Aside from some network hiccups, the PlayStation 4 has pretty much got off to a flawless start. Not everyone’s entirely happy with the content selection right now, but new consoles always take some time to build up a roster of must own software – and it’s not like there’s a complete lack of titles on the next-gen system to play.
And Sony has been rewarded for plotting an almost perfect transition from the PlayStation 3, already selling 10 million of the recently released machines, with more certain to follow over the looming holiday season. However, the manufacturer has admitted that it’s not quite sure why the console is selling so well – but a study from Nielsen may have the answers.
According to the data, a whopping 31 per cent of PS4 owners never owned the Japanese giant’s previous platform, but did have an Xbox 360 or Wii. That means that the firm is inviting new consumers into its ecosystem, which is quite an impressive feat. Moreover, 17 per cent of early adopters are new to the whole console gaming thing, which is hard to believe.
That may be because there’s a slight flaw in the original study, as it asked consumers to list which consoles they currently own, not what they played in the past. This means that anyone who traded in, say, their PS3 for a PS4, would be listed as someone who didn’t own a PS3. That strikes us as a gaping flaw, but there you go.
Nevertheless, that’s unlikely to be the case in all instances, so we suppose that this data does at least indicate that Sony’s been very successful at convincing some consumers to drop their longstanding allegiances. We suppose that having a lower price point and word of mouth on its side certainly hasn’t hurt.
[source recode.net, via gamespot.com]
Comments 30
Good for Sony. This shows how far proper marketing cobmibed with a clear and concise message can go.
I never owned an Xbox products(besides the controller for pc). I'm a Sony/nintendo fan. I just never liked xbox but Nintendo and Sony fan. I can only hope sony tries to combine ps4 and vita to help sell the vita since the ps4 is selling like crazy!!!
I still have and love my Wii U, but I got a PS4 for all the 3rd party games that was skipping Wii U, oh and The Last of Us.
Makes sense, I suppose. Right now, the PS4 is the device to have — it's in fashion, in demand. I know a good few people who have migrated from Xbox to PS4. It must be quite an exciting time for Sony.
Good choice But not to keen on X-xbox Fans joining PSN :-/
I'm a convert, sort of. Always been a multi console owner but up until microsoft's infamous 2013 e3 conference my ps3 was little more than a bluray/netflix player.
Playstation all the way for me. Can't wait for update 2.0 that must have Microsoft worried.
@marksman25 Well yanno Microsoft have system updates monthly so..
Topic: But yeah this is true.
3 of my closest friends all had a 360 last generation and I was one of the few of us that had a ps3. This time around they all have ps4 and only one of my friends has a xbox1, but he also has a ps4. Console gamers want the strongest hardware. Last generation was sort of a toss up, this time around it has been made abundantly clear that the ps4 is the more powerful machine.
Oh no. Now they'll be even more confused with the PS4 sales!
@Carl-G one of the reasons I don't game on the Xbox, (other than my unbridled hatred for anything Microsoft, of course) is because I don't generally like the average Xbox player, and PlayStation has been my sanctuary. We can only hope that a little bit of the PlayStation community will rub off on them, and that their choice to move to the PlayStation means that they are the exception to the generalization.
I know that sounds harsh, and I really don't mean it too, it just feels like when I moved to TMobile to get away from ATT and then a few years later TMobile is on the verge of selling to ATT! (It was blocked, thankfully)
..I had a point here somewhere!
I roll my eyes at these articles,
I am a happy Sony convert this generation. I owned the Xbox and the 360, but the PS4 just seems like the better machine this time around. I would never choose Microsoft or Sony over Nintendo, though. I'm always going to have the latest Nintendo console to go with my other one.
I just wish Microsoft would do away with the Xbox division and focus on Windows again so I can get the best out of gaming on the PC. once they released Xbox consoles, Windows sure took a hell of a dive. They need to get back to Windows.
Sony's done a great job with the PS4 and the sales are showing that as a fact. They have a few small hills to overcome and I'm sure they will within the next year. Sony focusing on gaming as a main priority and the PS4 shows that it's the system to get for gaming.
@Carl-G You're kidding, right?
I never had the ps3 I was a Xbox 360 player! So I have switched sides and I'm Very happy I did!! Sony doing a Great job!!
I've always been with Sony/PlayStation since the beginning. I've never once owned anything Nintendo or Xbox etc.
I plan to change that soon though, I should own both a Xbox 360 and a Wii U by Christmas 2014.
@SanderEvers Greedy lol I have all of those apart from the Wii U but I'll be getting one when Zelda is released next year.
@XFsWorld Yeah but they don't have share play yet and thats what PS4 will have in the 2.0 update and the ability to upload captured game play straight to YouTube. I think that was his point.
I remember I was a Nintendo-only gamer until the Wii U came out. After realizing that the Wii U was never going to get decent third-party support and that the third-party games that it does have simply don't work all that well (every third-party game I've ever played on the system has crashed multiple times on me) I finally said "the hell with this!" I bought a PS3 and never looked back.
The Wii U is great if you just want things with Mario in the title. I do, but I also want other stuff, too. I love my PS3 and will be buying a PS4 next year. Way to push away a life-time loyal customer, Nintendo...
PlayStation fan since I was born. I love my PS4 its probably going to go down as my favorite console ever when its all said and done. I had a Xbone but traded it in because I just don't really like M$'s antics and don't really care for the few exclusives they have anymore which always seems to be Halo, Gears, and Forza over and over. And then some other shooter. I grew out of Nintendo after the GameCube because the Wii was a terrible console IMO. I'm good with my PS4 and will probably build a PC in the future.
@Demi_God lol I agree..
I actually think all these 'Consoles competition is good for gamers' claims are complete BS..
What are people trying to prove by gathering statistics like this and presenting them the way they do? That Sony's already won everyone over? Yeesh. I'm getting tired of this console supremacy. Give me cross-platform multiplayer and games or we're going to be stuck in the quagmire that is the console politics of last-gen.
Sony, NIntendo, Microsoft, EA, Activision, etc. do enough already when it comes to stroking their egos, can we please not do it as well?
I'm pretty happy with PS4. And my Wii U. Those 2 consoles right there make for one heck of a gaming experience.
Still like my 3DS, Vita and X1 but those are definitely in the backseat to PS4 and Wii U. Just couldn't imagine gaming without these 2 consoles.
@kensredemption you know what I have to say? Or rather add on to your hash tag? "#End the console war, True Gamers Unite!"
I'm a convert from the 360, but i did have a Ps1 and 2 before that. For me it was a simple choice of which was the best console technically and hope that the games would come. No question the PS4 is the better console, just still waiting for the games. It would be really nice to have a knockout exclusive AAA to put the final nail in XboxOne coffin. Preferably a fallout or borderlands exclusive!
I know people who migrated to playstation from Xbox...I know people who were playstation but went with the xbox 360 last gen and have came back to Sony this gen. I've been playstation and only that since the PS1....I do own a Wii but I only played on it for a few weeks before I got bored of it.
Core gamers will always go where the stronger hardware resides, regardless of their prior loyalties.
I play both Nintendo and PlayStation, and I currently own/should hopefully have by the end of the year: Wii U, PS4*, Wii, PS3, 3DS, PS Vita and DS; PSP would be on the list but I'm already collecting enough consoles as it is at the moment, not to mention my other expenses and lifestyle pursuits (scuba, anyone?), so that one's in doubt till early next year.
*Only if I'm able to get the Glacier White one in time
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