News - 2013, Week 50

Sunday15th Dec 2013

  • News You Don't Have As Many PSN Trophies As This Guy

    Hakoom hits Level 100

    Trophies are a curious part of the PlayStation experience. As much as we enjoy the thrill of unlocking a brand new trinket, they can sometimes feel a little bit like hard work. One person who’s transformed the grind into a day job is Hakoom, the world’s leading pursuer of small PNG pictures. And he’s just hit another...

  • News Sony: We Haven't Created an Artificial Shortage of PS4 Stock

    Jack Tretton doesn't even have a console yet

    Sony has broken virtually every system sales record in history with the PlayStation 4, but that’s not stopped some people from pondering whether it’s attempting to increase demand by holding back stock. Unsurprisingly, SCEA president Jack Tretton has rubbished such claims, stating that the company’s...

Saturday14th Dec 2013

Sunday15th Dec 2013

Saturday14th Dec 2013

Friday13th Dec 2013

  • Rumour Asda to Temporarily Replenish UK PS4 Stock on Tuesday

    Get them before they're gone

    There’ll come a day when you’ll be able to walk into a shop and purchase a PlayStation 4 without needing to worry about whether or not it’s actually in stock – but that moment is not now. Sony’s next generation system has been in short supply in the UK since its release on 29th November, and remains difficult...

  • Review Gran Turismo 6 (PlayStation 3)

    Still in pole position

    Opening with a tour around the Istituto Ayrton Senna, a school built in honour of arguably the greatest driver who ever lived, Gran Turismo 6 starts in stark contrast to any other game on the market. Cycling through images of children learning, the intro proceeds to show the motoring creation process, from concept to...

  • News USA PS4 Stock Available at Walmart on 15th December

    Grab a Christmas console

    Did you miss out on the new PlayStation 4 stock at Best-Buy last weekend? Don't worry, because there is still hope that you'll be able to snag a new system in North America before Christmas. Mega retailer Walmart has announced that it will have fresh supply available from Sunday, 15th December – but you'll need to be fast...

  • News November NPD: PS4 Draws First Blood in North American Console War

    Turning the tables

    Sony has staged an assault on Microsoft's home territory, and topped the NPD charts with the PlayStation 4. According to the platform holder — which doesn't ordinarily engage in the monthly sales merry-go-round — its next generation console was the best-selling system in North America in November, moving one million units in...

  • News Warframe Suits Up for a Gigantic Update on PS4

    Better beta

    Digital Extremes' Warframe is still technically in beta, and it shows with this absolutely monstrous new update. Everything in the patch is detailed on the free-to-play shooter's official forum, from the mountain of gameplay changes to more standard bug fixes, and the introduction of new unlockable content. The suitably titled "Valkyr...

  • News DmC: Devil May Cry Sheds Its Silver Locks for EU PS Plus Refresh

    Borderlands 2, Soul Sacrifice, and Don't Starve also up for grabs

    As the sun sets on another month, Sony is teasing the bevy of bandwidth busting PlayStation Plus content that is set to occupy your greedy hard-drive over the winter weeks. Several smash hits are set to join the Instant Game Collection in Europe imminently, with the highlight being...

  • News Naughty Dog: 2014 Marks a Special Period in Our History

    Woof woof

    Holiday blog posts can often hold hidden secrets. We’ll never forget Guerrilla Games all but confirming Killzone: Shadow Fall in a festive PlayStation Blog message last year, and this correspondence from Naughty Dog seems equally intriguing. The bulk of the note focuses on the Californian company’s various achievem

  • News This Korean Couple Are Braving the Cold to Be First in Line for a PS4

    Now that's dedication

    While we sit in the comfort of our homes playing Knack, it's easy to forget that the PlayStation 4 hasn't actually released worldwide yet. The next-gen system is launching in South Korea on 17th December, and at the time of writing, there are already two dedicated fans camping out to nab their very own black box. 33-year-old...

  • Weirdness What if The Last of Us Was a LEGO Game?


    Naughty Dog's current generation swansong The Last of Us isn't a LEGO game – but it would make a pretty good one if this video's anything to go by. The short – created by animator Brian Anderson – shows protagonists Joel and Ellie clearing out a warehouse infested with Clickers. Somehow, the clip manages to make the brutal...

Thursday12th Dec 2013

Wednesday11th Dec 2013

  • News Christmas PS4 Stock Arriving at Argos on 13th December in UK

    Sony's system available soon

    If you’re living in the UK, there’s still hope that you may receive a PlayStation 4 in time for Christmas. We’ve been in contact with Argos, and have been informed that the catalogue-based retailer is expecting a fresh shipment of systems on 13th December. A representative for the outlet told us to keep an eye on...

  • Review Putty Squad (PlayStation 4)

    Killer Carrots and Crazy Cats

    Back in the nineties, the eventually unreleased Amiga version of Putty Squad was praised by the press for its varied level shapes, consistent game logic, and “masterful” animation. Jump forward 15 years, and we no longer get excited by shapes (unless they’re naughty shapes and you’re a member of Reddit), or game...

  • Guide Here's How to Revisit North Yankton in Grand Theft Auto Online

    Snow way

    Those of you that have played Rockstar's most recent satirical crime opus Grand Theft Auto V may recall that the opening heist was set in the perpetually snowy town of North Yankton. And if you've ever wanted to revisit and then promptly terrorise the good people of this sleepy country village, your wishes have now been granted. CVG has...

  • News PS4 Firmware Update v1.52 Stabilises the Situation

    Get excited

    There's nothing quite like waking up to a good old fashioned firmware update, and, as usual, Sony has you covered. A post on the platform holder's official Twitter account confirms that update v1.52 will be arriving shortly, stating that it's designed to "improve system software stability". We don't yet know if there will be any juicy...

