The relationship between Titanfall developer Respawn Entertainment and mega company EA Games is more confounding than a magic eye puzzle. While the latter technically published the former’s brand new first-person franchise, it supposedly did so through the EA Partners programme, which was most recently responsible for failed Insomniac Games shooter Fuse.
Moreover, readers of this site will be well aware that Microsoft muddied the waters a little. In order to push its floundering Xbox One format, the manufacturer purchased console exclusivity for the game – a move which former Infinity Ward founder Vince Zampella didn’t even know about until the ink was dry. Are you keeping up?
This complicated state of affairs means that the inevitable sequel to the online-only escapade could theoretically end up anywhere – but reports suggest that EA Games has secured Titanfall 2 as a result of the title’s early performance on the Xbox One and PC. Interestingly, as the Xbox maker’s exclusivity rights only cover the first game, that means that it could come to the PS4.
It’s widely believed that the publisher only signed the game to Microsoft because it thought that the Redmond-based manufacturer’s machine was going to “eat Sony’s launch”. That hasn’t panned out so far, as the Japanese giant’s newest system already commands a significant sales advantage over its closest competitor’s latest console.
Of course, there’s nothing stopping the organisation from purchasing exclusivity again, but as the PS4’s install base continues to grow, the cost to do so is only going to go up. As a result, it’s probably safe to assume that the shooter will be coming to Sony’s systems at some point. The big question is: how long will you have to wait for the follow-up?
Comments 35
It'd take a lot of money to keep a sequel off Sony's platforms. Everyone involved is already pretty desperate for the game to succeed on Xbox One, makes you wonder why the 360 version was delayed yet again.
I can't see EA holding back on PS4 in the future, not when it's doing as well as it currently is.
They would be crazy to overlook PlayStation platforms with the sequel. This is a game that I think a good percentage of PlayStation owners would want to get involved with. The money MS would have to spend to keep it "exclusive" would be ludicrous. Plus the developers were shocked and by all accounts pretty annoyed at the decision to omit PlayStation completely with this iteration.
I still can't help but wonder if there's a loophole in the contract that will allow Titanfall: Ultimate Edition or something to come to the PS4. The wording of the original announcement was very precise, and if the intention was to simply deceive people into thinking there'll never be a PS4 version, it's worked well.
I dunno, we'll see. It's clearly a long shot, but I can't help but wonder it sometimes.
I don't know why everyone is so hung up on this game, I played it at a freinds house and it was boring as hell, also the campain was total bull
to be honest playstation only owners are not missing a thing
@get2sammyb I thought that myself. Mass effect 1 comes to mind when everyone said that it would never come to PS3 since it was published by Microsoft. And yet sure enough it did.
I read a couple of unconfirmed reports (don't know if you guys reported it as well) that at the Destination Playstation a few weeks Sony showed some figures to EA's people that said how much money they would have made had it been released on PS3 & PS4 as well. EA then went and did their own calculations & found that Sony's numbers were pretty accurate, let's just say that whatever Microsoft paid... it doesn't begin to cover it.
Plus, I'm sure Sony could make a small counter-offer is necessary to get the game on PS4, and with exclusive (or timed) DLC.
Only downside to 2 being on PS4 - would it suffer in comparison (like Bayonetta did) b/c the engine has already been written for 1 and I'm guessing bc it's EA yearly installments w/ only minor modifications.
Well that and everybody who bought 1 would just buy 2 on X1 as well so sales wouldn't be as strong on PS4 if 1 never comes out on PS4.
But yes, 2 will be on PS4.
@rjejr No, the PS4 and Xbox One are basically the same. The only difference is that the PS4 is slightly more powerful.
I really couldn't care less for this game. All my friends that have it say it gets stale after about 3-4 days of playing it! Ah well.
I wouldn't mind but honestly I am sure that if it doesnt come to PS4 there will be plenty of other games to keep me interested. Right now it just seems over hyped and if it is it will diminish soon enough.
@Scollurio I must admit, @ShogunRok and I have been talking about how the hype for this seems to have completely fallen off a cliff since it came out. It was absolutely everywhere before launch, but no one seems interested anymore.
While Titanfall 2 is being developed for PS4, & Titanfall 1 is being mildly played by X1 users, I'm gearing up for Second Son! That's all I can think about right now.
