With Who Would Win Wednesdays now in its ninth week, it goes without saying that we've pondered over some memorable tussles, and our last brawl was no different. It was a close one right until the end, but Ocelot's lead was never truly diminished as he gunned down poor old John Marston and left him to die in the dirt like a dog. Stepping away from lunatics with too many bullets and itchy trigger fingers, we suppose that this week's match-up may be a somewhat obvious clash, but it's certainly a fight that many gamers will have been mulling over in their heads recently. So buckle up, read about our superpowered combatants, and decide their fate in our poll – this should be electric.
Cole MacGrath

Skinhead courier turned electrifying superhuman, Cole MacGrath is a force to be reckoned with on the field of battle. As our shockingly bad puns suggest, inFAMOUS and inFAMOUS 2's hero – or indeed anti-hero – utilises the power of electricity to turn his foes to dust. He can let off quick blasts that are useful at almost any range, throw out condensed elemental grenades which house devastating power, and unleash a swirling tornado of ruthless destruction that's sure to rip apart even the sturdiest foe. In his second game, Cole can also manipulate ice and fire, which bolster his offensive options further still. As if that wasn't enough, he simply adores swinging his amp – an electrified metal club – around with reckless abandon. We dare say that among Sony's exclusive warriors, Cole's vying for one of the top spots.
Delsin Rowe

He may be a little inexperienced, but inFAMOUS: Second Son's lead character embraces his power despite the responsibility that comes with it – a trait which immediately makes him a confident and deadly opponent. With the ability to absorb other conduits' powers, Delsin is able to make use of several incredibly pretty elements which he can switch between over the course of a battle, provided that a source is nearby. He can spray enemies with smoky bullets, dazzle foes with neon shots, and take out entire platoons of armed guards with a destructive karmic bomb. The PlayStation 4's most popular graffiti artist is also a rather nimble fighter, as his array of powers allow him to travel quickly from one spot to another in the blink of an eye, or scale tall buildings in a matter of seconds.
It's a battle that you'd usually see on the pages of a comic book, but which of Sucker Punch's leads would emerge the victor? Vote for your winner in our poll, and tell us how you think the battle would unfold in the comments section below.
Who do you think would win this Wednesday? (112 votes)
- Cole MacGrath
- Delsin Rowe
Please login to vote in this poll.
[ Thanks to LordBagardo for the header image ]
Comments 135
Delsin because his unique set of powers and the ability to absorb powers makes him more versatile!
Delsin Got even more powers then Cole.. Sooo Cole can´t win this round
Delsin cause we know what already happened to Cole!
Delsin may not be able to swim, but he could totally absorb water powers and obliterate Cole.
Delsin Neon power makes it impossible for Cole to hit him and Kerma Strike would destroy Cole
cole macgrath would win b/c his name rhymes with kicks grass (sort of)
I have to go with Cole on this one. Electrokineses is one devastating power to have, and could be used with a lot more versatility than Sucker Punch made it seem.
You can drop lightning on people, increase your speed and strength by stimulating your muscles with an electric current, fly, create electrical pulses to screw with your opponents body, etc.
This was a tough one but I went with Delsin Rowe. Besides Cole died soooo not much of a match lol. Cole has electricity and Rowe has smoke grenades bomb abilities. Hey Sucker Punch how about this being a dlc!
Good battle this week! I'm not far into Second Son, but I'd probably say Delsin. A combination of his different styles of attacks, speed, ability to climb buildings in less than three minutes, and less predictable nature makes him triumph over Cole.
@Game-Boy1983 Great idea! And then once you beat him, you can gain electric powers for use in the rest of the game?
@ztpayne7 Yes! You Sir have seen where I am going with that. Hopefully Sucker Punch realizes it too
@ztpayne7 add me on PSN Game-Boy1983
While Cole is very powerful, I would have to go with Delsin solely based on the fact that he would have multiple sources for his powers available to absorb. If there happened to be no electricity around, Cole would not do as well, while Delsin has plenty of opportunities with smoke, neon, and other sources to absorb.
Cole was Sucker Punches most powerful Conduit, even with all his variance and diversity of powers does not make him a winner. This fight is as stupid as pitching Static (DC Comics) against The Leech (Superman Villain). Also Delsin may be quick and whatnot but getting close to Cole to absorb his power to match him would be pointless and difficult. Did anyone even play the previous games on here? Cole defeated The Beast, a creature who can reassemble himself atom by atom after a Nuclear explosion, Also Bertrand look how massive he was and how many creatures he created too.
**Edit 2 minutes later** Just realised aswell, that if Cole was still alive during the 7 years between Infamous 2 and Second Son, he would be the Superman of electric powers, the most ridiculous Conduit walking the earth.
Jesus people, Cole hands down.
@Game-Boy1983 Ok so Cole died because he was required to activate the Sphere to stop the beast, therefore killing conduits, everywhere even him. Not due to being defeated.
@Axel210 you can't fight someone that's dead lol. If he survived maybe a different story. Bombs over electricity any day lol. I still would like there to be dlc somehow of them teaming up. Up to Sucker Punch. I doubt they will do it though. I am a fan of the franchise but to me Delsin looks to be faster and have more abilities. Maybe dlc he will have Cole's powers then there isn't a fair fight at all.
Having Cole as an avatar prob weighed out your outcome
@Game-Boy1983 The avatar shouldn't affect anything, I happen to be a massive suckerpunch and game fan in general, Cole just represents something that rarely exists in games, a character that the team working on it couldn't kill themselves.
I would have to say Delsin, he can absorb powers, will absorb powers, and become overpowered with them. He also has pretty good combat skills. I don't think anything can really beat Delson.
@Axel210 riiiight lol
Just thought, Cole could beat Delsin by boring him to death. AMIRITE!?
(Just a joke, I like Cole.)
Delsin would win this battle easily I think, he is much more powerful than Cole.
