Gamescom 2014 is right around the corner, which means that the Push Square team is enjoying one last weekend of freedom before the madness begins. And what better way to unwind than with a spot of gaming respite? As is now tradition, we’ve rounded up a handful of staff writers in order to outline what’s going to be keeping us busy over the coming days. Of course, we want to hear your itinerary in the comments section.
Sammy Barker, Editor
I’ve only gone and caught up – well, almost. It’s been an 18 month endeavour, but I’m two episodes away from being up to date with Telltale’s take on The Walking Dead. I must admit that I absolutely adore Season Two so far. I thought that the first five episodes had some pacing issues – the ‘400 Days’ add-on was great – but I haven’t been able to put down Clem’s adventures yet. I was worried where they’d take the character, but her edgy, older attitude is awesome.
Ben Potter, Video Editor
I'm currently enjoying a fly-infested couple of weeks in France with the family, and as such my PlayStation Vita is receiving a lot of love. First up was Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time. It was free on PlayStation Plus a few months ago, and with cross-save allowing for two Platinum Trophies to be earned in one swoop, how could I say no? Now, I'm playing through the Vita edition of our Game of the Month for April, Child of Light – and man is it pretty. The final item on my holiday gaming agenda is Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc. Apparently it's a little like Persona 4. Kinda. Good enough for me. Au revoir mes amis.
Jamie O’Neill, Retro Editor
Instead of a DualShock 4, I'll be helping my girlfriend's folks by holding wire wool and sanding skirting boards this weekend. Sammy's Trophy Guide was invaluable towards discovering hidden trinkets in The Last of Us Remastered, but I somehow managed to unlock a Trophy for finding all collectibles, and not for all of the artifacts. Consequently, I'll return to Pittsburgh on Sunday night to scoop up one elusive artifact, plus with any other spare time I'll complete Metrico.
Kell Andersen, News Reporter
I have finally picked up The Last of Us Remastered, and am planning to spend my entire weekend ogling its gorgeous vistas. I'll probably also be taking advantage of its purportedly excellent photo mode, and then posting the results on Twitter. As such, if you're foolish enough to be following me, you'll probably want to rectify that in the next few days.
Nicola Hayden, News Reporter
You’ll find me lying in a pool of my own blood this weekend as I continue my quest through Dark Souls II and its DLC for review. The goal is in sight, but it is a gruelling one, with no rest for the wicked. Taking a break from the endless death déjà vu, I will be trying to finish off Tales of Symphonia HD in a wave of panic before Tales of Xillia 2's release in a fortnight. It will be a close battle, but I’m sure that justice and a bucket load of game time will prevail.
Alex Stinton, Reviewer
After putting over 20 hours into Rogue Legacy, I'm going to finally finish my quest this weekend. With only the final boss standing in the way of victory, I can hopefully stop sending members of my increasingly expansive bloodline to their doom in Castle Hamson. When that’s been put to bed, I'll also be dipping back into The Last of Us Remastered, while also considering if I should try and understand what people see in Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends by picking it up in the PlayStation Summer Sale.
Graham Banas, Reviewer
Having finished one of the faction meta games in the multiplayer for The Last of Us Remastered, I think that I want to at least start on the other one. Additionally, I want to play a bit of Road Not Taken. I haven't spent much time with it yet, but I've quite enjoyed it so far. This is all until Tuesday, of course, which will be devoted to watching Gamescom streams and playing Hohokum.
Joey Thurmond, Reviewer
As a rock-hard fan of Supergiant Games' indie masterpiece Bastion, I feel shame in not completing Transistor yet. I've got a few hours in, but I'm seeking to sink in some more this weekend. I'd also love to take Road Not Taken for a test drive since it's one of this month's free PlayStation Plus games. Here's hoping that the roguelike puzzle gameplay is just as appealing as the game's beautiful art style is to look at.
That’s all from us, but what are you playing this weekend? You should know the drill by now, so share your agenda in the comments section below.
Comments 39
Yeah nice to see this article again Sammy. I love reading what others are playing over the weekend and heck sometimes it gives me an idea on what to play .
With that said I will be playing World of Warcraft so close to getting another maxed level character in that game as well as an achievement that I can taste it lol.
On the PS side of things might play a few games of NBA 2K14 with my son, we are both really hooked on that game, I haven't been this hooked on a basketball game since NBA Live 98 on the Playstation, yeah its been awhile.
Also might have a few friends over tonight so that means some couch multiplayer madness with some Mario Kart 8 and NSMBU on the Wii U and some Fist Puncher on the Ouya.
I second @Tasuki. I just came from Pure Xbox commenting on WGIAPTW, great to see it here again and hoping NL picks it up again soon.
Anyway, nothing on Sony's front, unless I open some of my PlatinumGames backlog. I got Shovel Knight so I will be mostly playing that. Seeing Arkham Origins at $20 in the eShop made me regret my lack of HDD. I need to order one real soon.
I'm keeping the dust off my ps3 with a little Okami HD and hopefully some Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Remix if it arrives in the mail today. I remember playing the GBA game but never played any other KH game so I figured I'd catch up on the series before 3 releases (if it ever releases).
@sinalefa I recommend a Western Digital passport hard drive with a dual usb cable (not sure what it's actually called it has two usb and one that goes to the hdd). It takes up very little space and doesn't put out any heat. Also works like a charm.
Thanks for the recommendation. I saw a couple of those at Amazon, one is Ultra and the other is not, both 500GB with the Ultra being $10 more expensive. I think the cable you mean is a Y cable?
Last week I saw Ratchet Trilogy for Vita and I said no way I'll buy and play again and here I'm playing all of them again.
