Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is way into virtual reality, having shelled out a whopping $2 billion in cash and assets for the Oculus Rift. However, it’s now emerged that the online entrepreneur also tested out Project Morpheus following its announcement at the Game Developers Conference last month – presumably to check out the competition.
Speaking during a session at the Games Marketing Summit 2014 overnight, PlayStation executive Guy Longworth revealed that the social network maker was really eager to get a demo of the just announced device, prompting the platform holder to ponder why. Of course, all was revealed seven days later, when his firm announced its entry into the space.
"I wish he bought ours," Longworth laughed, pointing to the acquisition, which was recently approved by the Federal Trade Commission. “All of the folks at Oculus have got big smiles on today." However, the executive stressed that recent events haven’t soured Sony on the space at all – in fact, it’s more driven to succeed than ever.
“If you think about VR, not just in terms of gaming, I think wearable technology is a huge trend that's going to continue," he said. "I think that being able to have experiences that are truly deep and immersive...that it somehow makes you feel that you are there...is something that people want. If you could really deliver that in the future, that would be huge."
Alas, software may prove more pivotal than the hardware itself, and according to Tony Key, Ubisoft’s vice president of sales and marketing, that’s the real challenge that both Sony and Oculus VR face. “It's going to be content-driven in the end, whether these things are successful or not,” he stressed. Perhaps it's time for the French publisher to get busy, then, huh?
[source gamespot.com]
Comments 6
2 billion would be huge succes for Sony if it had happen. Heck, i think Sony would be in the black numbers if Facebook bought project morpheus.. Maybe it would have happended if morpheus wasn't playstation only.?
If VR takes off like Facebook is expecting it to, then it will be a major bonus for Sony that Morpheus wasn't sold to them, the profits and growth that this will drive for Sony will be phenomenal and if FB bought oculus for $2 billion before it's even at a final product then think what money sony could make with a polished product going to the huge playstation install base.
@Sanquine from what I gather from their announcement is that its focusing on playstation and gaming first, with plans to expand beyond that in the future. Their statement was vague enough that it could mean they want VR apps on the PlayStation and don't plan on PC drivers, but considering they are bringing playstation now to every device under the sun and playstation mobile exists and the move has an official $99 kit to use on a PC, it's not likely to be PS exclusive at all.
Will Morpheus eventually be enabled to work on a computer?.... How interesting that would change things up...
SONY should sell it to MS for 5 Billion
Facebook is going to mandatory slam their VR gear with advertisements inside their headset while you play, you like advertisements?? while you play? Facebook won't care, that is what bookface is known for, ADS ADS and more Ads.
Facebook is not a gaming industry. Its a spy program and tracker. Phone apps and mini Facebook games are not what you consider real "gaming" by us actual gamers.
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