Honestly Delsin Rowe would win & I like Cole McGrath more actually. Just from Delsins' neon abilities he can defeat Cole.
@get2sammyb I see what you did there heh
@Game-Boy1983 Yes right. Sucker Punch stated that if a higher percentage of people had chosen to play the evil side of infamous 2 they would have went with that path, as it was their original plan anyway.
After defeating Alden, Sasha, an old more powerful future version of himself, The Beast and Bertrand, i think Cole would win, over a 20 something year old who just got his powers 2 weeks ago. Logic.
It's not that i don't like Delsin or Second Son, jesus no, love it, Platinum earned already and all that, I will just defend a logically more powerful and experienced conduit would win.
@Axel210 I agree with you. I like Delsin more, but cole's power is stronger than the 4 Delsin has. Cole would not have had a problem with Augustine lol
i just hope more Infamous games will continue to come out.
I voted delsin because he can absorbe different powers.. I mean it's not a fair fight. Personal note, I HATE the neon power! It feels a bit sloppy.. I'm sure I'm alone in thinking so but I'm just saying.
@Darthreven7 Thanks, Yeh she was only as powerful as Alden from the first game. Weak compared to even Kessler.
@Axel210 whatever helps you sleep at night lol
Delsin's power is still new. The game just came out. Dlc with more powers even maybe Cole's powers could come out. So if that is the case it is stupid to just go with Cole because he has electricity ooh wow. Yeah I like Cole but Delsin's speed and bombs are no match. When the dlc with more powers come out it's logical. The game is still new with no new powers dlc yet. When that dlc does come out...Cole who? This is the reason why I can't go with Cole because Sucker Punch might throw us a curve ball and give more powers to Delsin. Wait a few months or after all the dlc is out and then have them fight. It is only logical to compare all powers that Cole has to Delsin's powers. Now that is what I'm talking about...logic
Game-Boy1983 Cole has fought plenty of people with speed like Delsin. Cole also has the other powers from the second game that,correct me if I'm wrong cuz its been a while, he doesn't need to drain from other sources to acquire. Plus it hasn't been confirmed if Delsin can acquire abilities from dead prime conduits. If he wanted Cole's power,which who wouldn't lol, Delsin would be at a major disadvantage after acquiring it
It is why its called dlc. It can be a serum or something he acquires not from Cole. Delsin would be more powerful if anything. Def not a disadvantage. Seems like we have another Cole fan lol and Cole needs wires/electricity just as Delsin needs smoke to juice up. Trust me Delsin hands down
@Axel210 I think that it is implied that delsin also absorbs a certain amount of knowledge through each conduit. their experience is his experience.
@Game-Boy1983 a serum.......really lol? And if you read my first comment, you would know I like Delsin more. In my opinion I just think that Delsin doesn't have nearly the experience, and Cole's power set is just too much. But alas we will never find out. And even if we did, they aren't gonna make a scenario where we lose as Delsin lol
I was talking about dlc if you read what I wrote which apparently you did not. I never said Delsin would lose at all. You def didn't read what I wrote you must be responding to the Cole enthusiasts. Lol I am sure Sucker Punch will come out with more powers dlc when that happens then thats when we could have a better idea. I still choose Delsin because of his bomb grenade powers and because Sucker Punch and their possible power dlc which I am sure they will do.
.....and the serum I got the idea from the movie Divergent. Sucker Punch could throw that in somehow in the game if they choose to as dlc. Delsin takes the serum and makes him have more powers. Whatever the dlc is I am sure it will have something to do with more powers. The game is just a tidbit I'm sure on things to come so calm down bud
@Game-Boy1983 I am calm, and I know you said the serum was dlc... just wondering why you think they would do that lol. And I never said you said Delsin would lose.......since we can't understand each other and you think I'm hyped up when I'm just trying to have a conversation, I'm done lol
A conversation? If you actually read what I write would be a convo. You choose to skim through my writings. I said I got the idea about a serum from the movie Divergent. I also said it could be an idea for Sucker Punch to use as dlc. I understand what you write but clearly you missed this entire "conversation" yep I am done lol wow.
That is true yes, he is an over glorified version of Peter P from Heroes, but as Kessler said, The Beast followed him to the end of the earth because he was attracted to the most powerful conduit, hence Cole, hence Delsin losing. Also Cole learned to expand his powers just by fighting, learning different variants of his abilities. Delsin requires Core Relays to expand his. You put him against Cole and he absorbs his power he needs to have Core Relays near or he's screwed. The last battle with Augustine proves this.
Well Delsin would touch Cole and then pass out. When he wakes up he'd have no power because he needs core relays. So Cole would just kill him. Cole takes this. For the reasons above, Delsin can't drain Cole for this fight. Cole has greater variety to the way he uses his powers, greater experience with using them, and just greater resolve in general. He was put through hell to be the one Conduit that could stop the Beast, and that's what he did.
Not to mention that Cole can cut off at least one of Delsin's four power sources by draining their electricity: Video. Maybe Neon too. No DUP soldiers involved means no Concrete, leaving Delsin just with Smoke, giving Cole the advantage of range. Cole also has the advantage of his power source being a LOT more common than any of Delsin's, so while Delsin is scrambling for juice, Cole's just going to stretch out a hand and grab everything nearby.
Take into account that Cole can fire more missiles than Delsin's max, can slow down time to easily hit him (Precision), can block or even reflect some of Delsin's attacks with his Polarity Wall, and if Delsin came in to attack with his chain, Cole has him beat there as well with his juiced up amp, and so much more?
Delsin's got a few things going for him: He can turn intangible or invisible. He has the movement speed and maneuverability advantage. But Cole has the experience, the skills, the combat speed advantage with Precision, and a power source that is vastly more numerous. Not to mention if it's Evil Cole, he obliterates Delsin off the face of the planet in .3 seconds. He is much more destructive than the latter, he absorbed the powers from the Beast, making him even more destructive, and he can not die without the use of a RFI. Beast Cole just giga drains the city that Delsin is in and ends the fight there.