@get2sammyb I've only seen the Titanfall TV spot twice before & after it was released, in comparison I've seen the Infamous ad about eight times now. I know it's not exactly an accurate marketing assessment but in the UK at least I've not got the impression that there was a huge juggernaut marketing campaign for it. I think sites like IGN were to blame for really hyping it up to ridiculous levels, they must have had close to 300 articles & vids on Titanfall alone.
I think of Crysis as an example. I think it is very possible for the 1st Titanfall with all dlc included come to PS4 in a few years a few months before Titanfall 2 comes to PS4. Sony is doing awesome so far and have the most sales so big titles will always follow that.
I could not care less if this doesn't make it to PS4. It's fun for a bit, but quickly loses steam.
In fact, I find it hilarious that the Wikipedia page hasn't really been updated, especially the Reception section where it goes on about the ultimately pointless awards it got before launch, and then the tiny mention of generally favourable reviews. That is not critical acclaim, but everyone goes on about it as if it's the best thing since chocolate rich tea.
@FullbringIchigo At least I'm not the only one here who doesn't care about Titanfall. It looks totally bland and forgettable, so I can see why Xbox fans were so crazy about it up till launch.
I would like to play this on ps4. I don't have a xbox one yet and although I could play this on pc I am terrible at playing games with a keyboard and mouse. It seems Microsoft secured a pretty good exclusive here. Nevermind though I'm sure infamous second son soften the blow on Friday
@BornOfEvil Really dont care either ;P
I watched a bit of it on YouTube(the Xbox ONE version) Looked like a Xbox 360 game Looked o.k(the gameplay) I won't cry if it don't come to the PS4 tho. I have never seen a Xbox game that has made me want to 'Jump In'
Titanfall is a very "Xbox" type of game. Xbox gamers, if I may assert a stereotype, are by and large brute gamers. They like their shooters and their Xbox Live- give them that and they're happy gamers. Now, there's nothing wrong with that- everyone likes different things, which is why it's good for different consoles to cater to different crowds. I say leave Titanfall exactly where it's at. It's ON THE RIGHT CONSOLE, make no mistake.
PS gamers, if I may assert another stereotype, are by and large nerdy gamers (just like Nintendo gamers). PS gamers like to pretend they're not, but they are. And by nerdy, I mean they take gaming seriously, like a nerdy hobby. They're interested in more than just your typical next-gen AAA Duck Hunt. PS gamers like complexity. They like depth. They like to use their brain. The PS library reflects this- and despite publishers porting everything nowadays between Sony and MS, the sales of certain genres on each platform speaks volumes.
This is why I've always felt like Nintendo and Sony gamers are brothers, both keenly enjoying their nerdy hobby, while Xbox gamers are the distant cousin on the high school football team who wear their Xbox Live jerseys into bed every night. I'm not saying PS doesnt have brute shooters, and I'm not saying Xbox doesn't have elaborate JRPGs or stealth games, I'm just saying the targeted demographics are more than evident, and Titanfall most certainly fits the bill. I say let them have it, let them enjoy it, and let's focus on the wealth of gems on PS before concerning ourselves with this one single Xbox exclusive.
Any third party company that has a popular franchise, or a new ip that looks like it could make a big splash, is idiotic to sign an exclusivity with any one of the home console makers. The only time I think it makes sense is if it's a more niche game like Bayonetta, nobody is picking it up so Nintendo comes along and picks up the tab. Making Titanfall exclusive was a d*ck move on EA's part though, I'm sure MS paid them a pretty penny but could've made more bringing it to PS4 and PS3 as well. Rumors also swirling that despite RE having a bigger fanbase on PlayStation (and Nintendo for that matter), Capcom has inked an exclusivity deal with MS for RE 7, if that's true, I want to see Sony strike back a little bit. Make sure MGS V The Phantom Pain is a PS exclusive. MS fights dirty and unfortunately if Sony and Nintendo want to have a chance both companies are going to have to step up in that regard. Capcom is a floundering company so I guess I get it from the company's perspective but if its going to enter into deals with anybody, I'd rather see Nintendo buy them outright since it has the money to do so and could help build up its stable of games even more. I'd also like to see what a Nintendo and Capcom partnership could do for the Mega Man series.
@JaxonH You bring up some really interesting points, I would agree that PS & Nintendo gamers seem to be much more knowledgeable about a wide variety of games, it's one of the many reasons why I've always stuck with Sony cos it feels like the community is more closer together (in a weird way).
