock 4 - The Best Way to Play


    A console without a controller is like a car without a steering wheel: useless. While a vehicle’s helm provides the pivotal interaction between the wheels and the road, video game systems have forever been defined by the device’s that drive them. Sony evidenced this earlier in the year when it opted to unveil its overhauled DualShock 4...

  • News PlayStation, How Do You Use PS4 Voice Controls?

    Conversations with consoles

    Unlike a certain other console manufacturer, Sony hasn’t made a big song and dance out of the PlayStation 4’s voice controls. That’s partly because the functionality is quite limited compared to the Xbox One – but it still works really well. In order to initiate a command, all you need to do is say...

Monday25th Nov 2013

  • News Not Pre-Ordered a PS4? There'll Be Consoles Available in the UK at Launch

    Panic on the streets of London

    Don’t worry if you haven’t pre-ordered a PlayStation 4 in the UK, as you still stand a chance of securing a system on launch day. Sony has revealed that it will have spare stock available to purchase at its release party in London this week, and if you’re willing to wait out in the freezing British weather...

Tuesday26th Nov 2013

Monday25th Nov 2013

  • Guide How to Upload PS4 Save Data to the PlayStation Plus Cloud

    Copying progress

    While you’ll need a PlayStation Plus subscription to engage in online multiplayer matches on the PlayStation 4, the service still comes with all of the same perks from the PlayStation 3 and Vita. Chief among these is the ability to copy your save data to the cloud, where it will be stored safely should you have a hardware failure...

  • Guide How to Download PS4 Save Data from the PlayStation Plus Cloud

    Safe and sound

    PlayStation Plus cloud storage not only gives you great peace of mind, but it also allows you to move your PlayStation 4 progress between different systems. Should you want to do this, however, you’ll need to download data from the cloud. Remember, you’ll need to be logged into the same PlayStation Network account that you...

  • Guide How to Setup PS4 and PS Vita Remote Play

    Connected consoles

    One of the PlayStation 4’s most important features is its compatibility with the PlayStation Vita. Earlier in the year, Sony announced that all developers would be required to support Remote Play on the next generation console, allowing you to play any games without a heavy emphasis on motion controls on the handheld device. But...

  • Feature Five PS4 Features That Future Firmware Updates Must Include

    Improving on greatness

    At the time of writing, the PlayStation 4 is an exceptional system – but it’s not perfect. While the next generation console represents a significant step forward from the PlayStation 3, augmenting key features such as cross-game chat, background updates, and multitasking, it lacks the maturity that future firmware updates...

  • News You Can Substantially Speed Up Your PS4 by Swapping in a New Hard Drive

    Gotta go fast

    The PlayStation 4 comes with a suitably large 500GB hard drive. But between those staggeringly huge mandatory installs, the system's memory-guzzling operating system, and the inevitable slew of free PlayStation Plus games, it's likely that you'll find yourself running out of space sooner rat

  • Review Battlefield 4 (PlayStation 4)

    'Til it goes click

    While narratives have never really been DICE's strong suit, Battlefield 4, the next entry in its popular series of shooters, at least takes things in the right direction. While Battlefield 3 delivered an incredibly boring campaign that bordered on dreadful at times, the new entry at least seems like it tried. The story is not...

  • News Rockstar Files Trademark for Bully Bullworth Academy: Canis Canem Edit

    Too cool for school

    It looks like mega developer Rockstar has been doing its homework. The company recently hinted that it may be considering a return to school, and now the firm has filed a trademark for a title called ‘Bully Bullworth Academy: Canis Canem Edit’. We’ll eat soggy canteen dinners for a year if this turns out to be a PlayStation...

  • Rumour Is Japan Studio's Sick Siren Series Sightjacking PS4?

    The Shibito step out of the shadows

    Survival horror has died out over the past five or so years. While the original Dead Space plotted a return to the trademark tension that once defined the Resident Evil and Silent Hill franchises, even that brand couldn’t resist the temptation to adopt a more action-oriented approach by the time that its third...

  • News Don't Liken PS4 Free-Runner Dying Light to Mirror's Edge

    Developer dead tired of comparisons

    PlayStation 4 parkour-‘em-up Dying Light may look like a fusion of Dead Island and Mirror’s Edge, but developer Techland reckons that that’s a “lazy” comparison to make. Chatting exclusively with AusGamers, producer Tymon Smektala ex

  • News Twitch Cracks Down on Lewd PS4 Broadcasts

    Be sensible

    It may be called The Playroom, but Twitch has vowed to put a stop to any streams not playing with the PlayStation 4 exclusive as intended. Late last week we reported that a couple had set up a live phone-in show via the augmented reality application, and that was fine – until others copied the idea and started running racy webcam...

  • News UK Sales Charts: FIFA 14 Sprints to the Summit

    Back of the net

    Unsurprisingly, this week’s UK sales chart is dominated by a certain non-Sony next generation console. With the Xbox One launching in Britain last Friday, a large chunk of this week’s top titles were sold on the Microsoft manufactured machine. That includes FIFA 14, which shot straight to the top of the league after seeing a 328...