Delsin can run. Delsin can hide. But Delsin can NOT win this fight.
Once again Delsin has bombs is quicker had youth. Also if you noticed so far there is not much power you can upgrade when dlc comes out with more upgradeable powers like I stated a loooong time ago then you can have the fight. I like Cole but cool powers don't mean anything. If there was a fight between them now Delsin would be fighting a corpse lol. Anyways there were 2 diff endings in Inf 2 so you never know if Cole somehow can be brought back. Also Cole already has all his powers from (dlc) in Inf 2 when Delsin has the rest of his powers come out in dlc Delsin ftw. After a few years when this game has been out with all the power dlc then you will see my point. I am excited to see what Sucker Punch comes out with. Keep dreaming and trolling guys. I don't put your names in my reply because it is annoying everyday I get a reply with my tag included on this over killed topic. Lets move on with our lives and stop blowing up my email. Convo done and overly killed Thanks bips.
@Game-Boy1983 I'm not saying Cole wins because he has 'cool powers', I'm saying he wins because he has more skill in combat, is stronger and more skilled with his powers and has better powers than Delsin. He also doesn't rely on stealing abilities... You can't just rely on the fact they might give Delsin some cool DLC powers, Cole stomps Delsin as of now, and when the DLC comes out I guarentee it won't be enough to defeat Cole. Cole got some cool DLC powers but none of them were that outstanding other than of his original, so I don't see why they'd change that with Delsin. You can't say that Delsin with dlc powers 'ftw' when you don't even know what his DLC powers are, or if he's even getting. I'm not dreaming or trolling, I've stated why Cole would annihilate Delsin and you're just getting butthurt and making up bull**** excuses as to why Delsin would win.
The one butt hurt is you because you think Cole would win because of fn electricity and the fact he has all his powers already. This is next gen not ps3. Sucker Punch will give us more powers most likely more powerful ones. You start off with smoke maybe they will have fire dlc powers who knows. I am sure soon enough we all will find out. Btw having Cole as an avatar says it all fanboy much?Anyway This is why I chose Delsin even though I do like Cole more. I can only take this topic seriously if all the dlc comes out for Delsin then we shall see Delsin kicking Cole's ass. You can't count Delsin out yet. Cole has alot of his powers from dlc. This is no excuse it is a valid and logical point. This whole topic should be based on ALL powers INCLUDING dlc. Sucker Punch will suprise us trust me. Never underestimate the under dog. That is idiotic. Ex: Green Lantern used kryptonyte to defeat Superman. I am not going to choose someone that everyone else is in love with because of electricity and been in 2 games. So stop being a troll Bip and stop mentioning me in your comments. You are just another one who trolls and not understanding logic and my point.
@godofnick add me on PSN. We both have valid ideas points. Lets put all this craziness behind us. I am waiting for Drive club to come out.
@Game-Boy1983 I am a fan of Cole MacGrath, that makes me a fanboy? Must mean you're a Delsin fanboy. Your points are not valid, mainly because he has no DLC powers yet. So until he has DLC powers, don't say anything about them. Cole wins and you're just being butthurt and ignorant to my points, so no, I refuse to add you.
@Game-Boy1983 Cole doesn't get many powers from DLC either, I don't know what you're talking about. Delsin will never be better than Cole MacGrath, and just saying "OH WELL IF WITH DLC POWERS HE WINS!!!11!" You don't know that, you just think that. Cole trained to beat a super conduit, he himself is a super conduit, he's taken down Kessler and the Beast who would both easily make short work of Delsin. Let alone Cole MacGrath himself. You're just making yourself look more and more foolish by not backing up anything, and saying you have valid points when all you say is I'm a butthurt Cole fanboy and that Delsin's non existent DLC powers get him the win.
Removed - inappropriate language
@Game-Boy1983 Okay, if you're going off of what my avatar is you're a Alex Mercer fanboy.
[Mod edit: Please don't ever use that language here again]
@Game-Boy1983 Just because you say you like Cole more doesn't mean you do. I can say I'm Jesus Christ and does that mean I am? No. His electric bat and electric sword were skins for his amp you ****tard, it's non canon and irrelevant to his fighting style. I can't understand your point or logic because you don't have a relevent point or any logic. You're just saying I'm a butthurt fanboy because Cole MacGrath is my avatar, and that Delsin wins because he's a underdog and his DLC will make him super duper coolio and powerful. So, again, I'm laughing at your rage and stupidity, because you sir, are the butthurt fanboy.
@Game-Boy1983 Yeah, you just threatened to kick my ass over me saying Cole beats Delsin. You're totally right, I am so butthurt.
You like to reply to me using my user name alot and finally you admit it you are def butthurt. Listen I am done with this crap. This gone on long enough and it is ridiculous. So lets move on. Anyways a Infamous movie is being made. I hope they do the franchise justice.
I think we both lost our minds with all of this nonsense. Anyways yeah Infamous movie hope it will be good
id have to go with cole, he's probably the most powerful conduit of all time and he killed the beast... And come on delsin has a lot of powers but do you really think that neon and video are even close to electricity??? come on electricity is by far the best power a conduit could have
Delsin's bombs over electricity every time. Delsin is faster and Cole is def not powerful of all time. Cole is dead bud. Delsin ran away with this match up 62% to 38%. Electricity + water = fail lol. Maybe next time Cole voters.