With Titanfall, I'd be happy to have it come to playstation cos honestly it does look a decent blast, just not spectacular. With that & possibly CoD now preferring PS4 then Sony are eating into xbox's demographic, which is a good business decision cos Sony are obviously are looking at ways to sell the system in the long term & getting the larger slice of the CoD & maybe Titanfall pie will be a good way of going about it.
@Gamer83 What about a Smash Bros X Street Fighter crossover? lol
That'd be interesting for sure.
As someone who has an x1 for titanfall, sunset overdrive, and quantum break pretty much, i can say this. Titanfall is great, but anyone who remembers that addicting cod4 "one more round" will still be turning it off after 3-4 rounds and playing something else. Mind you, ps4 is my main, and the console roles have flipped in my house based on last gen, which is a huge relief to me as i spent the most of last gen having to defend my ps3 launch purchase/price to anyone with a 360. But anyways, titanfall 2 should be coming to ps4, as without the exclusivity titanfall could have easily doubled its sales (not to mention imagine the ps4 numbers if titanfall was a ps4 exclusive) and while titanfall isnt the second coming of cod4, its also a better than good game that currently stands out as the leader of a broken and fractured pack what with bf4 still not what it should be and cod going the tony hawk route. I foresee titanfall 2 spring 2015 (no way activision lets respawn sit) and a ps4 copy will be in my hands.
@get2sammyb Do you know whether the use of Xbox Live Compute will complicate things? The multiplayer portion of the game (i.e. all of it) is supposedly hosted on Microsoft's cloud infrastructure so hopefully if Titanfall 2 comes to PS4 we would get the use of that. Without the cloud hosting the game would be a completely different beast and my only fear is that Titanfall and Xbox Live Compute are inextricably tangled (but I hope not).
@get2sammyb This is my observation as well. I see sites posting articles but the audience doesn't seem to be responding significantly.
They should rework TitanFall and instead of Mechs players can summon a Monster or Creature that they can posses. Chaos Ensues.
Also, if TitanFall does come to the PS4 I am against it being called TitanFall 2. I'd rather it have a subtitle instead. TitanFall: Anarchy or something to that effect. Anarchy as in.. 32-64 players.. Larger Mechs.. More devastation, destruction, realism and story..
@FullbringIchigo I played the beta for a long time on PC and agree. I was planning on loving it, but in the end, I hated it. Gunplay was neither here nor there, and using the titan was rigid and, as you said, boring. I hope the sequel will be better, now that they seem to have the core parkour/titan mechanics worked out.
@get2sammyb just found this:
@get2sammyb Titanfall: Ultimate Edition will come to PS4 at the start of next year. And to Xbox One. But it will be named Titanfall 2. EA won't allow more than a year to go by without a sequel, no matter how little or much is added to the game. If they add a proper single player mode I'm in as a gets-old-fast multiplayer isn't worth £40-50 in my book.
Not to take anything from TitanFall is looks fun.
But why are people acting like Mechs in an FPS is something new?
If Killzone3 had it then I bet some others did too and nobody hailed those titles as revolutionary. Not to mention how many titles had her packs.
Yea i think it is overrated and i dont see what the big fuss is about but hey "whateves"
Yea who cares? Online only shooters aren't for me, most of the time. And everything I have read about this game reeks of overrated anyways. It's probably a good game, but doesn't sound like a great one.
I despise Micro$oft more every day. They suck on so many levels. From buying Rare at a ridiculously high price from Nintendo just to kill the company off with retarded kinect games. Finally we get to see a Killer Instinct game but it's too late and they only did that to make people by an xbone 180. And then we have all the anti-consumer bs they've been doing since selling people Xbox Live gold to play online or even sign into Netflix! and then trying to kill the used game market pre-maturely with mandatory 24 hour online game authorizing. now we have them throwing more money at 3rd party companies so that they don't release games on other consoles.
Well thank goodness people are finally realizing what a scumbag company M$ really is. PS4 is outselling the xbone and looks like it's going to continue. I admit Titanfall looks like the game that can finally knock Call of Duty off the map. M$ even delayed the game for the 360 again in hopes that people will buy an xbone. They even cancelled Dead Rising 3 for the 360 all together! And luckily, people are willing to be patient for the eventual release of the TitanFall franchise on the PS4. I'm only nervous that the devil company may be evil enough to give a huge amount of cash to Respawn/EA to keep it exclusive since M$ has a limitless amount of hush money and nothing new, creative, or interesting to offer from themselves.
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