PlayStation 4 Hardware Sales

To say that the PlayStation 4 has been a success in its first nine or so months on the market is an understatement: it’s actually hit a figurative homerun. The console has already exceeded sales of 10 million units, making it one of the fastest selling video game machines ever launched. Even more impressively, the system was supply constrained in many regions for a significant spell after release, Japan has pretty much shrugged it aside, and it still lacks that killer cutting edge exclusive that everyone’s calling for.

So, exactly why is the platform so popular again? Sony’s not entirely sure. “It’s just beyond our imagination,” beamed a jubilant Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida in an interview with “We are so happy – but I for one am a bit nervous because we don't completely understand what’s happening.” This is currently what the console maker’s trying to decipher, and it’s invested heavily in market research to try to understand just why its next-gen system is exceeding expectations globally – especially among buyers who didn’t own a previous generation box.

“As soon as we see a great sales number, our instinct tells us that we should be concerned about future sales, right?” mused the executive. “Are we exhausting all of the core gamers? If we sell this number of units, there are no more consumers that we can sell to. That’s a really terrifying prospect. So we want to understand: who are these consumers who we don't necessarily consider core gamers that are purchasing the PS4, and why are they doing it and what are they doing with it?” We suppose that said research will ultimately come in handy with future advertising initiatives, too.

Honestly, we think that it’s a combination of things. From a pure gaming perspective, the format’s arguably the best in its field right now, due to a good mix of titles, strong indie support, and an established first-party backbone nurtured in the previous generation. It’s also very much emerged as the device to own, thanks to a combination of good engineering, pricing, and enthusiastic word of mouth. As for the people buying it as their first system, well, we’re not sure about that one either. Perhaps people just really like streaming in The Playroom?