@godofnick Use that kind of language again and I will have no choice but to ban you. You've been warned.
guys sorry about this this might be a very long an old fight but um really trying to stir things up again I'm just saying this as fact Delsin would win against Cole why you might ask concrete beats electricity
Delsin is versatile, fast and adaptive. However, if Cole were alive during the 7 year span between the games, he would be virtually unstoppable. Firstly, Cole is more experienced with his powers. As of the end of Infamous 2, he'd learned many intricate ways to make use of electricity and, since Hero Cole is canon, Ice powers. Cole has absorbed (don't remember exact number), like, 5+ blast cores, which amplify power. He defeated >>>The Beast<<<.... Then, tack on another 7 years of honing his skills and fighting the DUP and whatnot, if he were to survive, Delsin would probably be his apprentice. For the sake of this hypothetical, I assumed that the now-canon Hero Cole had survived the RFI, and Delsin still discovered his powers at the same time as he did in Second Son.
Delsin has this. We are all beating a dead horse. Ppl have clearly voted for Delsin. Delsin won. Let's move on lol
Aw how cute ^ You think people being biased to a character that's game just came out means anything. Facts > Bias.
http://www.comicvine.com/forums/battles-7/delsin-rowe-vs-cole-macgrath-1547522/ Here, read this thread about it. It's actual facts and reasoning as to why who would win. Not just "Oh Delsin winz with DLC powers that dont exist xpppp" lmao like okay say that on that thread and watch what people say to you.
hes rite cole wins put him up against alex mercer instead of delsin rowe then it will be a good fiht
Lol when more ppl voted for Delsin those are facts guys. You guys just can't admit the fact that ppl have voted and this topic has been over killed. Delsin won lets get over it. I read it but Delsin can alao drain powers he is a fn conduit. Conduits drain others lol. I am looking forward to the powers dlc sucker punch will be putting out. I like Cole but I am being honest. I made my vote on what I see. That thread loves Cole so much lmao. Alex Mercer I just have as my avatar on PSN because he looks awesome but I'm not a fanboy of his. I wouldn't vote at all for Mercer. Anyways I'll put it this way a full game with all dlc vs new game when more dlc awaits? Come on lol. Water + electricity = dead. #Truth #Fact Delsin can just drain up water and just takes a big splash on Cole. Just wait until ALL Dlc comes out and see for yourselves. Sucker Punch still has ALOT more suprises in store...stay tuned!
No, just because more people think Delsin wins doesn't mean he actually does. It's their opinion sure, but to cold stone facts that doesn't mean much. Cole is a 'fn conduit' as well. I wouldn't say that thread loves Cole, I'd say that they're not braindead and can see that he would win, instead of saying Delsin wins with DLC powers which is completely illogical. DLC awaits, exactly. Key word is awaits, so he doesn't have any DLC powers yet, I suggest talking about that when it comes out, instead of being completely illogical and saying just because there's a possibility he'll get some powers that he wins. I doubt they'd give Delsin a power as stupid as water, what will he do, drown his opponents? Delsin can't drain up water, he can only take powers from conduits, last I checked, water isn't a conduit.
I just noticed this too, haha, by your logic Cole wins! Look at the votes!
Keep dreaming bud.Delsin can consume more powers than Cole. All it takes is water to splash Cole lmao. Come on wake up. Trust me you are hell bent trying to win this but alas ppl didn't pick your fav Cole sorry. What I am saying is that when the rest of the dlc comes out Cole who? If more ppl voted for Delsin that is the winner. Braindead yes you are right All Cole lovers lmao. Thread is a joke. You wrote on it to to help ur Cole friends out and still didn't win this topic lmao. That is sad you need a thread for this? Too sad. How about this lets get back to our lives and just end this already like 2 months ago. Sounds smart right? Give it up your buddy Cole has lost this the ppl have voted. Topic over. Next
Delsin having more powers doesn't mean much, he has no where near the same power or skill as Cole. Delsin could splash Cole, but I don't see how he'd do that, he can't absorb water so unless he has a bucket of water laying around and just splashes him with that... Again, look at the votes. Cole - 51% Delsin - 49% so more people voted for. I don't need a thread for this, I'm just stating Cole would beat Delsin and you're too ignorant to realize it, saying 'water kills delsin' and 'dlc powers'. Can you not back yourself up in any other way? No of course not, you're the braindead one, not me. People have voted, Cole wins, you're dumb, the end. Peace.
and now I await your comment on how I am the stupid Cole lover, and that I'm wrong because Delsin has more powers and can splash Cole with water. Thank you for repeating it several times, but I think it's about time you understand that those 'facts' are pointless. You have no proof that Delsin can win, besides relying on the people voting, and the current votes show more people voted for Cole, so you're wrong on that too.
Lol Cole by 2 votes yeajlh he def won this lmao you mad bro that you lost?
...and I wasn't the only one who is saying that Delsin would win you repeat yourself about Cole winning lol. I guess you got your Cole lovers to vote eh? Lol all it takes is water to destroy Cole that is pathetic. Delsin has more powers than Cole. Look it up. I can't wait until more dlc comes out on top of Delsin's powers. I won't vote for a more popular character who has 2 fn games out and has electricity as a power lol.Cole-electricity Delsin-absorbs smoke neon lights has epic bomb blasts faster and can turn invisible and can go in water and not die like Cole. Lets come back to this in a year or two to see that you have been wrong all along. You mad bro? Yeaaah you are. That is the reply I'll just have to use "you mad bro?" since I'm talking to a fanboy of Cole who doesn't understand logic lol.