Table Top Racing & Fez.
Edit: And Metrico !
Just some Rogue Legacy on the PS4 and Titanfall on the X1. Bit the bullet and preordered Diablo 3 on the PS4 (the vita remote play in bed swung me over the X1 version) ... Wish that game was here already, I can't wait!
Games with gold and ps plus offerings this month are really not my thing so bit game starved after finishing up TLoU on Friday
Nothing but MLB The Show on PS4 if I play anything. I'm busy watching the NFL preseason games. Glad football is back.
Decided to get back into the first Infamous last night. Having a blast running around the city collecting more blast shards and the few remaining dead drops.
I'm playing the Sly Cooper Collection on Vita. I snagged it new for $4 (after a Dell.com $25 Gift Certificate and 10% Discover cashback). I had an Xbox during this cycle and only owned a PS2 for a short period of time. I have played parts of the game, but I'd call this my first formal introduction. It's one I've wanted to play for a while so I'm glad the port was successful. I'm on the last level of the first game and it's a blast so far. I know many of the mechanics were tweaked in the later two games and I'm looking forward to that as well.
On the PS4 front, I've yet to finish Strider because while I liked Strider, I really liked Muramasa Rebirth and got caught up with that when they were both free on PS+. I'm looking forward to trying the two new release games that are available for PS+ this month. The others I've played (everyone should play Dragon's Crown. Great game. I wish I could wholeheartedly endorse Fez for the amazing game experience it was, but Phil Fish.)
A bit of Last of Us, and Wolfenstien and maybe some fez
Not to go too off topic, but just curious: do you want these articles to be weekly? I've always felt that's a bit overkill to be honest, but happy to come up with something different if enough people are interested.
@get2sammyb - I vote weekly for "What Are You Playing". I always enjoy reading what everyone is playing.
Glad to see you are getting caught up on TWD. Did you finish The Wolf Among Us?
@get2sammyb. I would love to read this weekly. I like these articles a lot.
Back on topic, i'll be continuing Dragons Crown on my Vita. It's the PS+ for NA this month and i am loving it. It is becoming one of my favorite games on the Vita.
This is a really slow news week
I've been playing Unturned on PC with a friend to today, I'll probably play some Uncharted 2, Rune Factory 4, or maybe some Second Son as well today. Tomorrow I'll probably dig beyond my bite of Road not Taken. I think it might be worth playing just for the unique experience, as that alone is very interesting.
@get2sammyb I wouldn't mind, I think it would be easy to ignore if you want to do it bi-weekly, and good if you want weekly. You could also do a poll for it.
@get2sammyb Yes weekly I've been wanting that for the longest.
Nothing. I've never been so disappointed about the vita in my life. =(
I also vote weekly. I love seeing what the editors and the community are into.
I never have any time to do any serious gaming...I need at least 4 straight hours to really get into a game. All I have time for is sporadic rounds of COD Ghosts (double XP weekend), even though I'd really like to play something else. Wah.
@sinalefa yup that's the one! I have a 500gb hooked to my wii u with one of those and it works perfectly. Plus it looks nice sitting on top of it and doesn't require an extra outlet or take up too much space either. You do lose a USB port tho so there's that.
Back on topic: I did get kingdom hearts remix today so I'll be playing that every chance I get.
@get2sammyb weekly would be great!
@get2sammyb I'd like to see this weekly. I enjoy reading what others are playing.
I'll be playing Batman: Arkham Origins.
Ps4 playing last of us most of the time, must quickly finish before Diablo. For vita still atelier meruru but front mission took the main game spot, maybe akiba trip/phantom breaker will take over again next week
@get2sammyb Bi-weekly would be nice.
mario kart 8 online and sonic 1 on Ouya
Far Cry BD is completed, now playing Far Cry 2. MGS Ground Zeroes. MGS HD collection.
Maybe Pokemon Y/X.
@get2sammyb I vote for overkill... Um weekly articles if possible.
@get2sammyb as with most of the others, I'd be happy to see this become a weekly thing
As games go, I'll be switching between TLOU:R and Uncharted Golden Abyss - lots of Naughty Dog goodness this weekend!
@SteveButler2210 not to be a nazi about it but golden abyss was developed by bend not naughty dog.
The last of us remastered is the only game being played by me this weekend I am trying to get through my grounded + play through.
I have died.... a lot!
MLB 14 The Show
@ReigningSemtex ah very good point, still a Naughty Dog IP though, so I was sort of half right haha! Oh god I think I'm definitely a ways off from being able to attempt grounded mode yet..
I would say weekly or biweekly.
Lego Batman 2 is my Vita Playstation Plus fix whilst I'm finally playing Wet and Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction on ps3 (many years late I know!)
PLUS someone has finally lent me Grand Theft Auto Five so my life and spare time can be destroyed ...
I was playing The Amazing Spider-Man (PS3), but my PS3 started acting up again, even though I went thru the trouble of formatting the HDD for 9 hours.
I guess I'm going to put gaming on hold, until I can afford to buy an $80 replacement Blu-Ray Drive for my PS3.
rouge legacy , elder scrolls 3
Dragons Crown (Vita) for me
I love these articles and I definetely would like it to be weekly. I miss these on Nintendo Life and it's great to see what others are playing. I also think that Season 2 of The Walking Dead is great too Sammy, and I think it has a much better pace than season 1 and, for me, it's a lot more tense.
On topic: this weekend I finished Lego City Undercover, played Mario Kart 8 with a friend if mine and finished another dungeon on The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap. On the Sony front, I only played a bit of Final Fantasy X HD on my Vita.
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