  • News The Elder Scrolls Online Will Consume Your PS4 in June

    Take the trip to Tamriel

    We sincerely hope that you haven’t got any plans for the summer, because Bethesda has just confirmed that The Elder Scrolls Online is set to embark on an epic adventure on the PlayStation 4 in June. The hotly anticipated MMO is due out a little earlier on the PC, which should give the publisher time to squash the title’s...

  • News Japanese Sales Charts: PS Vita TV's Audience Shrinks Again

    Gran Turismo 6 takes pole position

    Sony may be considering ways in which it can broadcast PS Vita TV overseas, but we reckon those plans may be shelved soon if the diminutive device doesn’t pick up the pace in its home territory. After a miserable first month on the market, the micro-console has now slumped to just 3,772 sales in Japan according...

  • Talking Point Do the PS4 Controller's Gimmicks Add Anything Worthwhile?

    Bright like a touch light

    You’ve (hopefully) had the PlayStation 4 in your home for a few weeks now, meaning that you’ve had ample opportunity to test out all of the devices features and functions. We’ve already polled you on your overall impressions of the device, its

  • News You'll Need to Patch Your PS Vita to Firmware Update v3.01

    Keeping things stable

    Sony is hammering out software stability updates faster than frightening balance sheets at the minute. Not content with preparing patch v1.52 for the PlayStation 4, the company has also released firmware update v3.01 for the PlayStation Vita. What does it do? Well, nothing – but we can’t say that we're particularly...

  • Review A-Men 2 (PlayStation Vita)

    Pray before playing

    The A-Men have returned to challenge your deductive skills in another set of devilishly difficult combat scenarios. The rouge robot army that you accidentally unleashed in the original title is still at large, and it’s up to you and your squad of specialists to eradicate them – or perhaps just skirt around them as you get to...

  • News Rayman Legends Makes History on PS4 in Late February

    Hopefully it won't cost an arm and a leg

    It’s hard to imagine how it could possibly look any prettier, but Rayman Legends is set to wind up on the PlayStation 4 on 25th February in North America and 28th February in Europe. Nonchalantly announced during a Ubisoft investors meeting earlier in the year, the re-release will ship with suppressed...

  • Video Will PS4 Launch Title Knack Grow on Gamers Like Uncharted?

    Secret relic

    Ever since the PlayStation 4’s launch last month, we’ve been spending a lot of time with Japan Studio’s throwback platformer Knack. Over on Family Gamer TV, we recently asked two brothers to review the title, and take a deeper look at the co-op aspects of the ga

  • News PS4 Sim Pure Pool Proves That Girls Can Play Too

    Rack 'em up

    We’re really not sure what to make of this debut trailer for VooFoo’s upcoming PlayStation 4 billiards simulation Pure Pool. On the one hand, the balls look absolutely exquisite – but we’re not overly sold on the frankly frightening character models. Beyond the Daisy Dukes and silicone breasts, though, the British-based developer...

  • Store Update 11th December 2013 (Europe)

    Bots and brains

    If you’ve already exhausted the PlayStation 4’s launch lineup, then this week’s European PlayStation Store update will come as a bit of a relief, as it includes two new titles for you to try. In addition to cross-buy exploration exclusive Doki-Doki Universe, the refresh also includes co-operative puzzle-‘em-up Tiny Brains...

  • Store Update 10th December 2013 (North America)

    Seasonal cyborg

    ToeJam & Earl creator Greg Johnson’s bonkers intergalactic excursion Doki-Doki Universe takes centre stage on the North American PlayStation Store this week. The curious cross-buy title sees you exploring weird and wonderful planets, where you’ll need to complete various personality tests in order to progress. Pretty weird,...

Monday9th Dec 2013

Tuesday10th Dec 2013

Monday9th Dec 2013

  • News PSN Maintenance Extended an Extra Couple of Hours

    You could always take up stamp collecting

    No, the PlayStation Network has not been hacked again – Sony’s just taking its sweet time with its latest period of scheduled maintenance. As reported earlier, the platform holder had planned to perform some construction work on the online service between 09:00AM PST and 14:00PM PST – but it will now...

Tuesday10th Dec 2013

  • News Here's Your First Look at the Next Sleeping Dogs Title

    Wei to go

    There had been some concern that the next Sleeping Dogs game may be some form of mobile spin-off – but it looks like you can put those worries aside. As part of a clearly staged Christmas photo, developer United Front Games has uncovered an off-screen image of the next title in the kung-fu series – the one that it’s calling Triad...

  • News 10 Per Cent of All Twitch Streams Since November Have Been from PS4

    Stream and shout

    Do you like arbitrary and potentially useless statistics? No? Well too bad, as a recent PlayStation Blog post has revealed a veritable treasure trove of bizarre PlayStation 4 facts, mostly pertaining to the console's robust social offerings. Truth be told, we think that after such an absurdly successful launch, Sony probably...

  • Video How Fun Is Knack in a Family Environment?

    Playing together

    PlayStation 4 launch title Knack hasn’t exactly proven the gem in the system’s software selection that some gaming relics had hoped – but is it any more successful at entertaining a younger audience? Legendary director Mark Cerny famously produced an enormous DualShock 4 controller in order to better understand how the

  • News Awesomenauts Not Assembling on PS4 Until the New Year

    Aw, shucks

    We hope that you weren’t counting on the PlayStation 4 iteration of Awesomenauts to infuse your holiday with a spot of eighties action, as Ronimo Games has admitted that there is very little chance of the side-scrolling MOBA deploying this side of Christmas. According to the developer, the team handling the port, Abstraction Games, has...

Monday9th Dec 2013