Explain to me how I lost? Cole HAS more votes, and I'm actually giving reasoning as to why Cole wins. I actually gave REASON as to why Cole won though, I know about Delsin, and I didn't get anybody to vote actually, I discarded this thread up until a few days ago. It doesn't really matter if it's pathetic, Delsin isn't going to take a bucket of water and splash Cole now is he? Delsin has more powers than Cole, that still doesn't mean much, as Delsin's powers suck besides Neon and Concrete, and he wouldn't be able to use either of those powers in a fight with Cole. Delsin has never been put in water, so he very well could die if put in water, SMOKE. He has his feats, like being faster than Cole. I'm mad? No, I'm just sick of arguing with an arrogant moron who has absolutely no idea what he's talking about. I'll come back to this when all of Delsin's DLCs have been released, and unless Delsin gets something impressive he'll lose. Delsin is a lot more popular than Cole actually, not to mention that his game just came out so obviously people are going to be biased towards him. Cole has taken on MUCH MUCH MUCH more impressive enemies than Delsin. He had troubles with Augustine like lmao what a joke? When you've resolved to "you mad bro" it's pretty clear you've lost. Funny, I'm talking to a Delsin fanboy who doesn't understand logic, as you aren't listening to any of mine, and you act like saying "dlc powers" "water" and "more powers" is logic, like no it's not at all actually. Not to mention Cole has ice powers and a slight ability to control time and gravity. (I'm not talking about Evil Cole because Evil Cole would annihilate everybody in Second Son with his Beast powers, so in this thread I'll talk about Good Cole only, since it would be less one sided) So, unless you actually give reasoning as to why Delsin wins, I'm always going to think you're stupid and biased. You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? Insult me all you like, it's not going to make you any less wrong.
i agree cole would win but to end this evil cole would just use his beast powers to destroy the whole city its not a problem for him. and like my friend up there said ice and fire powers would beat smoke neon and concrete, and video projection. albiet fire would give delsin more smoke but cole would freeze delsin no prob at all. think like this cole would freeze delsin then use his lightning bolt on him causing his heart to stop. the video projectiles have nothing against cole for the fact he can use polarity wall and turn that into energy for him to use. and the fire and ice doesnt need recharge. further more cole has defeated kessler which is 20 times faster than delsin and more powerful. cole is a super conduit. delsin overtime could be his equal but not now. cole was put up against 2 powerful villians right of the bat his first 4 years of being a conduit. delsin not really. cole knows what he's doing he would see him as more of alright fight but he'd win but delsin would get the upperhand at first but i say as it goes on cole would win.
Yep knew it Cole buds for life lmao. I can't take you guys serious. You guys are just mad. You guys mad bro? Lmao get real guys. At the end of the day Delsin would be fighting a corpse lol. You mad bros?
Lol Delsin doesn't get hurt going in water dude lol. That is the worst if u can go into water without dying lol LAME. Face it you lost you were getting butt hurt so badly you needed your Cole buddies to help u lmao. Like he said your friend up there. Cole buds for life FAIL lol I explained myself about powers and you still like to say oh Delsin has lame powers. Yeah because you love Cole soo much you guys put him on a higher petistle and need all your Cole bros to help u on this soo sad. Keep dreqming Cole bros lol
Dude, I'm being honest with you here when I say I really don't know who they are. Just because people think Cole wins automatically means that they are Cole fanboys and are all my friends? God, your logic is so stupid it hurts. You never used facts once, and you are just making yourself look more stupid and pathetic each time you comment. I'm not mad, I'm really laughing at how pathetic you are lmao. Cole wins. Nobody has made any valid points about Delsin, so there's no point in arguing.
I made valid points 2 months ago. Why should I repeat myself. I talked about the powers yes about the dlc because I know sucker punch has more on top of powers what Delsin already has. Cement will always be stronger than fire and ice. Dude let it go lol. You clearly have fans of Cole. Lol again you mad bro?
You never made one valid point about Delsin, all you've stated is that he will win with DLC powers and that's not valid or even close to valid. He doesn't have cement you moron, it's concrete, and the concrete powers aren't even on level with Alden Tate for the love of god. It's the best Delsin has sure, but that's not that impressive seeing as Alden Tate used a similar pattern of attacking with concrete and debris, and Cole womped his ass in a fight, just like he would Delsin. And again, if Cole and Delsin were to fight, Delsin wouldn't be able to use concrete since there wouldn't be any D.U.P soldiers involved. Not to mention that ice could freeze concrete, and fire could melt through it so... After you let it go, then sure thing. I have fans of Cole..? What? No, again I am still not mad lol..
Conrete is made out of cement dumbass. Wow I need to stop talking to idiots like you lol. You just justified why my writings are more intelligent than anything you write on this lol. Thank you for validating your stupidity. I dropped this over a month and of course you bring it back up and here we are. Not my fault you are mad bro. Delsin just has to cement Cole in concrete and get him in water. Mafia style. Fight over. But you don't understand logic cause you are still mad bro.
I'm aware, but his powers are called CONCRETE not CEMENT, dumbass. Nah, you need to stop being an arrogant and ignorant moron is what you need to do. Nothing you say is intelligent, you're just butthurt and are too stupid to give any reasons to anything. You didn't drop it, you were commenting every time someone else shared their opinion, telling them that they're wrong. Thank you for validating your stupidity with your first comment. Delsin wouldn't be able to access his concrete powers in a fight with Cole, and even if he could Cole could easily counter by freezing/burning it, Delsin can not trap people in concrete like Augustine could. How would Delsin "get Cole in water" exactly? Maybe Delsin doesn't know that water even kills Cole? Delsin has also NEVER used the surroundings to his advantage that I can remember, so I don't see why he would start now. You're just saying Delsin can or would do things that he can't or wouldn't. Learn the character before you vote for him dumbass. I understand logic perfectly fine, you're just giving no logic for me to understand. Maybe you should learn what the word means before flaunting it around. You're clearly butthurt and know you're wrong since all you're saying is that I'm mad and stupid lmao. At least you tried.
@godofnick Thanks for commenting. Please try not to be so confrontational. Debate is good - insults are not.
@get2sammyb I don't know if you noticed but this guy isn't exactly making it easier for me, he's insulting me even more than I'm insulting him, and he's not making very much sense but alright I'll try.
@godofnick Yes, I should have included @The-Madness in that message as well. Feel free to debate, not insult!
