PS4 Xbox One

As with the PlayStation 3 before it, there’s an accelerating sentiment around the web that the PlayStation 4 lacks games. Despite new releases deploying on a weekly basis, many armchair analysts have opted to criticise the console’s first year – primarily its lack of first-party content. Many argue that Microsoft – with Sunset Overdrive, the Halo: Master Chief Collection, and Forza Horizon 2 – has a better offering this holiday. Unsurprisingly, Sony Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida doesn’t necessarily agree.

“[Our lineup compares] very well – very, very well,” he told when asked to contrast the PS4's offering to the Xbox One. “[There are] games like Destiny coming out, The Last of Us Remastered... it's a new game to play for people who didn't play it on the PS3. One amazing statistic, to me at least, was published by Nielsen a couple of months ago. They researched the PS4, and reported that 17 per cent of PS4 owners had never owned a last-gen [system] – a new consumer who skipped a generation. 32 per cent additionally didn't own a PS3, but owned a 360 or Wii.”

He continued: “Almost 50 per cent of people who have purchased a PS4 didn't own a PS3, and that's lots of people that missed exclusive PS3 titles like The Last of Us, so it's a great way to welcome those people back to PlayStation, saying that this is what you missed." We wonder if that’s a subtle hint that other remakes are on the way, with both God of War: Ascension and Beyond: Two Souls heavily rumoured. Nevertheless, the executive forgot to mention the likes of LittleBigPlanet 3 and DriveClub, both of which are due out later this year on the firm’s next-gen format.

Is that enough to keep your DualShock 4 charged and your expensive console clear of dust, though? Let us know what’s going to be keeping your system hot this holiday in the comments section below.