It is just pathetic and sad someone cries whines and moans by having to A first name call and me having to respond. Dude you have been reported since you needed to bring Sammy in. I was contemplating on reporting u but I am an adult unlike yourself and had no choice because it seems to me you are just plain illogical about any truth and points being made. You only see Cole on a high petistle and it's sad. So keep crying little man to your mommy and daddy not here. I'm sick and tired of when this was over a month ago you had to just bring this garbage up again. You need to let go and stop being so mad bro get over it and man up. I had enough with your idiotic writings. So sad you needed to have someone to step in. Lol yeah I was right all along u have no brains and you are definitely mad bro lmao. Go cry somewhere else this is going on 2 months too long. Ok I am done with this I have a life to get back to so keep being a little bitch cause you are way to mad bro. I know you don't like when I say that but you are mad bro.This is my response and I am not going to take any crap from God of Dick so yeah this is over. This better be over I am tired of my email blowing up with this crap. Move on
You were insulting me first man, if you do that obviously I'm not going to respond in a friendly matter. My writings aren't idiotic just because you clearly can't understand them. I never called upon him ( @get2sammyb ) he is a mod here and he is just making sure we have fun, which you are making very difficult to do. I do have brains and I am still yet again, not mad. I'm not crying, you're the one complaining and ignoring every fact I say. You have a life to get back to? Great, hopefully you don't call everybody butthurt and mad if they disagree with you. Ciao!
Lol check your posts and see who name called first. I am not mad at someone disagreeing just you calling me names 1st so I responded back yeah you don't like it because you are mad bro. But that's right you don't want to man up and read and understand logic because you are too busy being illogical again. And you never called upon him? Is that why he is in your posts? Lmao get real. Too funny it's so sad. Please I hope you don't breed we have enough butthurt idiots in this world like yourself. Keep being mad bro because the more crap we write we both get kicked off of here. So lets move on over 2 months is waaay too long seriously
Nope, you called me a bip actually lmao. So you insulted me first. Proof that I am mad? You are mad because I proved that Cole would win and you can't prove or argue as to why Delsin would win. I don't need to man up because I'm the only one making sense, you're the one being illogical. What makes you think I'm illogical and mad? Please tell me. Proof? Oh wait, that's right you have none! I called upon him in the last comment yes, I have no need to call upon him as I've insulted you just as much as you've insulted me. Think what you want, but I never asked him to comment. Well, I mean I could say the same for you, you are the butthurt idiot here, not me. I've shown no signs of idiocy or being "butthurt" and just like you, you can only say something but back it up in no way. For the millionth time, I am not mad. You've said "Let's move on" or "I'm done" enough times as well, when are you honestly going to move on or be done hm? Oh right, never because you'll just continue to call me butthurt and mad and illogical with no proof. Thought you said you had a life get to back to? Or were you making that up too?
Wow u are mad lmao look how many times you repeated yourself lol I seen that lol a bip? That was prob a typo or I was writing something and didn't erase. Why still mad bro? Yeah I moved on a month ago then you responded so it took you a month to run your mouth on here when clearly aI moved on but since u ran your mouth again here we are. You are mad bro. I hope we both get kicked off of this and I will make sure it happens. Enjoy your last few days on here funkmaster
I REPEATED MYSELF? Just in the last four of your comments, you've called me mad 10 times. So, you're the one repeating yourself lmao. Why would you write it if you didn't mean anything by it? You didn't move on a month ago, I stumbled across this website again, and found you were still commenting and telling anybody who voted for Cole that they were wrong and that they're just butthurt Cole lovers. When in reality, you're just a butthurt Delsin lover. I mean come on, you're insulting a teenager over the internet on a debate because he proved you wrong? Get a life dude. You're mad, not me. Well, if you're getting me kicked off a site for backing up facts as to why Cole wins, and pointing out you can't back up facts for Delsin, then go ahead, it doesn't change the fact you just ignore everything I say, and call me mad. Grow up.
Yeah like I said I wrote u mad bro on purpose. But once again u read what u want to read. Lol you are still mad otherwise you wouldn't have to say the same crap over and over why Cole can do this why he would win etc... you are just sad funkmaster. Yeah I'll make sure we both get kicked off u keep responding the more chances I'll make sure we get kicked off. Keep being mad bro and keep being the funkmaster....still mad bro? Yep u def are lol u are a joke
You're a joke. You're an adult arguing with a teenager and insulting him. Clearly you didn't make it far in life, lmao. You mad bro?
Exactly your a teenager who didn't make it far in life yeah funkman u are mad bro. Don't breed save the world from stupidity. You mad bro? Yep you are mad funkman
I'm a teenager so it's pretty obvious I haven't made it far in life, you have no excuse lmao. Just because you can't breed because nobody likes you doesn't mean I won't. You mad bro?
Lol I can guarantee no one likes you because you are mad bro typical little bitch. You are dumber than Helen Keller. I'm sure u will need google for that since u are the biggest dumbass on here and have no idea who that is funkmaster. I bet you will say "yeah I know who that is" yeah u have no idea just a snot nosed little kid that is illogical and pathetic. So sad go have mommy and daddy tuck u in fool. Lol if you breed then the world will know where the ****tarterdness comes from. Go play in traffic funkman. Yeah you are still mad bro and def unoriginal. Fuuunkman! When you are older then we can talk but you are a little kid who I hope one day realizes to know when to stfu and move on. U mad bro? Yep u are def mad bro. Bye funkman
Is this seriously still going on? Enough, both of you!
Agreed like I said over a month ago lets move on. I'm tired of the funkman
Settle down mate, and yes for the record I am aware of Helen Keller without the use of google. Pretty sure everyone has heard of her, deaf and blind. I'm legally a teenager, 14 years old, so I'm not a child like you say I am lmao. Idiot. You need to grow up and get a life man, your insults are crap, your reasoning is crap, and you in general are crap. I'm done here, Cole MacGrath wins, you're a moron. THE END.
Lol yeah you have Cole listed as your fav character u are a biased piece of **** u lost u are still mad funkman. You def googled it as I knew u would respond with "I know who that is I didn't google her" You can't admit u are biased and lost bud. Delsin won over your illogical incoherent understandings of plain facts and logic. Stop being mad and stay off the crack. You are a tool bag Cole lover it's a fact. You simply vote based on ur fav characters lol. You lose dude. THE ****ING END BYE BYE FUNKMAN!!!! Still mad bro? Yep u are keep being stupid it just makes everyone else alot smarter and logical Funkmaster
@The-Madness @godofnick Please, please don't make me use the ban hammer over this...
Lol I wouldn't lose sleep over it. The Funkman def would. I got my own blog debuting very soon. Funkman get booted off just like noobs that they are. Bye Funkman!!! The end
I listed Kratos as my favorite character if you can read, I've stated I like Cole, why is this news to you? I'm not really biased so long as I state facts to back it up, something you fail to do. I'm done insulting you, it's really just a waste of time when all you retaliate with is calling me 'funkman' and illogical and a Cole lover, and not to forget, calling me mad. Why would you ask if I knew who Helen Keller was if you were just going to say I didn't anyways? You really are repetitive and pathetic. You're the one freaking out and getting all defensive, I'm really not angry at all, pretty sure you are but I'm not going to get into this again because you'll just reply "NO FUNK MAN UR AN ILLOIGICAL COLE LVOER!!!!1111 LMAO U MAD BRO?!??!?!?! UR WRONG BIASED*************************** ******** ***** FUNK MAN FUNK MAN U MAD!?!?!?!?!? GET BANNED!~!!!!1121322417313`1!!! IM SO COOL AND SMART IM 30 YEARS OLD AND I WASTE MY TIME ON A WEBSITE BEING A COMEPLTE TOOL WTHEUYAT ARGUING WITH A 14 YEAR OLD BCUZ I HAVE NO LIFE AND NOBODY LOVES ME!!2Q21327163!!!!!!!!!!!" Seriously dude, did you not get enough hugs as a kid or what's your deal?
Lol from you little pussy rant there you are def mad bro lol it's cool since u can't get the hint to shut the *** up we both will get banned. You will cry like a little *** and I'll laugh and won't lose sleep over it. You started this and I ended it. Learn to shut the *** up and I wouldn't have to tell you off and tell you the truth you always hate to hear and yeah man you have Cole as one of your fav character u biased moron. I can't take what ever you write seriously funkman. Again you are illogical so it makes sense. Lol Keep being mad bro. Keep crying Funkman and get banned! I'll make sure we both do! Bye!
Really madness? The only one who would be banned is you. You constantly use stupid phrases and inappropriate language like "funkman" "u mad bro" and other swear words that obviously aren't welcome here. God of nick is only 14 but he can justify his points without the use of bad language and with pure evidence. This makes him much more mature than you. I was going to put my input into who I thought would win but I honestly can't be bothered getting into a fight. If this was a debate I believe god of nick would win as he has solid facts and can back them up with evidence. Madness you also have some strong points too. How bout we bring this back to the proper topic and stop throwing insults back and forth at each other. Can't we agree to disagree and get back to the real discussion?
@Slumin101 I'd be more than happy to debate who would win between Cole and Delsin, as my intentions were so when I first commented, but he doused my fun and decided to insult me and just be moronic in general, which bothered me to the point of quitting. I'm still willing to debate, just not with him.
You think I wouldn't respond to your inapropriate remarks? It's annoying when I write you mad bro? If you sluminwiththefunkmaster have read more you would see what I am referring to. Lol some ppl can't realize Delsin won and cry about it. Godof nick u should have quit over a month ago. Once again Delsin has cement much stronger than fire and ice. I like Cole more but I am not choosing the fav like many ppl do. Anyone to blame would be u since you like throwing stones first but can't take the repercussions. Hey slumminwith the funk man fyi I have gotten an email where the funkman and I would both be banned so mind your business slumlord cause no one gives a crap on what you have to say. This "discussion" is so biased it isn't even funny. Quitting just admits you are wrong and a little crybaby. I won't lose sleep being banned on here. I know you will lol. It's funny to see the noobs come out of the woodwork and get shutdown on here. The funny thing is ppl crying and whining about one of their fav characters losing and it takes a blog posted by the funkman for more biased votes lol I am a fan of Batman but if he fought Superman Superman would kill him and Batman is my fav "super hero" but I am not going to choose him if I know the facts. Then again you guys are kids and don't know much of logic yet and sluminwiththefunkmaster you want to bring up justifying points without bad languauge? You need to read funkmans illogical garbage over bud. I have made my point a looong while ago now I'm just putting noobs like u in their place. Can't handle it? Then don't call me out on the same crap your buddy the funkman started. You mad bros? Yep the Funkman and the Slummin with the funkman are mad. Once again stfu and stop crying over it. Noobs stick together lmao. You guys need to go collect Pokemon and stfu. This topic is old and has been over 2 months ago. Let it go and move on kids. Smh and stop being mad funkbros
Lmfao this guy. This is too funny. Again, it's called concrete not cement. Concrete is not stronger than ice or fire, fire can melt through it and ice can freeze it. Delsin hasn't won, the poll clearly shows Cole in the lead, and here you are saying Delsin wins with concrete and water and DLC, calling me and anybody who thinks Cole will win out for being biased and dumb. Haha, really you got an e-mail? I'd like to see it then!
The email that sammy told both of us dropping the ban hammer moron. Concrete is made from cement you simpleton. You are wrong from the start is why this is a one sided convo. Whatever you spew out is just plain wrong. Seems you are still crying and bitching about Cole losing. Funny how that biased post about Cole this Cole that had those ppl vote all in the same day. Yeah bro u lost this one. Go quit you illogical simpleton. I can't wait for us to get banned keep it up fool. Keep being the funkman. You mad bro?
That's not an e-mail, that's a comment moron. Concrete is made from cement, but the point is they are both very different. Cement is wet, Concrete it hard. Not to mention in Second Son it is blatantly called Concrete not Cement. You're the illogical one buddy, you keep talking, every one who reads this will laugh at how pathetic you are, I'm just defending myself from your stupid and empty insults. You lost. You mad bro? Funkman you are just illogical and bitching about Delsin losing. You're such an idiot. You mad? Funkman you are mad lol. can't wait til we get banned idiot. you fool illogical moron idiot dummy. concrete = cement smh u biased delsin lover. See? I can play that game too.
Haha I'm not siding with the" funk master" m8. Nor am I choosing a side in who I think would win. I also said that you had some good points as well but of course your too arrogant to even realise. You also call me a noob and I'm not sure why as all I'm doing is trying to break up this stupid argument, so really your the one who doesn't know what's going on. Anyway isn't the word "noob" a bit childish for a 30 year old man? I'm not here to be involved in arguments I just want to discuss infamous. Let's just put this behind us and try to get along.
@Slumin101 Alright dude, let's discuss infamous then. It's pretty clear this guy is just going to call everybody a noob or a butthurt cole fanboy if they even THINK Cole has a chance of winning. Just ignore him lol, he doesn't understand anything.
Both of you are just pathetic little ****s who have no idea that concrete is made from cement that is stronger than fire/ice. Godofcrack is just mad that Cole would lose and he is a quitter wah wah wah "he almost made ne quit" what a little crying bitch and you got another noob to follow your illogical writings huh slumminwith the funkman? Tell ur bud godofcrack to stfu and true gamers call ppl that are idiots noobs. You guys need to get over yourselves. You guys are just litle crying bitches and are just mad. I only call ppl noobs that call me out. It's sad that a 4 month post you noobs still want to bitch about this post. Get over it and move on funkmasters. Yeah you guys are mad. And yeah Sammy mentioned both of us hence getting a email you simpleton little ****. Go cry and stfu you and your new butthurt bud slumminlike a little bitch. You mad bros? Yeah u guys are. Keep writing and we all get banned. Then again u guys are morons and don't understand that. Keep being noobs funkmasters. You guys still mad? Yep u are lol
Nah I'm pretty sure that 12 year olds that play minecraft call people noobs. Anyway enough of this sh**.
the madness you are such a sado its actually funny how you think you are superior and how your 'points' make delsin win this fight obviously delsin cant use dlc powers HE HASNT EVEN GOT -.- plus if we are on about beast cole delsin would be toast. he may have cooler powers and stuff but cole has the skill from all his time from fighting conduits and he would have a fairly good knowledge of how he would beat him tbh (:
@The-Madness @godofnick You were both warned ample times. The ban hammer has fallen.
Lol Delsin is good. I don't deny that. He's pretty awesome but Cole is THE BEAST now so I'm sorry Delsin but your not winning this one.
@The-Madness did you even play infamous 2?
I can't believe the madness went so hard for Delsin. Like bro chill, I know Delsin is pretty cool and he's a good fighter but Cole is just stronger in everyway.
wooow. the-madness is pathetic smh hes so mean to people like godofnick @godofnick don't worry man you did so good at debating for cole its obvious hed win just the-madness disagrees with you so he decided to be childish good job man
Delsin easily.
@ztpayne7 He's dead tho... So how would that work
@The-Madness yeh I think you lost ur mind about it. You flipped out. You base all ur **** on this practically mythical dlc that hasn't even been announced yet, let alone what it is an how it changes combat. Cole's only useful dlc was the electrocution and stalker grenades from inFAMOUS 2 and the Gigawatt Blades from inFAMOUS. My question is are we debating Good Karma or Evil Karma versions of these characters or do they have all their powers regardless of Karmic Ranking? And if we are doing Evil Karma, Cole would most definatly win because of the powers of THE BEAST, which, if you've played inFAMOUS 2 you would know, is all the conduit powers combined with the power of Ray Field Energy/Radiation.
@GRIFFEN14 yes but cole also has fire AND ice powers! People always seem to forget that.
@Jaz007 to tell the truth i think delsin would die if he tried to absorb Coles powers. Why u may ask? because cole is the only other (known) conduit to have multiple powers! Aka lighting,ice,and fire (depends on good or bad)
@The-Madness so many people forget that cole has ice-fire powers! Also I'm pretty sure irl there's more places to get electricity than smoke...
@The-Madness but cole won... Coles at like 53 and delsins at like 48...
@PDW I'm pretty sure if cole can blow up a car with electricity he can blow up concrete as well.
@The-Madness alos cole can live through water... He got it splashed on him in the begging of infamous 2
@get2sammyb awwww I was laughing so hard from there argument!
Ok so here are my thoughts on this battle... Lets say for arguments sake that Delsin manages to Drain Cole's Power and for fairness he has drained relay cores that are convienently placed to give delsin a fighting chance... I would give this match to cole as he knows something that delsin doesnt with his power his weakness... Cole could easily knock him into some water ending the fight not to mention none of Delsins other powers can really cause much hurt compared to cole's my vote Cole hands down
Delsin Rowe would not be able to defeat Cole.
Delsin must drain a specific power source to switch powers. If he were to also attempt to drain Cole's powers, he would most possibly be unable to defeat Cole, due to the fact that Delsin needs either time with his powers, or Core Relays to unlock new ones for that specific power.
Delsin is also incapable of switching to another power unless his new ones are developed enough, so that would give Cole an instant win.
@get2sammyb Pretty sad you were ragging on that nick so hard here, the other one was acting like an 11 year old kid the nick guy was defending himself merely and you banned himself. Your weak administration is probably why this website fails and nobody uses it. You push people away. Good job scrub.
@Johnmikel You realise this article is over three years old?
@get2sammyb That was the greatest thing I have ever read on the internet tbh.
@stevie85 Why do people keep replying to this thread lol? What's going on?
Doesnt mean what I’m saying any less true
***** beautiful comment section between 2 guys arguing it was hilarious and yes cole would win
and still no dlc
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